Thursday, May 29, 2014

How to clean the ears from earwax at home?

Do not listen to anyone who says that the ears should be cleaned frequently and deeply. It is not, there is no need to wash them every day. If you have healthy ears , the cleansing process will occur naturally . This happens for example through the motions temporomandibular joint, as well as during coughing , yawning , chewing and vibration when speaking.
Cleaned regularly need only the ear , without delving into the ear canal . Sulphur is not formed in the depths of the passage , and in membranous - cartilaginous part of that near the exit of the ear. Therefore, it is not necessary to wash too deep, but only outside itself sink.
And in general - cerumen - is not dirt , but quite natural secretion of the body. If you constantly push the sulfur in the ear , it is , instead , to go outside , will build up inside , near the eardrum will arise cork. And then to have to see a doctor .
Therefore it is better every couple of days to wash your ears out, as well , how you can get your finger inside with soap and water . For this purpose , it is better if it is not a long finger nail - it must be inserted into the ear , gently and slowly turn and move a couple of times from side to side , and then wipe the ear with a towel.
Ears can help to get rid of sulfur , making regular massage ears. To do this, a little sip ears and move them in different directions.
If you still require more thorough cleaning of the inside of the ear , you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide , as others have said people in their responses . In order to prepare a solution , need to take three percent hydrogen peroxide, is poured into a couple of drops of water teaspoonful and pipetted pair droplets drip into both ears . After this, we press his ears for a few seconds , and then they were washed with water. Such cleaning can be done a few times a month , no more . Should not be abused .

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