Saturday, October 18, 2014

Folk remedies for toothache

Relieve toothache before visiting the dentist will help us some recommended simple home treatments and facilities.

How to get rid of a toothache at home with the help of public money.

As often as possible to rinse the teeth with warm tap water.

Take a pill of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a highly effective non-narcotic analgesics; taking acetylsalicylic acid tablet is recommended to chew, take means better milk (take a sip or two of milk, chew and swallow a pill, take another sip or two of milk), as acetylsalicylic acid has ulcerative - ie it can contribute to the formation of gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers intestine.

As a sedative during prolonged toothache, take alcohol tincture of valerian; Recommended dosage: 15-20 drops two to three times a day.

Traditional medicine recommends the use to rinse warm decoction of Salvia officinalis.
Preparation: Dried herbs need to pound in a mortar and pestle to a powder, a tablespoon of raw sugar and 200 ml of boiling water and keep in a boiling water bath for about 20 minutes, then another push means about half an hour, strain through two layers of cheesecloth.
How to use: rinse your mouth means that when the pain in the teeth; often need to gargle; agent has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and some analgesic effect.

May also be useful regular mouthwash warm decoction of the leaves of eucalyptus, it is necessary for its preparation: one tablespoon of dried, pounded into powder leaves pour 200 ml of water and cook at low boil for 12-15 minutes, then cool tool, strain through a 1 -2 layers of cheesecloth, wring out the remnants of raw materials; rinse your mouth this broth seven or eight times a day, the broth has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Rinse your mouth with warm infusion of marigold flowers dosage.
Method of preparation and application: for its preparation: 3-4 c. dried flowers pour one cup of boiling water and infuse in a sealed container at room temperature for 30-40 minutes, then strain through a ready means of a single layer of cheesecloth; often rinse the mouth; broth has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

After the removal of tooth pain at home for treatment still need to apply to dentistry. And do not be afraid of it. Modern dental clinics carry out dental treatment without pain. At your request, the behavior may be treated under general anesthesia.

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