Sunday, December 21, 2014

Worms in humans (helminths)

Helminths, commonly called worms often - are parasitic worms that live in the body of animals and humans and causing worm infestation (helminthiasis).

Types of worms

We call some of the most common types of worms in humans, starting with the story of pinworms. These white worms length of about 6.4 cm are found in the lower intestine, colon and cecum, postponing the day of 15 th. Eggs.

The second group intraenteric parasites include roundworms, attach to the intestinal wall and can reach a length of 43 cm. If untreated, these parasites are able to penetrate into the liver, lungs, eyes, ears and even the brain, cause serious damage.

The third group intraenteric parasites - a tapeworm, which include beef tapeworm, dog tapeworm, pork tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm, Echinococcus and a tapeworm. These parasites is not its own system of digestion, so they suck nutrients from the host organism, and often suck his blood.

During the life cycle of the organism through the roundworm migrate - worms, which are more common in children. In the small intestine, these parasites lay eggs that fall into the soil with feces. While infecting the eggs reach the intestine, where they hatch into larvae. Last through the intestinal wall penetrate the lymphatic or venous bed and reach the lungs, where they are maturing, after which the young worms migrate to the small intestine to lay their eggs.

Also in our country is widespread whipworm, Trichuriasis pathogen. The larva of this parasite feeds on the blood and lymph capillaries of the intestinal wall, causing a sharp decline in immunity.

Finally, another source of danger are flukes - flatworms, invading the liver, intestines, lungs, and blood. Infection usually occurs by eating poorly cooked fish and drinking contaminated water.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of worms in humans in the acute phase typically include manifestations such as fever, diarrhea, skin rash, sore throat, limfodenity, bronchospasm, pneumonia, hepatitis, myocarditis (usually 2-3 symptom). After the transition of the disease in the chronic stage (2-4 weeks after infection) symptoms of worms in humans are becoming more differentiated depending on the particular pathogen. So, when infected roundworms marked flatulence, pain in the intestine, peritonitis, weight loss and fatigue, infection with pinworms - itching in the anus, dark circles under the eyes, diarrhea and bad breath, but of ascariasis indicate liver injury, persistent cough, unstable chair and headache.

How to get rid of worms?

If you notice in yourself or your loved ones or that signs of worms in the body, it is necessary to turn to an infectious diseases doctor, who prescribed examination, the results of which you will be assigned the most effective treatment in your case.

Although some helminth infections are treated only by surgery (number of tapeworms, Echinococcus), to get rid of most of the other applicable special preparations from worms in humans. Depending on the helminth species can be assigned to you, including:

- Vermoxum (most effective when trihotsefaleze and enterobioze);
- Nemozol (most active against larvae of Echinococcus and nematodes);
- Vormin and other broad-spectrum drugs containing mebendazole;
- Dekaris and other broad-spectrum drugs containing Levamisole;
- Praziquantel (most effective when cestodiasis and antitrematode).

Folk remedies for worms

Treatment of worms folk remedies can be used as an auxiliary method in conjunction with taking prescribed by your doctor anthelminthics. Tell you about the most popular recipes of traditional medicine, helps to quickly destroy the parasites.

Pumpkin seeds from worms

Pumpkin seeds from worms used as follows: 300 g of untreated seeds must mince, then pour the water, which should be twice as much as the amount of seed, and keep in a water bath for 2 hours, not boiling. Ready broth need to drain, remove the oily film on the surface and slowly drink for 30 minutes in the morning before eating. After 2 hours after ingestion of pumpkin broth should take a laxative.

How to use the chanterelles with worms?

If you have tortured worms, you will come to the aid of chanterelles. Thus, to maintain the active antiparasitic agent - hinnomanozu, foxes must eat raw or (2 fungus 3-4 times a day for 10 days), or taking tincture dry fungi.

To prepare the tincture dry chanterelles at temperatures up to 40C and grind into powder, 1 teaspoon of which pour 150 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days, shaking regularly. Do not strain, pre-shake. Finished tincture drink in the evening before going to bed to 2 teaspoons of treatment - 2 months.

Milk with garlic from worms

Worms in humans can be displayed with the help of this simple but effective means, such as milk and garlic. Rub on a small grater 5 cloves of garlic, the resulting slurry pour 1 cup of natural milk and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave for some time to draw. Take 4 times a day on an empty stomach for 7 days.

Ginger from worms

For the preparation of an alcohol tincture finely grate 0.5 kg of fresh roots, the resulting mass pour 0.5 liters of vodka and put in a dark place for 15 days. Finished tincture take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

Tansy from worms

Pour into the pan 1 tablespoon of flowers plants, fill them with 1 cup boiling water and cover the pan for 4 hours, after which potsedite. Drink infusion of 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

Wormwood from worms

Talking about how to get the worms in humans, be sure to remember the sage, treatment with the help of which is performed as follows. In the first 3 days every 2-2.5 hours put into the mouth 1 incomplete teaspoon of dry powdered sage, swallow and drink water (just out 5-6 times per day), and then reduce the number of receptions to 3-4 times a day. Therapeutic course - 1 week.

Triad of worms

To prepare the Triad must grind to a powder and mix 100 grams of flowers of tansy, 50 g of seeds and cloves 25 g of Artemisia. Treatment is carried out as follows:

- 1st day: 1 teaspoon means 1 times a day 30 minutes before meals with water;
- Day 2: 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals;
- 3rd day and the following days: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day;

The course of treatment - 1 week. Triad should not be taken with gastritis, gastric and women during pregnancy.

Enema worming

Enemas allow to expel from the body of worms while avoiding side effects, almost inevitable when using any other means.

Enema with soda from worms

For the procedure 20-30 g of sodium hydroxide should be dissolved in 800 ml of water to bring the temperature of the solution to 38-42S, and then introduced into the rectum using an enema, detaining intestine 30 minutes.

Before and after the procedure should be done without the usual cleansing enemas soda for bowel cleansing and removal of dead parasites. The course of treatment - 8-10 procedures are carried out in a day.

Garlic enema for worms

In the evening, crushed clove of garlic pour 1 cup of warm boiled water and leave for the night, in the morning, strain, pour into a mug Esmarch and enter as an enema. After the garlic enema follow the usual cleansing enema.

Worms in children

Due to lack of hygiene practices of assimilation children infected with worms often adults. What to do if your child has intestinal worms? Renowned pediatrician Dr. Komorowski encourages parents in such cases not to engage in independent action, as the correct choice of method of therapy can be done only on the basis of an expert survey. Komorowski also recommends not to get involved in folk medicine for the treatment of intestinal worms, which, in his opinion, as effective as modern medical drugs. To resort to the methods of traditional medicine Komorowski advises only if the child's drug allergy.


To prevent helminthic infestation must wash their hands with soap before eating and after returning from the street, meat and fish be thoroughly heat treated, do not drink tap water and do not swim in contaminated fresh water.

In conclusion, we recall once again that the treatment of worms folk remedies can be recommended only as an auxiliary method of anthelmintic therapy. Many helminth infections - a serious disease that can lead to serious consequences, including death, so be sure to consult a specialist in order to avoid the worst.

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