Friday, December 5, 2014

How to remove the plug from the ear sulfuric home

Any person may be a problem such as ear plugs, the treatment is quite possible to carry out at home, without the services of specialists. Exactly how to treat, and I want to tell you, based on your own unpleasant experience.

I note that I regularly spend my ears hygiene, clean out of these sulfur. Then one day, as a result of a cotton swab, I felt that was the worse hearing, with both ears! I panicked and was about to gallop rush to the hospital, as I calmed my mother. Carefully inspect my ears, she returned a verdict: ears formed cerumen. We all know what could lead a hike to the hospital: it is standing in line, and running around from office to office, and endless writings. So when my mother suggested I try folk remedies, I gladly accepted, the benefit of the experience she lacked.

If sulfur clusters are relatively small, they can be removed using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The main thing that the skin ears there was any disease or damage. Literally drip a few drops in each ear, and within 15 minutes of performing cleaning of the resulting foam. 3-4 days with half the procedure - and your ears again in order, however, as the hearing. For drying the auditory canal is recommended to warm the ears lamp. Onion juice - another good remedy for ear plugs. Method of application it is similar to hydrogen peroxide.

These recipes I told my mother, but how to get the ear plug, if it is quite large, and hearing at the moment is almost completely gone? There is no time and opportunity to wait a few days. So in my case was applied lavage. This method is most effective, however, it is not available to everyone: the procedure requires special skills. Immediately before washing instilled into the ear few drops - this facilitates extraction. Then the patient should lie a few minutes on one side. The person who will perform the washing, meanwhile, is preparing a 20 ml syringe with warm water. Naturally, the needle is not needed here. Ear washed by water jet direction of the syringe into the ear, and the wall of the auditory meatus as shown. As the collection of water should be substituted small lotochek or bowl, it is here and will be unfortunate cork. And for a complete washout is recommended to wash several times.

After this treatment, I felt relieved immediately: immediately return a hearing, feeling of fullness passed, and I was able to enjoy life again and to start daily activities. Now, however, I became even more careful to take care of their ears.

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