Sunday, December 21, 2014

Flux: how to remove the tumor in the home?

At least once, but almost everyone faced with flux. State, accompanied by severe pain and swollen gums, may be somewhat relieved by folk remedies, if there is no possibility of an early visit to a doctor. But even after the pain passed, you need to see a specialist for professional care.

All of the flux

This inflammatory process that affects the periosteum and is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome. Flux causes swelling of the gums. But it is possible swelling of the lips, cheeks and nose. Flux is often accompanied by high fever.

The cause of this unpleasant condition may be accidental damage to the gums, in practice, a flux - a consequence of neglected or insufficiently treated caries. Periodontitis and pulpitis can also cause inflammation in the periosteum.

Treated flux conservative methods or surgery. Selects the method doctor after inspection and determine the cause of the flux. Very often a bad tooth must be removed. Sometimes, the situation started so that we have to resort to surgery to remove the pus from the site of the affected flux. Be sure to prescribe anti-inflammatory agents.

Assistance of a qualified physician is required, even if the pain is removed. Folk medicine only suspend the inflammatory process and reduce discomfort, but can not cure. The event of failure to the doctor likely destruction of large areas of inflammation or acquire chronic. Rarely, but in complicated inflammatory process may lead to death.

Folk remedies to combat flux

Can assist in getting rid of flux decoctions and infusions of herbs, which are used as a gargle.

1. The leaves of sage and nettle, calamus root and oak - all at 10 grams - 1 liter of hot water. All blended and brewed a couple of hours. Infusion is filtered and used in the form of heat. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours is necessary.

2. Chamomile - 15 grams, sage - 20 grams, calamus root - 10 grams of water - 0.5 liters. Mix all ingredients and 1 tablespoon collection pour boiling water. Insist 2 hours.

3. Calendula Flowers at 3 tablespoons brew 0.75 liters of boiling water. Leave to brew for about 1 hour.

4. To prepare necessary to take 3 tablespoons mint, birch buds, angelica, periwinkle. Thus prepared fee in the amount of 3 tablespoons filled with 1 liter of boiled water, 1 hour.

5. Prepare a collection of herb St. John's wort (4 tablespoons), sage (3 tablespoons) and oak bark (2 tablespoons). The third part of the resulting mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and allow to stand for about 2 hours. Then strain and rinse your mouth every hour.

6. 1 tablespoon of sage leaves and roots of iris, 0.5 liters of water. Mixture pour boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Rinse your mouth every hour strained warm broth.

7. Green tea, sage and salt. At first brew herbs and let them infuse for a short time. Then strain the infusion and add to it 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Mouth rinse in hot water and during the day.

How to remove a tumor in the home? Recipes from ointments flux:

1. Honey ointment reduces swelling and pain. She is preparing a rather unusual way. You will need a lime honey ... and a rusty nail. It must be heated so that he blushed, and then dipped in warmed honey. On a nail nalipnet mass that looks like tar. Cool and lubricate her gum affected flux. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed. No less effective and propolis, which is also a product of beekeeping. It should be chewed throughout the day;

2. ointment made of wax. You will need a cup or enamel saucepan, refined sunflower oil, beeswax, hard-boiled egg and a nylon stocking. In a cup, pour 0.2 liters of oil and place on a warm water bath. Lower back wax size of a matchbox. When it has dissolved, add the mass is half the yolk, previously crushed to fine crumbs. Reheat still 10 minutes, not forgetting stir constantly. Leave to infuse, after 5 minutes, strain using a nylon stocking. Not cold ointment lubricate the gums twice a day. If you keep the vehicle in the refrigerator before use, always warm up in a water bath.

Traditional recipes, of course, facilitate your condition, but cure flux can only resorting to the help of a specialist. A visit to the dentist in inflammatory disease just need to not further any more serious problems.

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