Friday, May 30, 2014

Why do I get prostate disease?

  Hello! I would not without confirming the facts to assert that this or that man is infected prostatitis due to promiscuity.

  You should know that the majority of modern scholars share prostatitis for infectious and noninfectious (stagnant). With infectious disease is caused by lesions in the prostate tissue getting germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. This is called bacterial prostatitis or infectious. 

  Among the causes of infectious prostatitis large place occupied by streptococci and staphylococci, living in various organs perfectly healthy human body and cause inflammation only at reducing the body's defenses. In addition, almost a third of cases of chronic prostatitis detect chlamydia and gardnerelly - microorganisms belonging to the opportunistic, usually do not cause inflammation and are activated only by a decrease in immunity.
 Almost 15% of patients with chronic prostatitis in the prostate secretion are viruses, but so far it is not clear whether they are the cause of disease or join later, against a background of current inflammation. At the same time marked by clear link viral prostatitis with influenza epidemics. 
  Small part due to the activity of prostate herpes virus. Gonococcal prostatitis diagnosed in 5-19 % of patients almost always as result of gonococcal urethritis ( inflammation of the urethra ) . Trichomonas prostatitis detected in 17-30 % of patients as against the specific urethritis .
Young men often observed upward path of infection - after suffering the specific nature of urethritis (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis ) or mixed infections (gonorrhea or trichomoniasis in conjunction with strep or staph) . Patients with prostatitis middle age and older infection often occurs by downward due to age difficulties outflow of urine from the bladder.  In some men, particularly weakened and wrong held after antibiotic therapy may be a fungal prostatitis often occurs with severe complications .  Noninfectious , or stagnant , prostatitis develops without the participation of infectious factors in the early stages of the disease.  Stagnation of blood in the prostate can be caused by two factors - changes in rhythm of sexual activity or violation of the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs. Stagnation at the wrong rhythm head life boils down to this : if a man ejaculation occurs less frequently than dictated by its physical characteristics , age and temperament , the sperm and prostatic fluid , zastaivayas cause stretching the relevant departments of the reproductive system and prostate , which causes difficulty of outflow of blood from the body .  At the same time, frequent sexual arousal without ejaculation and subsequent relaxation leads to a more or less prolonged tide and stagnation of blood in the genital organs , including the prostate. Regular repetition of such episodes can eventually cause pathological changes in the prostate.  In addition, blood stagnation in the prostate occurs with colds when body tries to protect itself from cooling by maintaining a warm blood .  In this stagnation observed in different groups of men - as those whose work is related to the stay in the open space ( installers, janitors , sportsmen, tourists ) and motorists spending time at his favorite on the bare ground (and even if it going on a summer day !) , as well as men , in cold weather, donning hipsters and jacket above the waist .  Prostate arises due to the introduction of infection , most often from the urethra when inflammation , particularly gonorrhea , urethritis , at least - as complication of common infections ( sore throat , influenza, tuberculosis). Predisposing factors - local hypothermia, especially sitting on the wet ground , sexual disorders - sexual excesses , sedentary lifestyle.  As you can see , the reasons why a man suffers from prostate disease , there may be many . Need to find out the true cause , together with physicians in each case.

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