Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Preventing Hemorrhoids - exercise against disease

Comprehensive prevention of hemorrhoids in men and women should comprehensively cover all the possible causes of the disease. Provoke disease inaccuracies in personal hygiene and nutrition, lifestyle characteristics, poor muscle tone, hereditary factors. With age, to the causes of hemorrhoids, joins weakening of muscles of the anal canal. Prevention of hemorrhoids is aimed at normalization of the venous outflow, preventing constipation and diarrhea.

The basis for the prevention of a healthy person are sports. However, with hemorrhoids to active employment should be approached with caution, observe reasonable limits.
Contraindications for hemorrhoids

Not recommended:

     and lift weights at the gym and at home;
     perform exercises with breath during exercise is not only large, but also with small scales;
     do exercises that improve the intra-abdominal pressure: weight squat, deadlift;
     ride a bike, rowing, horse riding.

Personal hygiene

     After each bowel movement, it is recommended to wash the anus with cool water;
     should daily during exacerbation of the disease irrigate anus with water at room temperature;
     carry water treatment, take warm baths sit in acute pain.

To move up through the veins of the lower limbs venous need assistance skeletal muscle, namely reductions "squeeze" blood toward the heart. If the muscles are relaxed, the blood does not rise, stagnates in the veins. The walls of the vessels are stretched, forming varicose veins. Overcrowded blood vessels dilated hemorrhoidal plexus of the rectum become inflamed, leading to the formation or aggravate hemorrhoids.

In order not to provoke aggravation, recommended moderate exercise, because exercise of hemorrhoids - the best way to avoid illness. It is important to move a lot every day. You can not sit for more than 6 hours a day with no traffic, you need to be interrupted for a few minutes every hour. If this is not possible, the number of useful exercises you can perform in the workplace imperceptibly. During exercise is necessary to breathe correctly: effort should fall on exhalation, you can not hold your breath for breath.
Complex simple exercises at work

     Whenever possible, elevate the legs for 3-4 minutes;
     sitting on a chair, straighten your legs to lift off the floor, rotate the feet;
     perform the reduction of the anal sphincter - the maximum draw in the anus and let go.

To prevention of hemorrhoids in women include the correct diet and physical activity during pregnancy.
Complex for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids often occur in women during the second half of pregnancy and after delivery. This disease impairs the overall health of women, adversely affects the course of labor. The exercises are aimed at improving the tone of the pelvic floor muscles to avoid the formation of nodules and hemorrhoidal prolapse of the uterus. Need to engage in fasting.

Lying on your back, put a pillow under the waist. Legs bent at the knees, stretch the muscles of the perineum for 10-15 seconds and repeat 30 times.

  Lying on his back, focus on the muscles of the vagina, try to stretch them, hold the voltage up, hold the position for 15 seconds and relax. Repeat 5-10 times on state of health.
     Quickly compress the muscles of the vagina and anal sphincter alternately.
     Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Put a chair in front of him, turning his back to her. Squat on state of health to the horizontal position thighs.
     Lying on his back, legs slightly extended forward, bending at the knees, feet together, knees to relax, to let them freely stretch the muscles under its own gravity. Lie in this position by being.

There are a number of effective methods of exercise to prevent hemorrhoids. The main condition for the effectiveness of training - regularly.
Types of exercise for the prevention of hemorrhoids

Aerobic cardio train the cardiovascular system, improve circulation, eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs. It is recommended to alternate the exercises:

     active walking;
     Nordic walking;

If a person starts to training after a long break, the occupation can make a 5-10 minute

Inverted yoga postures

Exercises promote the outflow of venous blood, relieve pain symptom, serve as disease prevention.

     Dog muzzle down - a support for the feet and hands, pull on the outstretched arms and legs, trying to bring the chest to the feet.
     Birch - lying on his back, raise your legs vertically, hold their hands, bent at the elbows.
     Plow - from exercise Birch lower legs neatly behind your head, hands on the floor along the trunk.

Improving intestinal motility

All exercises are designed to prevent constipation, performed on an empty stomach in the morning after using the toilet.

     Lying on your back, knees bent. Twist the pelvis, fixing the position of the feet. Perform 10-20.
     Standing, bend forward, stretch your hands in her lap. Exhale, draw the belly, trying as hard as possible to pull it back, then do not exhale, let go of the stomach. Alternate movement, drawing in and bulging belly. Exercise taken from yoga, run every morning fasting strictly, start with 5-10.

Hemorrhoids can be prevented by working on improving flexibility and muscle tone, constantly engaging in sport, driving, but avoiding the stress associated with excessive exercise.


Means of hemorrhoids - folk

Hemorrhoids - it's not such a terrible disease, and therefore a means of hemorrhoids effectively help the people to overcome it. At all times, the disease is treated promptly. In villages considered natural hemorrhoid disease in connection with this applied only folk remedies.

The disease is fairly common. Many advise parboiled tansy, and then stand over the steam. Such a means helps the disease. There is another tool. Pour water (about 2 l.) In a pan, then bring to a boil. Next, pour yarrow, branches and leaves of walnut (walnut), boil on low heat for 15 minutes.

Instead of yarrow may use handful of hop cones. Hop cones on the result not concede anything and also quite effective. This composition pour into a bowl and sit in it, finish the procedure when this broth to cool. They say that enough 3 procedures, and you will forget about hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid treatment according to the recipe Herbalist
There is a wise woman, curing people by means of hemorrhoids folk. And it is often approached by people who want to cure hemorrhoids, because medicines sold in pharmacies, only for a while can take away the pain, but do not cure. It is in the treatment of hemorrhoids various folk remedies that grandma and glorified.

It uses a single grass, through which already cured many people suffering from hemorrhoids. It is important that a couple of days away bleeding, and a week later the man forgets than ill. Until now, many would go to the sorceress, if there was to figure out what kind of grass is used. This tool proved mullein.

So now you can be treated at home and are not necessarily sorceress in Yekaterinburg. The recipe is quite simple: it is necessary to 3 times a day to brew the flowers of this plant and drink instead of tea. A week later, a man completely cure hemorrhoids.

Ointment and decoction of nettle

Special ointment available over the counter, but it is sold by prescription only, since it is a drug. But you can make an ointment and without drugs. Typically, 100 grams of ointment has 5 grams streptotsida, norsulfazola, sulfadimezin, grams of camphor. In addition, there are 0.5 grams. eucalyptus oil, and 100 grams of petrolatum.

Apply this ointment you can preventively. Instead, add petrolatum cream, for example, means after shaving. Moreover, such an ointment is even better. You can use it free from cracks, and itching from the hemorrhoids.

People with sedentary work, suffer from hemorrhoids often, so it is good to help the recipe, which is made from nettles. Take nettles (half a cup), but you can and grass tablets (purchase it at the pharmacy). Then fill it with boiling water, cover with a lid. Let the grass insists until cool, but do not forget to stir it. At the end of all the strain - you should have a green water, which should consume 3 p. per day.
What are some folk remedies?

Some people are wondering how to treat constipation folk remedies? Increasingly, many have resorted to traditional medicine exactly. For example, if you have painful hemorrhoids, in this case required the potato candle. Need of potatoes (raw) cut out the candle, and then put it after defecation. To conduct such a procedure better bedtime.

And the potatoes take a mature, as it can be spread with honey, sunflower oil to make it easier to enter. Another way to use this vegetable: grated tuber is applied to the sore spot and stick adhesive plaster.

There are candles and ice. They can prepare using conventional rubber gloves. In the finger gloves to pour water to freeze. So make good candles from hemorrhoids. But the shape of the candle should do a perfect, smooth, because it can damage the very soft tissue.

Generally there is a lot of money, which today offers a traditional medicine: constipation, hemorrhoids are treated much grass. For example, for the treatment of hemorrhoids take Speel birch trunk. Good warm it. Then sit on the saw cut, and wrapped herself, so sit for about 30 minutes. Repeat this for 2-3 days, preferably overnight, until there is no disease.

You can also take a clay pot. Pour 2 liters of milk there. Then lower it 4 onions and peel. Pot must be closed and placed in the oven, making a slow fire. Close the pot lid with a hole, then warm up the affected area. Can repeat the session after 3 days. 3 x 4-warmings will be enough.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Folk remedies for toothache

Relieve toothache before visiting the dentist will help us some recommended simple home treatments and facilities.

How to get rid of a toothache at home with the help of public money.

As often as possible to rinse the teeth with warm tap water.

Take a pill of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a highly effective non-narcotic analgesics; taking acetylsalicylic acid tablet is recommended to chew, take means better milk (take a sip or two of milk, chew and swallow a pill, take another sip or two of milk), as acetylsalicylic acid has ulcerative - ie it can contribute to the formation of gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers intestine.

As a sedative during prolonged toothache, take alcohol tincture of valerian; Recommended dosage: 15-20 drops two to three times a day.

Traditional medicine recommends the use to rinse warm decoction of Salvia officinalis.
Preparation: Dried herbs need to pound in a mortar and pestle to a powder, a tablespoon of raw sugar and 200 ml of boiling water and keep in a boiling water bath for about 20 minutes, then another push means about half an hour, strain through two layers of cheesecloth.
How to use: rinse your mouth means that when the pain in the teeth; often need to gargle; agent has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and some analgesic effect.

May also be useful regular mouthwash warm decoction of the leaves of eucalyptus, it is necessary for its preparation: one tablespoon of dried, pounded into powder leaves pour 200 ml of water and cook at low boil for 12-15 minutes, then cool tool, strain through a 1 -2 layers of cheesecloth, wring out the remnants of raw materials; rinse your mouth this broth seven or eight times a day, the broth has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Rinse your mouth with warm infusion of marigold flowers dosage.
Method of preparation and application: for its preparation: 3-4 c. dried flowers pour one cup of boiling water and infuse in a sealed container at room temperature for 30-40 minutes, then strain through a ready means of a single layer of cheesecloth; often rinse the mouth; broth has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

After the removal of tooth pain at home for treatment still need to apply to dentistry. And do not be afraid of it. Modern dental clinics carry out dental treatment without pain. At your request, the behavior may be treated under general anesthesia.

Folk treat boils and eczema.

Chiry we have always been treated with black wax, that is propolis. You do not look that propolis tastes bitter but burning, and in his hand take, yes sticky adhesive. In early spring when the bees are flying on the resin on the young shoots so sticky note paper, you do not take it, let dry up.

Grandma's recipe for the treatment of boils.

Prepare cake of pure propolis, attach it to a boil and attach not record until the softening boil and pus.
And when the day of St. Pud (April 15), it is time to take for hives. As the old saying - a saint Pud take out the bees from under the bushel. How to become a hive for the summer pore cook, clean the frame, once the black wax and naskoblite. Collect spoon propolis and mix with a spoon of honey. Place the leaves of meadowsweet, apply to the affected area and tie a scarf. And do the little finger around chiriya drive and three conspiracy read.
O Lord God! Bless, O Father! In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Nor from stone fruit or stone from coal, no grass, no green. So would a servant of God (name) from chirya was no pinch, no sickness, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Having the last word, then drag the little finger three times around chirya and leave the cake overnight. During the night she razopreet and chiry become softer and pain recede. Will pass a bit of time and health will improve.

Folk treatment of eczema.

Bad summer, when the sun is not present. In such a time of scabies yes sverbezha beware. But how to protect yourself? It's very simple.

Grandma's recipe for the treatment of eczema.

Pour 2 teaspoons of dried sea buckthorn sprouts and 1 cup of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 8 hours.
How to dubochke leaves first hatch, young prutochkov buckthorn in panicle collect them and are being treated. Kinked them smaller and fill a jug of cold water from the well. And as the day will stand in the fire-heat. Yes prayer refer to the disinterested and Martyrs Cyrus and John.
After the words of prayer cease soul overcome illness. What drug has cooled, assemble twigs with broth so sick place to wash. And, God willing, the next day you feel better.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Prostatitis - Symptoms of prostatitis

Prostatitis - an inflammatory disease of the prostate or prostate purely male organ that is located below the bladder.

This gland is often called the "second heart", as it is responsible for many important functions in the male body.

- one of the most common diseases. In the United States, for example, the number of cases of prostatitis is eight percent of all urological diseases.

Why prostate?
Charge in the office
Neck and wrist - not the only thing that suffers from a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. Other nepriyatnocti - is low back pain, hemorrhoids and prostatitis. Do not neglect charge. These exercises can be done right in the workplace.

The prostate gland provides the following functions:

- Produces a liquid that produces the liquid part of semen
- Converts testosterone to its active form - dihydrotestosterone
- Together with the muscles of the bladder neck has formed an internal sphincter, which controls urination,
- Involved in creating the feeling of orgasm.

The first signs of prostatitis

Prostatitis symptoms: frequent and unbearable urge to urinate, burning and pain during urination, difficulty urinating, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, pain in the pelvis, groin and lower back.
When you start prostatitis?

In one form or another prostatitis occurs in approximately half of men over 30 years old. But can appear in young people as early as 18-20 years.
Factors that lead to the development of prostatitis:

- Chronic hypothermia,
- Delayed emptying of the bladder,
- Jetlag sexuality (long periods of abstinence, irregular)
- Frequent change of sexual partners, unprotected sex,
- Sedentary lifestyle, causing violation of blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs,
- Diseases of the genitourinary system
- Infectious diseases,
- Smoking and alcohol,
- Injury
- Hormonal disorders,
- Disruption of the immune system.
types of prostatitis

Acute bacterial prostatitis is caused by lesions of the prostate tissue by pathogenic microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus.

Many of these bacteria - representatives of healthy microflora in human organism which lives on the skin and in the gut.

Penetrating into the prostate tissue, they, however, can cause inflammation. Often, the bacteria penetrate the prostate from the bladder or urethra.

- Fever and chills,
- Pain in the prostate, groin and lower back,
- Increased frequency of urination, difficulty and pain when urinating, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, blood in the urine,
- Painful ejaculation,
- Decreased libido and erectile quality due to severe pain syndrome and intoxication.

If you find yourself at least one of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Acute prostatitis requires urgent diagnosis and treatment.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is sometimes a consequence of an acute.

Its origin can also be triggered by trauma of the genitourinary system, urinary catheterization or infections in other organs.

- Frequent urination,
- Pain and burning sensation when urinating,
- Pain in the pelvis, perineum,
- Nocturnal urination,
- Difficulty urinating,
- Gemospermiya (presence of blood in the semen)
- Painful ejaculation,
- Slight rise in body temperature.

Symptoms of chronic bacterial prostatitis develops gradually and often alternate with periods of exacerbation of calm. Delay seeking medical advice can not be: this disease requires qualified treatment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gout on the legs: Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies

Gout - a form of arthritis, inflammation of the joints, which causes depend on the amount of uric acid containing purine and processed by the body from food.

A sure sign of gout is a redness of the joint, it flowed, the emergence of severe pain. Most often, the disease appears on the legs, striking the joints of the thumb, but sometimes can "suffer" and knees, hands, fingers.

At the first sign of gout is necessary to consult a doctor, a rheumatologist, who will appoint an x-ray of the joints, diagnose, pick therapy and diet.

Treatment of the disease involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that can inhibit the excretion of uric acid.

Sometimes used ultraviolet irradiation joint.

As for the treatment of gout traditional medicine, it is quite simple to use and very effective.

Getting rid of gout using popular recipes

For a similar tool to grind five aspirin tablets and dissolve them in 10 ml of iodine. This liquid should be to rub the affected joints, then it is necessary to wrap them in a warm blanket.

Well help iodine baths. The recipe is as follows: 3 liters of warm water, add 9 drops of iodine and 3 tsp baking soda. In this solution the need to hold the affected joint.

When gout help and alcoholate rosehip. You can cook it on a standard recipe, taken twice a day, 1 tsp before eating.

Prescription treatment for gout garlic. Half a kilo of garlic slurry poured a liter of alcohol and left in the sun for 10 days, then the drug should be taken daily strain and on an empty stomach 20-40 drops, drinking milk or juice.

For treatment, you can use a compress, insisting garlic vinegar: chopped 3 garlic cloves pour 500 ml of a 9% solution of vinegar and insist 15 days.

We all know that ginger is very useful, it can also be applied to treat gout. It is only necessary to replace the simple tea - ginger, which should be consumed every day.

When inflammation of the joints is good to use chamomile bath. Add 100 gr. daisies, bought in a drugstore, 10 liters of water and add 200 gr. salt.

You can also brew the leaves cranberries, bay 2 tablespoons leaves 1 tbsp. of hot water. Infuse for half an hour and drink three times a day for 100 ml.

When gout need to review your diet and give up some foods, such as meat, canned, salted cheeses, bacon, beans, alcohol, and some others.

For the prevention of gout is necessary to know the level of uric acid in the body, get rid of bad habits, well and good to eat, to abandon the product in which there is a purine.

How to get rid of blackheads?

It often happens that against the black dots can be useless all means. No peeling, no masks do not help. Then come to the aid of his grandmother's proven methods. After all, if they did not have the expensive salon beauticians. Rush to the aid of the funds that we are always on hand in the fridge - eggs. Equally valued and the yolk and white. The first is responsible for nutrition and hydration, prevents peeling. A second tightens enlarged pores and removes excess sebum from the pores, thereby purifying the face.
No one would argue with their utility. They contain a lot of micro-and macro. For example, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, copper. And all this is almost completely absorbed by our body. Therefore, when you go to the store to buy himself a little more eggs for your home cosmetology.

Urgently against blackheads
This way my grandmother's, when there was no depilations, peeling, cleansing. For this mask, you will need the egg and paper napkins. Initially, separate the white from the yolk and whisk it. Napkins neatly cut into equal pieces. Protein apply to individual sections of acne. Then cover with a mask wipes. Re on top of the paper, apply another layer. Hold should be ten to twenty minutes. Desirable until it dries. Now carefully remove the paper. If you have sensitive skin, you can soak it in order to facilitate removal. Remains rinse with cool water.

Gently against the black dots
This mask is not only cleans, but also tightens the skin, shrink pores. One protein shake up with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to the face in three layers. Pause for everyone to dry. When the strike last layer, wait fifteen minutes and rinse.

Against enlarged pores
With this plague problem skin too easily handles egg. Here only the protein. Put it in several layers with an interval of five to seven minutes.

With the cumulative effect of improvement
This healthy skin, cleanse and moisturize it. Mix one egg yolk with one teaspoon of honey. Then grind it and apply on your face, it will last fifteen minutes. It has already been necessary to rinse with warm water.

dries mask
For her, you will need white clay. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. Mix it with the egg white, so there are no lumps, and the mass became homogeneous. Then apply on your face for ten minutes. Then rinse it thoroughly.

Allergies and houseplants

Some plants, such as geraniums and primrose, as well as garden marigold can cause allergic reactions. Such a reaction is manifested in different ways: a headache, coryza (rhinitis), deterioration of health, skin rash, photophobia, and in particularly difficult cases may be attacks of asthma and bronchitis astmoidnogo. Touching the oleander sometimes causes painful burns to the skin, the juice is poisonous. Try not to touch its flowers and leaves, as if by chance had to do it, once it is necessary to wash hands with soap and water.

Why crunch knees? How to save the largest joints of the body!

Crunching the knees - a phenomenon well-known to many adults. Also with them are regularly faced by professional athletes and employees of industrial enterprises. Why there is a crunch in your lap, if this is normal and can I get rid of it? Answers to these questions and other related questions can be found in our material.
General description:  
A healthy knee joint shall make crunch, delivering pain or discomfort, both at rest and in motion. So, to answer one of the questions above, we can say with confidence: the crunch and pain in the knees - a deviation from the norm. If the knee joint during movement began to publish a crunch, then there is a problem with the cartilage, or rather - it is either the beginning razvolakivatsya or even collapse. Ignoring this deviation will eventually only aggravate the situation, up to the total loss of joint mobility.

Conclusion: if you notice something like that at home, as soon as possible, see a doctor and go to the survey. Timely diagnosis of the disease will give a good chance of a full recovery and significantly reduce the likelihood of disability in the future. Causes The most common cause of a crunch in the knees - regular excessive load on the knee joint. By the way, to such pressures can be attributed even banal homework, as evidenced by a mass of reported cases of fracture of the knee housewives. The second most common reason, strange as it may sound, is inactive and sedentary lifestyle, resulting in a risk zone fall programmers, office workers, gamers, etc. Very often in the knees crunch seen in people who are overweight. According to various scientific studies, only 1 kilogram of excess weight increases the load on every inch of the articular surface by 10 percent. Thus, the seemingly insignificant 10 extra pounds increase this load exactly twice. And if we add the job at work or in front of a sedentary lifestyle, the knee joint begins to wear 3-5 times faster. Again - it's only at 10 extra pounds. Now imagine what happens in people with 30-50 pounds overweight. Crunching the knee in flexion and extension may appear as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. As you may have guessed, especially here refers to women's shoes with heels.  

Before you try to solve this problem, you must understand and acknowledge that crunch in your lap - it is a disease, and treatment of each disease, as it is known, begins with a diagnosis. Therefore, the first thing you need to see a doctor, that he revealed the true reason for the rejection. After performing diagnostics qualified physician will determine for you the best course of treatment and will monitor its progress. Can immediately reassuring: in most cases the crunch in the knees treated using conservative methods: medication, vitamin therapy, physiotherapy, etc. Surgery in such cases rarely appointed.  


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Headache in temples - a painful condition

Causes of headache in temples

Causes of headaches are very diverse, and it depends on them the way they are treating.

On the physical level headaches in temples begin when the nerves located in the temples (or, sometimes, in other areas), the brain receives the pain signals. However, the reasons for this are often psychological factors, such as stress and anxiety, which are constantly faced by most people. Researchers have noted a disturbing trend: more and more people complain of frequent headaches in temples or in the forehead, with many of them suffer from high levels of stress and know that they need to control it. Most of them even know exactly what it needs to do - but they are not doing anything to reduce the impact of stress on their daily lives.

Scientists also note that the more powerful and frequent stress a person experiences, the more rest he needs, but in practice, people who are under the influence of severe stress, usually resting least.

For such people, analgesics are just a way to temporarily relieve headache, but it will appear again and again, if you do not take steps to reduce stress. To do this, first of all, you need to relax - if people do not regularly get enough sleep, if he does not have enough free time to spend with his family, sports and hobbies, headache may be a constant companion of his life. In addition, yoga can help, auditory training, meditation and breathing exercises. If, however, deal with stress on their own does not work, you may need professional help.


Throbbing headache in the temples are often a harbinger of change in the weather. Some people are particularly sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, other headache is a response to fluctuations in temperature or humidity. Why do some people react to changes in the weather, and on the well-being of others, it does not have any effect is unknown. Prevent the occurrence of the headaches associated with the weather, it is impossible; people who suffer from this problem can only watch the weather forecast and keep on hand analgesics. Fortunately, these headaches are usually mild or moderate, and to facilitate their sufficient of one or two tablets of aspirin or paracetamol.


Jetlag or transfer to summer / winter time is bad for the well-being of many people. The result of the failure of circadian rhythms can be severe, throbbing headache in the left temple and (or just right), the intensity of which is usually remains constant, regardless of whether the patient is sitting or moving. Prevent the emergence of such pain is also impossible, so people who are sensitive to the change of time zones or transfer hours, usually have to take painkillers.


In some cases, headache in temples can be associated with allergic reactions, such as pollen, household chemicals, or animal dander. Other more common symptoms of allergies are runny and stuffy nose, red eyes, watery eyes, itchy skin. Most headache goes soon after taking antihistamines or decongestants.

     Altitude sickness

So is a condition which is caused by oxygen starvation, and occurs at a certain altitude climbers hang gliders, and people traveling on a hot air balloon. The height at which there are signs of altitude sickness, depends on the level of physical fitness person, general health, but mostly - from climate change. So, in the humid air sickness can begin at an altitude of about 1.5 km, and in regions with dry air well-being may remain normal until it rises to a height of 3.5 to 5 km.

Most people suffering from altitude sickness, complaining of a headache in the forehead, but about a third of them occurs in the pain of a temple. In this case, if the first time the patient appeared headache in the right temple, if it again in the future will develop altitude sickness, pain is most likely to be localized to the right again. The reasons for this are not yet known. Other common symptoms of altitude sickness - nausea, slight dizziness and fatigue.

     Cerebral aneurysms

Signs of this disorder can be very severe headache in temples or in the forehead, and a sharp deterioration in vision, pain around one eye, muscle spasms, stiffness of certain facial muscles (usually only on one side of the face). If you suspect that this violation should immediately seek medical attention.

     Brain Tumors

In rare cases, chronic, progressively worsening pain in the temples or in other areas of the head can be signs of tumors in the brain. Usually, headaches in such cases are accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, blurred vision, weakness of the arms and / or legs, speech, behavior change.

     The Hangover

Some people have a hangover causes severe pain in the temples, although often after alcohol headache in the forehead. To get rid of a headache, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, eat foods containing fructose (such as honey or fruit juice), and take analgesics. The use of small doses of alcohol may also ease the pain, but the people who have problems with alcohol dependence, such treatment should be avoided.


A very common cause of pain in the temples. Pain may occur after prolonged reading, computer work, knitting in low light, and so on. To prevent the occurrence of such pain, it is necessary to routinely give your eyes rest, and do special exercises for the eyes.