Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Preventing Hemorrhoids - exercise against disease

Comprehensive prevention of hemorrhoids in men and women should comprehensively cover all the possible causes of the disease. Provoke disease inaccuracies in personal hygiene and nutrition, lifestyle characteristics, poor muscle tone, hereditary factors. With age, to the causes of hemorrhoids, joins weakening of muscles of the anal canal. Prevention of hemorrhoids is aimed at normalization of the venous outflow, preventing constipation and diarrhea.

The basis for the prevention of a healthy person are sports. However, with hemorrhoids to active employment should be approached with caution, observe reasonable limits.
Contraindications for hemorrhoids

Not recommended:

     and lift weights at the gym and at home;
     perform exercises with breath during exercise is not only large, but also with small scales;
     do exercises that improve the intra-abdominal pressure: weight squat, deadlift;
     ride a bike, rowing, horse riding.

Personal hygiene

     After each bowel movement, it is recommended to wash the anus with cool water;
     should daily during exacerbation of the disease irrigate anus with water at room temperature;
     carry water treatment, take warm baths sit in acute pain.

To move up through the veins of the lower limbs venous need assistance skeletal muscle, namely reductions "squeeze" blood toward the heart. If the muscles are relaxed, the blood does not rise, stagnates in the veins. The walls of the vessels are stretched, forming varicose veins. Overcrowded blood vessels dilated hemorrhoidal plexus of the rectum become inflamed, leading to the formation or aggravate hemorrhoids.

In order not to provoke aggravation, recommended moderate exercise, because exercise of hemorrhoids - the best way to avoid illness. It is important to move a lot every day. You can not sit for more than 6 hours a day with no traffic, you need to be interrupted for a few minutes every hour. If this is not possible, the number of useful exercises you can perform in the workplace imperceptibly. During exercise is necessary to breathe correctly: effort should fall on exhalation, you can not hold your breath for breath.
Complex simple exercises at work

     Whenever possible, elevate the legs for 3-4 minutes;
     sitting on a chair, straighten your legs to lift off the floor, rotate the feet;
     perform the reduction of the anal sphincter - the maximum draw in the anus and let go.

To prevention of hemorrhoids in women include the correct diet and physical activity during pregnancy.
Complex for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids often occur in women during the second half of pregnancy and after delivery. This disease impairs the overall health of women, adversely affects the course of labor. The exercises are aimed at improving the tone of the pelvic floor muscles to avoid the formation of nodules and hemorrhoidal prolapse of the uterus. Need to engage in fasting.

Lying on your back, put a pillow under the waist. Legs bent at the knees, stretch the muscles of the perineum for 10-15 seconds and repeat 30 times.

  Lying on his back, focus on the muscles of the vagina, try to stretch them, hold the voltage up, hold the position for 15 seconds and relax. Repeat 5-10 times on state of health.
     Quickly compress the muscles of the vagina and anal sphincter alternately.
     Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Put a chair in front of him, turning his back to her. Squat on state of health to the horizontal position thighs.
     Lying on his back, legs slightly extended forward, bending at the knees, feet together, knees to relax, to let them freely stretch the muscles under its own gravity. Lie in this position by being.

There are a number of effective methods of exercise to prevent hemorrhoids. The main condition for the effectiveness of training - regularly.
Types of exercise for the prevention of hemorrhoids

Aerobic cardio train the cardiovascular system, improve circulation, eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs. It is recommended to alternate the exercises:

     active walking;
     Nordic walking;

If a person starts to training after a long break, the occupation can make a 5-10 minute

Inverted yoga postures

Exercises promote the outflow of venous blood, relieve pain symptom, serve as disease prevention.

     Dog muzzle down - a support for the feet and hands, pull on the outstretched arms and legs, trying to bring the chest to the feet.
     Birch - lying on his back, raise your legs vertically, hold their hands, bent at the elbows.
     Plow - from exercise Birch lower legs neatly behind your head, hands on the floor along the trunk.

Improving intestinal motility

All exercises are designed to prevent constipation, performed on an empty stomach in the morning after using the toilet.

     Lying on your back, knees bent. Twist the pelvis, fixing the position of the feet. Perform 10-20.
     Standing, bend forward, stretch your hands in her lap. Exhale, draw the belly, trying as hard as possible to pull it back, then do not exhale, let go of the stomach. Alternate movement, drawing in and bulging belly. Exercise taken from yoga, run every morning fasting strictly, start with 5-10.

Hemorrhoids can be prevented by working on improving flexibility and muscle tone, constantly engaging in sport, driving, but avoiding the stress associated with excessive exercise.


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