Saturday, May 17, 2014

Treatment of burns at home.

Do not:run if clothing caught fire ;touch the burnt area of ​​skin , lubricate it with ointments , grease , sprinklesoda ;open blisters , remove adhering to the wound mastic and other resinous substance;tearing clothes and shoes ( must be cut and carefully removed). If charred cloth stuck to the skin, then on top of it should apply a sterile bandage.
Needed:degree burns when I - drench the affected area with cold water for at least 10 minutes, then apply a sterile bandage
with severe and extensive burns victim wrapped in a clean sheet , warmer shelter , give 1-2 tablets dipyrone , excessive salt or drinking warm tea (if not vomiting );
at a chemical burn if hazardous substance enters the skin through the clothing , first wash it with water and tissue , and then carefully cut and remove the person wet things . Wash the wound with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes . Try to waste liquid from getting to other parts of the body ;
If the acid or alkali in the solid must be removed with a dry cotton wool and then rinse well with water . Completely rinse harmful substances usually can not therefore necessary to treat burn zone neutralizing solutions : the fault acid - 1 tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water ; alkali - 1 tsp. boric acid in a glass of water. Then dry the affected area and apply a sterile dressing on it .If the acid or alkali is swallowed , it is necessary to seek medical advice immediately . Do not induce vomiting : the return movement of the esophagus liquid again traumatize mucosa .Victim to drink no more than 3 cups of water , thus diluting harmful substances and weakening their irritant. Helps the milk , egg whites (12 pieces per 1 liter of water) .
Burns are :
thermal ( fire , steam, hot metal objects );
electrical ( current 1 000 V and above);
chemical ( acids and alkalis ) .
Degree burns:
- Redness and swelling of the skin ;- Water bubbles ;- Necrosis of the superficial and deep layers of the skin ;- Charring of the skin, muscle damageMaxim Yakutik , head of surgical department of the 35th Minsk gorpolikliniki / Source: "Health issues ", № 9 , 25 November 2011.
If the burn is minor , you can cure him perfectly at home. Come to the aid of folk remedies .Ointment for burns.
Egg white , sea buckthorn oil and sealer (all in equal parts ) were mixed and lubricated with problem areas . Applied cloth tape up . Change the bandage every day. Within three days, the skin heals without scarring. Sea buckthorn oil and sealer can cook yourself. Mix 1 tablespoon fresh flowers and hypericum 100 ml olive oil hot and insist in a dark glass container for three days , do not forget to shake . Sea buckthorn is prepared a little differently. 1 tablespoon pure juice squeezed from berries, mixed with 100 ml of hot olive oil , insist 3-5 days in a dark glass container , shaking occasionally ." Starch " ointment
Properly whip 200 g of fresh butter, 300 g of potato starch, 1 vial ( 1 million units) penicillin and 1 g anastezina . I prepared the ointment at the drugstore , but you can make it on their own. Apply the remedy on the gauze in two layers , and attach to the place burn. After 30-40 minutes , when the ointment is absorbed and dries, change the bandage. Helps cool : relieves pain quickly goes healing and skin leaves no marks .The mixture burns in a residential
Mix in equal proportions boiled yolk and butter and apply to the burned area .Recipes from burns
For washing the skin area of the patient use a decoction of oak bark , with the same means do lotions .Fresh leaves of burdock grind and get mush are applying to the place burn.Another well help compresses grated carrotsHeals burns and plantain , fresh leaves and pound you want to attach to the problem areas . Only need to collect plantain away from the beaten track and various chemical companies .Excellent remedy for burns is aloe ( Aloe ) .Cowslip (grows near streams ) has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties . If you get burned shredded fresh leaves marigold brew a small amount of boiling water , cool , wrap in several layers of cheesecloth and are applying the resulting pad to the sore spot .For faster healing of burn dressings do with fresh cabbage leaves . Shred leaves , combine with egg whites and causes the mixture onto problem areas.Another use for the treatment of burns hazelnuts . Grind nuts , add egg white ( excellent remedy for burns) and lubricate it means sore spots.And also help the oil burns, which can be done at home . Here are their recipes .• Gather buds of aspen , dry ( not in the sun ) , grind almost to a fine powder and rub with vegetable oil or butter.Aspen buds have wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect .• 2 tbsp. tablespoons herb St. John's wort pour a glass of vegetable oil , infuse 14 days , shaking daily .• Take 2 parts of tincture of calendula and 4 parts of vaseline , mix thoroughly , apply for burns .How to deal with burns
If the burn is small , it will help cope sauerkraut and pickle. Should be applied on the affected area with a bandage brine sauerkraut . Do not forget to change it 3-4 times a dayIf burning from the brine is very strong, fluid can be diluted with water to slightly reduce the concentration.Throat burns can heal using olive oil or raw egg protein . Both folk healers recommend drinking .Old " rustic " method .Immediately after the burn injury , should be wet with cold boiled water and cover it with baking soda . Soda will relieve pain and promote healing .Oak bark anciently considered an excellent remedy for healing wounds. Burns also treated with ointment from oak bark . To prepare it , you need to take a concentrated decoction of oak bark (1 part ) and butter or petroleum jelly ( 4 pieces ) .Egg oil is also very conducive to healing of burns . Cook it easily at home . To do this, take the eggs and boil them boiled ( cook need 40 minutes) , remove the yolks and crush them in a frying pan . Then , without adding oil , start to heat the pan on low heat. Warming need 40 minutes , stirring constantly yolks. As a result of all these manipulations , you can squeeze out the yolks oil, and you need to lubricate the affected places .Some herbalists recommend to grease burns beaten egg . Especially good is the tool will help when it comes to sunburns .Good effect and provides attachment to the place of burning shredded carrots.Vitamin E helps with burns
The treatment of burns is recommended to take vitamin E ( the dose prescribed by a doctor ) . And when the skin is slightly dry up , you can use the ointment with vitamin E , causing it to burned skin . Ointment can be prepared individually by mixing in the palm of the contents of one capsule or tablet of vitamin E pounded with a small amount of petroleum jelly , and then apply to the affected area . Keep this salve is impossible.Funds from burns
For the treatment of minor burns , or their consequences lubricate the affected areas of the skin on the body foam whipped chicken protein. This treatment does not leave scars on the body. Even if extensive burns , healing is fast and good.
• From burns 50 g minced fresh celandine pour 0.5 liters of sunflower oil , infuse 10 days , drain. Lubricate sore spots 3 times a day .• If the burns on the body were red stains , mix 1 tablespoon Chamomile , calendula and St. John's wort , pour 1 liter of boiling water for 30 minutes. Warm broth to grease spots as often as possible .• For small burns helps applying any fresh plantain leaves . Periodically change them as it dries .• For the treatment of burns helps beef bile . If you just grease it burn, there will be no redness , no pain .• For small burns lubricate the burned area immediately with honey. First, a little painful, but the pain passes quickly , and bubbles are formed.• From the following tool helps burns . Mark 10-12 egg yolks and put them on the hot pan . Fry them up until they turn black . Then throw burned yolks and collect the resulting slush . So, this is a useful remedy . It turns out it just 50 grams , which merge into a jar , and that means to smear burns. Yes it burns ! Even the sores heal.• From gadgets to help burns from urine . Burns heal quickly , they are not a trace remains .• If the burn blisters formed on the skin , and there is no damage to the skin , this cream will help : 1 tbsp . tablespoon vegetable oil 2 tbsp. sour cream , fresh yolk. All mix and burn lubricated once a day under the bandage .• When sunburn can make a compress to the affected area of the tincture of calendula . To compress dilute tincture of calendula in cold water in a ratio of 1:10 .Old recipes treat burns
1 means - ointment . Ointment need quicklime . To extinguish it , pour a handful of lime water for two or three fingers above the content , put on fire , bring to a boil . Then give good stand . Slotted spoon carefully remove the crust formed on the surface . Water strain through a cloth or gauze. Mix 0,5 st . lime water obtained with the same quantity of vegetable oil and raw chicken egg . Store in the refrigerator in a bottle , it was convenient to shake until smooth as milk, liquid. Lubricate the mixture burns. If the surface has bubbles , it is not necessary to open - should heal themselves .A can be treated by other means burns , wounds, bedsores . 2 tablespoons chopped dried or fresh leaves of walnut ( it is important that they were collected until July 10 ) add 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oils . For two or three weeks in a warm place , in the summer sun can be . Then stand in a boiling water bath for three hours to cool , strain. Oil again heated in a water bath , add 50-60 grams of beeswax . When melted, remove from heat and prevent a wooden stick to cool until a homogeneous mass .Wax can put less - it will be easier to apply ointment on the sore spots. Bandage is not necessary.Effective remedies for burns
• In the treatment of burns, use onion mush .• Average bind to burn the place grated raw potatoes , carrots, or beets .• If you do not have at hand the pharmacy streptocidal streptotsida ointment or powder you sprinkle the wound burn the place , you can sprinkle the burn soda , moistened with a little cold water.• To place a burn can be applied sauerkraut , changing it as often as possible .• Great way to lubricate the burn - honey.• Apply to the place of burning canvas cloth moistened with vinegar .

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