Friday, December 5, 2014

Veins on the penis, what to do?

I noticed that my husband's veins stand out on a limb much, a few years ago, but did not attach any importance to this, as there are no other signs of illness or discomfort he was not. I believe that this is the norm. But lately, the picture began to change dramatically: the skin on the genitals pogrubela, large veins compacted, there are many smaller veins, worsened sexual feelings, and sometimes even sex is accompanied by pain. In short, not only became a member of intimidating look, especially in a state of excitement, but also gives a man a lot of inconvenience. Studying the photos on the Internet with similar symptoms, I clearly determined that this - varicose veins of the penis. Husband seriously attended to the problem and went to reception to andrology.

The doctor was enough to examine the penis visually and not in an excited state to accurately confirm the diagnosis. He said that once the veins in the testicles in a completely normal state, the varicocele is excluded from the list of possible diseases and can only varices. The question of what to do and how I continue to live with this, andrology advised to have surgery.

What could cause such a nice little syndrome? Husband learned that the factors that result in varicose veins in the penis can be themselves different: it's genital injuries, and hyperextension of the bladder, and a variety of tumors, and the violation of blood clotting system, and promiscuity with infection, and inflammatory processes. I do not know what could cause him, but I think that it is - a predisposition, as the veins in the legs husband is also quite clearly discernible, and his mother for many years suffered from varicose veins in the legs.

In general, he agreed to the operation, which probably can be attributed to the category of cosmetics. Under general anesthesia, he cut penis on coronal sulcus, using simulated fiziorastvora erection excised and varicose veins of the body, in consequence of which the stitches on the skin. Of course, when he began to depart from the anesthesia, was the desire to climb the walls - so much hurt in the groin. To rescue analgesic, and the next day began to feel much better. The postoperative course was uneventful, and somewhere on the 10th day, he removed the stitches and was discharged home. Writing out, the doctor advised for a month to refrain from sexual intercourse, as well as anti-inflammatory and poprinimat immunopovyshayuschie funds. The very same sexual organ he simply rinsed with a solution of chamomile, known for its protivovovospalitelnymi and wound-healing properties. It has been 4 months now he has a full member of the order, and in terms of aesthetic, and with respect to its direct affiliation. So, varicose veins on the penis - although unpleasant, but it is disposable time.

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