Saturday, May 10, 2014

Treatment of warts at home

Treatment of warts at home

Good day , dear reader of the blog "Recipes of traditional medicine "! Today I want to talk about how to treat warts at home . As is well known , warts essentially harmless, but sometimes cause a person some inconveniences. They represent a small benign tumor of the skin surface in the form of excrescences , having an irregular shape .Warts - Symptoms of the disease
● The appearance of the face, limbs and other body parts of one or more rough tumors ( growths ) .
● Redness of the skin in several places.
● For warts sometimes characterized by itching.Causes and mechanism of warts
● Benign tumors - warts - caused by one of the most common viruses in the world - the human papilloma virus . The virus penetrates into the thickness of the skin and mucous membranes, multiplies there , forming warts, HPV and genital warts .
● In most cases warts appear in the places most prone to injury: the fingers , knees, elbows . As for papillomas, they are localized in the abdomen and neck. It should be noted that the human papilloma virus - the source of warts, papillomas and warts - affects primarily people with weakened immune systems .
● Medical Sciences identified more than five types of viruses that cause the classic flat warts , flat warts and Molluscum contagiozum. Due to the fact that the virus enters the skin through minor traumatic injuries ( cuts, bruises , scratches and other violations of the integrity of the skin ) , it is promoted by moisture feet, combing hair , skin mycosis . The probability of infection increases stress and overwork.

Treatment of warts at home - conservative therapy
● As noted above , most often develop warts in people with weakened immune systems , so the treatment of warts at home should start with restoring immune system function.
● Usually outpatient attending physician prescribes specific drugs that stimulate the production of interferon own , and both drugs genetically engineered interferon : viferon , kipferon , genferon . Currently, pharmacies can purchase a very effective tool - panavir which is interferon inducer and is available in candlelight.
● In addition to the above, note that it is not necessarily immediately resort to a highly potent drug immunomodulators . You can improve the diet, including in itself as much greenery - the main sources of vitamin and mineral trace elements : parsley , leaves and roots of celery, dill . It is very useful in such cases on the basis of tea fennel seed .
● Good effect can be obtained from the regular use of squash , pumpkins, squash , zucchini .Treatment of warts at home - recipes of traditional medicine
● Mix and pre-chopped , one glass of seedless raisins , dried apricots , walnuts and two medium lemon peel . Pour the resulting mixture 1.5 cups of flower honey and take art. spoon half an hour before meals three times a day . Tool will help you to raise immunity.
● Take small onion , cut into thin platelets and pour vinegar or six devyatiprotsentnym . Leave for two hours , after which the infusion is ready . Take out of the present one plate and apply to the wart , fasten it with a plaster . During the day should be done three such procedures , replacing the plate.
● Cure wart can be putting her on the night a piece of gauze soaked in freshly squeezed juice of the flowers of calendula , secure compress bactericidal plaster .
● Soak the wart every day several times strained infusion of wormwood : pour a glass of boiling water three tablespoons of dried herbs , cover with a lid and leave for two hours.
● Apply to warts once or twice a day pharmacy alcohol tincture of propolis celandine or until complete healing .
● For the treatment of more resistant warts covered horny layer ( plantar warts ) , the following recipes :
- Applied to problem areas one go twice a day, Tea Tree essential oil ;
- Applied twice daily alcohol tincture western arborvitae ;
- Use drugs aerial parts of full-time color field ;
- Applied directly to the wart fresh grass juice sundew ;
- Twice a day to lubricate sore spots watercress juice dosage ;
- Lubricate the wart once or twice a day horse sweat ;
- Apply to warts mixture taken in equal proportions of onion and salt ( mixture of ingredients mix well ! )
- Apply to the sore spot a handful of green marigold ( Calendula officinalis ) , securing it with a band-aid ;
- Lubricate 2-3 times a day of fresh juice of figs ;
- You can easily cure your wart , annexing baked garlic clove ;
- Make finely posechennye fresh ash leaves ;
- Lubricate the dandelion juice ;
- Rub the wart in the mornings and evenings castor oil ;
- Wet fresh cabbage juice ;
- Wet wart several times daily then polish with ammonia .
● In the old sorcerers and healers in the villages of Russia withdrawn warts in the following ways :
- Imposed a crushed mass ashberries ;
- Applied to the wart in the early growth of egg protein ;
- Prepared ointment: mixed with butter or Vaseline 100 grams of dry grass stonecrop in a ratio of 1 part to 4 parts raw oil; Incidentally, this solution was used not only for getting rid of warts , but also the treatment of ulcers , festering wounds and blisters.
● 4-5 times a day wart juice lubricate the following herbs :
- Dandelion ;
- Mixtures of juices : 15 g milkweed juice and juice stonecrop 20 g ;
- Mixtures of juices : 15 g and 15 g of a succession of yarrow ;
- In combination with celandine juice sundew .
● In the villages of pre-revolutionary Russia for removing warts prikoadyvali :
- A piece of apple ;
- Grated potatoes;
- Grated garlic ;
- Baked onions .

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