Friday, May 30, 2014

Why do I get prostate disease?

  Hello! I would not without confirming the facts to assert that this or that man is infected prostatitis due to promiscuity.

  You should know that the majority of modern scholars share prostatitis for infectious and noninfectious (stagnant). With infectious disease is caused by lesions in the prostate tissue getting germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. This is called bacterial prostatitis or infectious. 

  Among the causes of infectious prostatitis large place occupied by streptococci and staphylococci, living in various organs perfectly healthy human body and cause inflammation only at reducing the body's defenses. In addition, almost a third of cases of chronic prostatitis detect chlamydia and gardnerelly - microorganisms belonging to the opportunistic, usually do not cause inflammation and are activated only by a decrease in immunity.
 Almost 15% of patients with chronic prostatitis in the prostate secretion are viruses, but so far it is not clear whether they are the cause of disease or join later, against a background of current inflammation. At the same time marked by clear link viral prostatitis with influenza epidemics. 
  Small part due to the activity of prostate herpes virus. Gonococcal prostatitis diagnosed in 5-19 % of patients almost always as result of gonococcal urethritis ( inflammation of the urethra ) . Trichomonas prostatitis detected in 17-30 % of patients as against the specific urethritis .
Young men often observed upward path of infection - after suffering the specific nature of urethritis (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis ) or mixed infections (gonorrhea or trichomoniasis in conjunction with strep or staph) . Patients with prostatitis middle age and older infection often occurs by downward due to age difficulties outflow of urine from the bladder.  In some men, particularly weakened and wrong held after antibiotic therapy may be a fungal prostatitis often occurs with severe complications .  Noninfectious , or stagnant , prostatitis develops without the participation of infectious factors in the early stages of the disease.  Stagnation of blood in the prostate can be caused by two factors - changes in rhythm of sexual activity or violation of the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs. Stagnation at the wrong rhythm head life boils down to this : if a man ejaculation occurs less frequently than dictated by its physical characteristics , age and temperament , the sperm and prostatic fluid , zastaivayas cause stretching the relevant departments of the reproductive system and prostate , which causes difficulty of outflow of blood from the body .  At the same time, frequent sexual arousal without ejaculation and subsequent relaxation leads to a more or less prolonged tide and stagnation of blood in the genital organs , including the prostate. Regular repetition of such episodes can eventually cause pathological changes in the prostate.  In addition, blood stagnation in the prostate occurs with colds when body tries to protect itself from cooling by maintaining a warm blood .  In this stagnation observed in different groups of men - as those whose work is related to the stay in the open space ( installers, janitors , sportsmen, tourists ) and motorists spending time at his favorite on the bare ground (and even if it going on a summer day !) , as well as men , in cold weather, donning hipsters and jacket above the waist .  Prostate arises due to the introduction of infection , most often from the urethra when inflammation , particularly gonorrhea , urethritis , at least - as complication of common infections ( sore throat , influenza, tuberculosis). Predisposing factors - local hypothermia, especially sitting on the wet ground , sexual disorders - sexual excesses , sedentary lifestyle.  As you can see , the reasons why a man suffers from prostate disease , there may be many . Need to find out the true cause , together with physicians in each case.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

How to clean the ears from earwax at home?

Do not listen to anyone who says that the ears should be cleaned frequently and deeply. It is not, there is no need to wash them every day. If you have healthy ears , the cleansing process will occur naturally . This happens for example through the motions temporomandibular joint, as well as during coughing , yawning , chewing and vibration when speaking.
Cleaned regularly need only the ear , without delving into the ear canal . Sulphur is not formed in the depths of the passage , and in membranous - cartilaginous part of that near the exit of the ear. Therefore, it is not necessary to wash too deep, but only outside itself sink.
And in general - cerumen - is not dirt , but quite natural secretion of the body. If you constantly push the sulfur in the ear , it is , instead , to go outside , will build up inside , near the eardrum will arise cork. And then to have to see a doctor .
Therefore it is better every couple of days to wash your ears out, as well , how you can get your finger inside with soap and water . For this purpose , it is better if it is not a long finger nail - it must be inserted into the ear , gently and slowly turn and move a couple of times from side to side , and then wipe the ear with a towel.
Ears can help to get rid of sulfur , making regular massage ears. To do this, a little sip ears and move them in different directions.
If you still require more thorough cleaning of the inside of the ear , you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide , as others have said people in their responses . In order to prepare a solution , need to take three percent hydrogen peroxide, is poured into a couple of drops of water teaspoonful and pipetted pair droplets drip into both ears . After this, we press his ears for a few seconds , and then they were washed with water. Such cleaning can be done a few times a month , no more . Should not be abused .

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Treatment of burns at home.

Do not:run if clothing caught fire ;touch the burnt area of ​​skin , lubricate it with ointments , grease , sprinklesoda ;open blisters , remove adhering to the wound mastic and other resinous substance;tearing clothes and shoes ( must be cut and carefully removed). If charred cloth stuck to the skin, then on top of it should apply a sterile bandage.
Needed:degree burns when I - drench the affected area with cold water for at least 10 minutes, then apply a sterile bandage
with severe and extensive burns victim wrapped in a clean sheet , warmer shelter , give 1-2 tablets dipyrone , excessive salt or drinking warm tea (if not vomiting );
at a chemical burn if hazardous substance enters the skin through the clothing , first wash it with water and tissue , and then carefully cut and remove the person wet things . Wash the wound with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes . Try to waste liquid from getting to other parts of the body ;
If the acid or alkali in the solid must be removed with a dry cotton wool and then rinse well with water . Completely rinse harmful substances usually can not therefore necessary to treat burn zone neutralizing solutions : the fault acid - 1 tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water ; alkali - 1 tsp. boric acid in a glass of water. Then dry the affected area and apply a sterile dressing on it .If the acid or alkali is swallowed , it is necessary to seek medical advice immediately . Do not induce vomiting : the return movement of the esophagus liquid again traumatize mucosa .Victim to drink no more than 3 cups of water , thus diluting harmful substances and weakening their irritant. Helps the milk , egg whites (12 pieces per 1 liter of water) .
Burns are :
thermal ( fire , steam, hot metal objects );
electrical ( current 1 000 V and above);
chemical ( acids and alkalis ) .
Degree burns:
- Redness and swelling of the skin ;- Water bubbles ;- Necrosis of the superficial and deep layers of the skin ;- Charring of the skin, muscle damageMaxim Yakutik , head of surgical department of the 35th Minsk gorpolikliniki / Source: "Health issues ", № 9 , 25 November 2011.
If the burn is minor , you can cure him perfectly at home. Come to the aid of folk remedies .Ointment for burns.
Egg white , sea buckthorn oil and sealer (all in equal parts ) were mixed and lubricated with problem areas . Applied cloth tape up . Change the bandage every day. Within three days, the skin heals without scarring. Sea buckthorn oil and sealer can cook yourself. Mix 1 tablespoon fresh flowers and hypericum 100 ml olive oil hot and insist in a dark glass container for three days , do not forget to shake . Sea buckthorn is prepared a little differently. 1 tablespoon pure juice squeezed from berries, mixed with 100 ml of hot olive oil , insist 3-5 days in a dark glass container , shaking occasionally ." Starch " ointment
Properly whip 200 g of fresh butter, 300 g of potato starch, 1 vial ( 1 million units) penicillin and 1 g anastezina . I prepared the ointment at the drugstore , but you can make it on their own. Apply the remedy on the gauze in two layers , and attach to the place burn. After 30-40 minutes , when the ointment is absorbed and dries, change the bandage. Helps cool : relieves pain quickly goes healing and skin leaves no marks .The mixture burns in a residential
Mix in equal proportions boiled yolk and butter and apply to the burned area .Recipes from burns
For washing the skin area of the patient use a decoction of oak bark , with the same means do lotions .Fresh leaves of burdock grind and get mush are applying to the place burn.Another well help compresses grated carrotsHeals burns and plantain , fresh leaves and pound you want to attach to the problem areas . Only need to collect plantain away from the beaten track and various chemical companies .Excellent remedy for burns is aloe ( Aloe ) .Cowslip (grows near streams ) has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties . If you get burned shredded fresh leaves marigold brew a small amount of boiling water , cool , wrap in several layers of cheesecloth and are applying the resulting pad to the sore spot .For faster healing of burn dressings do with fresh cabbage leaves . Shred leaves , combine with egg whites and causes the mixture onto problem areas.Another use for the treatment of burns hazelnuts . Grind nuts , add egg white ( excellent remedy for burns) and lubricate it means sore spots.And also help the oil burns, which can be done at home . Here are their recipes .• Gather buds of aspen , dry ( not in the sun ) , grind almost to a fine powder and rub with vegetable oil or butter.Aspen buds have wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect .• 2 tbsp. tablespoons herb St. John's wort pour a glass of vegetable oil , infuse 14 days , shaking daily .• Take 2 parts of tincture of calendula and 4 parts of vaseline , mix thoroughly , apply for burns .How to deal with burns
If the burn is small , it will help cope sauerkraut and pickle. Should be applied on the affected area with a bandage brine sauerkraut . Do not forget to change it 3-4 times a dayIf burning from the brine is very strong, fluid can be diluted with water to slightly reduce the concentration.Throat burns can heal using olive oil or raw egg protein . Both folk healers recommend drinking .Old " rustic " method .Immediately after the burn injury , should be wet with cold boiled water and cover it with baking soda . Soda will relieve pain and promote healing .Oak bark anciently considered an excellent remedy for healing wounds. Burns also treated with ointment from oak bark . To prepare it , you need to take a concentrated decoction of oak bark (1 part ) and butter or petroleum jelly ( 4 pieces ) .Egg oil is also very conducive to healing of burns . Cook it easily at home . To do this, take the eggs and boil them boiled ( cook need 40 minutes) , remove the yolks and crush them in a frying pan . Then , without adding oil , start to heat the pan on low heat. Warming need 40 minutes , stirring constantly yolks. As a result of all these manipulations , you can squeeze out the yolks oil, and you need to lubricate the affected places .Some herbalists recommend to grease burns beaten egg . Especially good is the tool will help when it comes to sunburns .Good effect and provides attachment to the place of burning shredded carrots.Vitamin E helps with burns
The treatment of burns is recommended to take vitamin E ( the dose prescribed by a doctor ) . And when the skin is slightly dry up , you can use the ointment with vitamin E , causing it to burned skin . Ointment can be prepared individually by mixing in the palm of the contents of one capsule or tablet of vitamin E pounded with a small amount of petroleum jelly , and then apply to the affected area . Keep this salve is impossible.Funds from burns
For the treatment of minor burns , or their consequences lubricate the affected areas of the skin on the body foam whipped chicken protein. This treatment does not leave scars on the body. Even if extensive burns , healing is fast and good.
• From burns 50 g minced fresh celandine pour 0.5 liters of sunflower oil , infuse 10 days , drain. Lubricate sore spots 3 times a day .• If the burns on the body were red stains , mix 1 tablespoon Chamomile , calendula and St. John's wort , pour 1 liter of boiling water for 30 minutes. Warm broth to grease spots as often as possible .• For small burns helps applying any fresh plantain leaves . Periodically change them as it dries .• For the treatment of burns helps beef bile . If you just grease it burn, there will be no redness , no pain .• For small burns lubricate the burned area immediately with honey. First, a little painful, but the pain passes quickly , and bubbles are formed.• From the following tool helps burns . Mark 10-12 egg yolks and put them on the hot pan . Fry them up until they turn black . Then throw burned yolks and collect the resulting slush . So, this is a useful remedy . It turns out it just 50 grams , which merge into a jar , and that means to smear burns. Yes it burns ! Even the sores heal.• From gadgets to help burns from urine . Burns heal quickly , they are not a trace remains .• If the burn blisters formed on the skin , and there is no damage to the skin , this cream will help : 1 tbsp . tablespoon vegetable oil 2 tbsp. sour cream , fresh yolk. All mix and burn lubricated once a day under the bandage .• When sunburn can make a compress to the affected area of the tincture of calendula . To compress dilute tincture of calendula in cold water in a ratio of 1:10 .Old recipes treat burns
1 means - ointment . Ointment need quicklime . To extinguish it , pour a handful of lime water for two or three fingers above the content , put on fire , bring to a boil . Then give good stand . Slotted spoon carefully remove the crust formed on the surface . Water strain through a cloth or gauze. Mix 0,5 st . lime water obtained with the same quantity of vegetable oil and raw chicken egg . Store in the refrigerator in a bottle , it was convenient to shake until smooth as milk, liquid. Lubricate the mixture burns. If the surface has bubbles , it is not necessary to open - should heal themselves .A can be treated by other means burns , wounds, bedsores . 2 tablespoons chopped dried or fresh leaves of walnut ( it is important that they were collected until July 10 ) add 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oils . For two or three weeks in a warm place , in the summer sun can be . Then stand in a boiling water bath for three hours to cool , strain. Oil again heated in a water bath , add 50-60 grams of beeswax . When melted, remove from heat and prevent a wooden stick to cool until a homogeneous mass .Wax can put less - it will be easier to apply ointment on the sore spots. Bandage is not necessary.Effective remedies for burns
• In the treatment of burns, use onion mush .• Average bind to burn the place grated raw potatoes , carrots, or beets .• If you do not have at hand the pharmacy streptocidal streptotsida ointment or powder you sprinkle the wound burn the place , you can sprinkle the burn soda , moistened with a little cold water.• To place a burn can be applied sauerkraut , changing it as often as possible .• Great way to lubricate the burn - honey.• Apply to the place of burning canvas cloth moistened with vinegar .

Strengthen nails at home: folk remedies

Every day we use a lot of chemistry in everyday life. For example, detergent for dishes, folk sredstvamiporoshok Strengthen nails cleaning tubs and tile , etc. It is worth considering how this all affects our skin of the hands ? Primarily affects our nails . Early signs are not healthy nails - a process of social fragility and brittleness .
Strengthen nails at home is beneficial and less costly . There are many recipes including folk who tested and effective. The first thing is to do prevention. Of course , ideally, if the hands are in contact with detergents . Before you start cleaning the house , spread your hand cream , and wear gloves , not in vain because all the girls in Europe clean gloves. Strengthen nails at home
However, this is not the end . To strengthen your nails need vitamins and minerals , so it is worth to spend on drink calcium combined with vitamin D and add to your daily nutrition fish with red meat , which is iron , almonds , dairy products, dates, figs , carrot juice - vitamin A, and of course well worth replenish iodine in the body, this will help us to spinach. Another good option - it's for a month to take 5 grams daily medical gelatin.
In the course of treatment also includes nourishing oils to strengthen your nails and cuticle treatment cream . Oil required for circuit nail and cuticle cream is applied to the base of the nail plate . Need to apply in a circular motion . If this procedure, you will be on hand orange stick , then by all means use it for moving away the cuticle , it will allow your nogotochki "breathe".
Faster growth of the nails help liposomes, as well as the nutrients that contribute to the appearance , in the growth zone , regeneration of cells . Also contained in creams gray amino keratin protein and vitamin C , that improve the percentage vs. non advantaged environmental influences.Procedures strengthen nails at home: folk remedies
Many procedures can be used folk remedies to strengthen nails , which can be easily done at home. Firming example , making packs which consist of 70 g of water, 5 alum 25 g glycerol.
Also , it is possible in one week or twice applied olive oil, while adding to it a pair of lemon juice droplets . It is desirable to carry out this procedure , before bedtime, and for best effect wear cotton gloves.
Regular massaging lemon , cranberry or currant juice , shows excellent results .
Regular massage treatments to help your nails buy firmness and elasticity . Massage is performed with a soft brush , soaped baby soap or glycerin. This facilitates the easy peeling , which exfoliates dead skin cells and prevents the formation of cracks .
Massage with bath with sea salt, containing no aromatic additives - will be most useful for nails , as salt contains minerals and iodine. These massages must occur at least three times a week .
There are also treatment - paraffin . This procedure can be made ​​in expensive salons and at home . It helps strengthen nails and also has nutritional minerals. The procedure improves blood circulation hands and fingers , the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cuticle.Strengthen nails , procedure - " sealing "
Another useful procedure - " sealing ." This procedure consists of applying layers of preparations which contain nutritious proteins , vitamins and minerals , the procedure helps the nail plate does not flake , stimulates growth, and strengthens nails . Passes it in stages - first nail polished , then applied and rubbed the cream , then butter - that will give your nails glossy effect . However, as a rule, this procedure is carried out in the offices of cosmetic .
Remember that firming folk remedies at home depends not only on procedures and bathtub, and on how you are doing manicures. A greater percentage of people are cut off and then rudely cut away metal nail file nails . For cutting of the nail is better to use nail files with Teflon coating . Also , tidy nails should be only once a week , and even better twice.
Choosing a nail polish remover , acetone should abandon ! You do not forget that the rest of the nails should nail approximately every 2 days , after five days of coverage , and get oxygen ! Best used medical varnish which will provide protection from the environment , and strengthen the nail plate .
If you want to make a decorative manicure , use varnish treatment as nutritional foundation , putting it under the bed of conventional varnish. Lucky with calcium and fruit acids are very useful in strengthening brittle nails and prevents stratification .

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Treatment of warts at home

Treatment of warts at home

Good day , dear reader of the blog "Recipes of traditional medicine "! Today I want to talk about how to treat warts at home . As is well known , warts essentially harmless, but sometimes cause a person some inconveniences. They represent a small benign tumor of the skin surface in the form of excrescences , having an irregular shape .Warts - Symptoms of the disease
● The appearance of the face, limbs and other body parts of one or more rough tumors ( growths ) .
● Redness of the skin in several places.
● For warts sometimes characterized by itching.Causes and mechanism of warts
● Benign tumors - warts - caused by one of the most common viruses in the world - the human papilloma virus . The virus penetrates into the thickness of the skin and mucous membranes, multiplies there , forming warts, HPV and genital warts .
● In most cases warts appear in the places most prone to injury: the fingers , knees, elbows . As for papillomas, they are localized in the abdomen and neck. It should be noted that the human papilloma virus - the source of warts, papillomas and warts - affects primarily people with weakened immune systems .
● Medical Sciences identified more than five types of viruses that cause the classic flat warts , flat warts and Molluscum contagiozum. Due to the fact that the virus enters the skin through minor traumatic injuries ( cuts, bruises , scratches and other violations of the integrity of the skin ) , it is promoted by moisture feet, combing hair , skin mycosis . The probability of infection increases stress and overwork.

Treatment of warts at home - conservative therapy
● As noted above , most often develop warts in people with weakened immune systems , so the treatment of warts at home should start with restoring immune system function.
● Usually outpatient attending physician prescribes specific drugs that stimulate the production of interferon own , and both drugs genetically engineered interferon : viferon , kipferon , genferon . Currently, pharmacies can purchase a very effective tool - panavir which is interferon inducer and is available in candlelight.
● In addition to the above, note that it is not necessarily immediately resort to a highly potent drug immunomodulators . You can improve the diet, including in itself as much greenery - the main sources of vitamin and mineral trace elements : parsley , leaves and roots of celery, dill . It is very useful in such cases on the basis of tea fennel seed .
● Good effect can be obtained from the regular use of squash , pumpkins, squash , zucchini .Treatment of warts at home - recipes of traditional medicine
● Mix and pre-chopped , one glass of seedless raisins , dried apricots , walnuts and two medium lemon peel . Pour the resulting mixture 1.5 cups of flower honey and take art. spoon half an hour before meals three times a day . Tool will help you to raise immunity.
● Take small onion , cut into thin platelets and pour vinegar or six devyatiprotsentnym . Leave for two hours , after which the infusion is ready . Take out of the present one plate and apply to the wart , fasten it with a plaster . During the day should be done three such procedures , replacing the plate.
● Cure wart can be putting her on the night a piece of gauze soaked in freshly squeezed juice of the flowers of calendula , secure compress bactericidal plaster .
● Soak the wart every day several times strained infusion of wormwood : pour a glass of boiling water three tablespoons of dried herbs , cover with a lid and leave for two hours.
● Apply to warts once or twice a day pharmacy alcohol tincture of propolis celandine or until complete healing .
● For the treatment of more resistant warts covered horny layer ( plantar warts ) , the following recipes :
- Applied to problem areas one go twice a day, Tea Tree essential oil ;
- Applied twice daily alcohol tincture western arborvitae ;
- Use drugs aerial parts of full-time color field ;
- Applied directly to the wart fresh grass juice sundew ;
- Twice a day to lubricate sore spots watercress juice dosage ;
- Lubricate the wart once or twice a day horse sweat ;
- Apply to warts mixture taken in equal proportions of onion and salt ( mixture of ingredients mix well ! )
- Apply to the sore spot a handful of green marigold ( Calendula officinalis ) , securing it with a band-aid ;
- Lubricate 2-3 times a day of fresh juice of figs ;
- You can easily cure your wart , annexing baked garlic clove ;
- Make finely posechennye fresh ash leaves ;
- Lubricate the dandelion juice ;
- Rub the wart in the mornings and evenings castor oil ;
- Wet fresh cabbage juice ;
- Wet wart several times daily then polish with ammonia .
● In the old sorcerers and healers in the villages of Russia withdrawn warts in the following ways :
- Imposed a crushed mass ashberries ;
- Applied to the wart in the early growth of egg protein ;
- Prepared ointment: mixed with butter or Vaseline 100 grams of dry grass stonecrop in a ratio of 1 part to 4 parts raw oil; Incidentally, this solution was used not only for getting rid of warts , but also the treatment of ulcers , festering wounds and blisters.
● 4-5 times a day wart juice lubricate the following herbs :
- Dandelion ;
- Mixtures of juices : 15 g milkweed juice and juice stonecrop 20 g ;
- Mixtures of juices : 15 g and 15 g of a succession of yarrow ;
- In combination with celandine juice sundew .
● In the villages of pre-revolutionary Russia for removing warts prikoadyvali :
- A piece of apple ;
- Grated potatoes;
- Grated garlic ;
- Baked onions .

Thrombosis. Treatment of vascular thrombosis folk remedies

Thrombosis . Treatment of vascular thrombosis folk remedies

Among the most common disease is thrombosis - blood clots that impede its movement in the human body . Physiology thrombosis took an important protective role - even the slightest injury to the body bled without its saving ability to seal a "hole " due to clotting . Hello, dear visitors , readers and friends health blog "Recipes of traditional medicine "!Thrombosis - the mechanism of disease development
● However, the property platelet aggregation can occur without violating the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. This occurs when the narrowing , inflammation or deformation of blood vessels and damaged its walls due to the effects of surgery , medication with side effects ; malnutrition . Number glued lumps growing , threatening to completely block blood flow . Often a blood clot attached to atherosclerotic plaque cholesterol " conductor ", contributing to the development of atherothrombosis .
● thrombus attached to the wall of the blood vessel , may at any time break and hit the road for an extensive circulatory system of the body . If the " tramp " stuck in the coronary arteries of the heart, myocardial infarction, or come ischemia ; if the " renegade " partially or completely block the channel in the vein will be gangrenous limb or thrombophlebitis . When a blood clot gets into the pulmonary artery , the patient developed severe chest pain , shortness of breath , he plummets blood pressure, heartbeat quickens . Such a patient is in need of urgent hospitalization .Thrombosis - the causes of disease
● The main cause of vascular thrombosis - blood clotting . Unfortunately, not always the result of a clinical blood test can clarify the picture pathology. Blood viscosity increases if high platelet count (normal 200-400 thousand per microliter ) . Affects the rate of bleeding and the number of red blood cells (RBCs ) , the rate of which is 4.5-5 million per liter . Reliable indicator of blood viscosity is fast (right at the tip ) when taking its clotting of veins.
● More recently, in medical terminology , a new disturbing concept - hypercoagulable syndrome ( this is predtromboz ) . In a laboratory study, it is about a blood clot is ready to transform into a more dense clump and form a " plug ." A patient with this blood at the birth of thrombosis there is a feeling as if served leg, he thirst, dry mouth, heaviness in the head .Thrombosis - conservative therapy
● Doctors are official medicine treatment of thrombosis in three areas - education obstacle plugs , dissolution and form a seal to prevent the emergence of new ones. Usually to reduce blood clotting attending physician assigns anticoagulants or blood thinners , which include heparin and most popular today - warfarin.
● Dr. warfarin dosage gradually picks up and individually tailored to the special international test INR (international normalized ratio ) . In the blood analysis is correct indicators INR values ​​at 2-2.5 ( the elderly - 1.7-1.9 ) . It should be borne in mind that does not fit well with warfarin aspirin - traditional blood thinners . For long-term decline of other clotting drugs in the aspirin group and apply kardiomagnil tromboASS . There are antiplatelet agents : iloprost , Trental , Plavix ( clopidogrel ) , Ticlid , chimes and agrenoks ( aspirin Curantylum ) .
● If the doctor becomes clear after ultrasound data that clot can break away, vein over it sewn or tied up , in the form of " umbrella" set barrier clot and thus misses some of the blood . Modern technology allows you to use a method of removing a potential malotravmaticheskih thrombus - the so-called trap cava filter . Through a small incision in the affected area of ​​the lower genital vein is a simple device for the special catheter. After that, like net, cava filter catches the separated blood clot , preventing pulmonary embolism.

● Our ancestors have long struggled with cardiovascular ailments , ancient recipes of traditional medicine have survived . Let's start with the basics . Enough each day to eat 2-3 cloves garlic, to thinner cholesterol plaques in the aorta and dissolved protein fibrin , which is the basis for the construction of a thrombus . With regular consumption of garlic , it can replace the best medicines blood thinners . That just can not be combined with the admission of the above warfarin.
● Strong enough means to reduce blood clotting considered buckeye . The official medicine is recommended for this purpose use ready pharmacy drugs - vazostazin , venostazin , eskuzan , esflazid . At home, patients prefer to take pharmacy chestnut tincture , diluting its 30-40 drops in half a cup of boiled water , in three steps before a meal .
● Our grandmothers could cook at one time instead of the present Aescusan tincture of horse chestnut (per liter of vodka 100 grams of fruit , insisting in a dark place for three weeks ) . Yet they did water infusion , zaparivaya two tablespoons of walnut leaves cup of boiling water . Incubated one hour then took five times a day on a spoon diner. Tincture and infusion successfully used for rubbing .
● The ointment was prepared by mixing nuts with butter or goose fat ( 1:2 ), and keeping in the oven.
● reception was also popular during the month of two glasses of therapeutic chestnut kvass ( 2-2.5 liters of boiled water - 20-25 nuts, glass of cream and sugar). The drink will be ready in two weeks of fermentation in a warm dark place .
● From time immemorial to the present day improves the quality of blood viburnum berries , sea buckthorn, blueberry , cranberry, irgi .
● The natural blood thinners include the following herbs : coltsfoot , meadowsweet , astragalus , comfrey , raspberry leaves , etc. In the example melilot brew tablespoon of raw half a liter of boiling water and give cool. Infusion thins the blood and strengthens blood vessels, it should take half a cup three times a day .
● Improve the bloodstream such herbs : birch buds , leaves and inflorescences lime, licorice , hawthorn , fennel, Potentilla , valerian , dog rose, Sophora japonica .
● Boil two cups of boiling water two tablespoons of the mixture leaves of cherry, raspberry and black currant ( taken in equal proportions ), and in 40 minutes , drink with honey.
● Drink ginger tea . Soak 20 minutes under the lid piece grated white roots, poured a glass of boiling water , cool and add honey and lemon . You can even cinnamon .
● Within one hour brewed cup of boiling water 20 g of red clover blossoms and drink half a cup three times a day .