Saturday, October 18, 2014

Folk treat boils and eczema.

Chiry we have always been treated with black wax, that is propolis. You do not look that propolis tastes bitter but burning, and in his hand take, yes sticky adhesive. In early spring when the bees are flying on the resin on the young shoots so sticky note paper, you do not take it, let dry up.

Grandma's recipe for the treatment of boils.

Prepare cake of pure propolis, attach it to a boil and attach not record until the softening boil and pus.
And when the day of St. Pud (April 15), it is time to take for hives. As the old saying - a saint Pud take out the bees from under the bushel. How to become a hive for the summer pore cook, clean the frame, once the black wax and naskoblite. Collect spoon propolis and mix with a spoon of honey. Place the leaves of meadowsweet, apply to the affected area and tie a scarf. And do the little finger around chiriya drive and three conspiracy read.
O Lord God! Bless, O Father! In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Nor from stone fruit or stone from coal, no grass, no green. So would a servant of God (name) from chirya was no pinch, no sickness, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Having the last word, then drag the little finger three times around chirya and leave the cake overnight. During the night she razopreet and chiry become softer and pain recede. Will pass a bit of time and health will improve.

Folk treatment of eczema.

Bad summer, when the sun is not present. In such a time of scabies yes sverbezha beware. But how to protect yourself? It's very simple.

Grandma's recipe for the treatment of eczema.

Pour 2 teaspoons of dried sea buckthorn sprouts and 1 cup of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 8 hours.
How to dubochke leaves first hatch, young prutochkov buckthorn in panicle collect them and are being treated. Kinked them smaller and fill a jug of cold water from the well. And as the day will stand in the fire-heat. Yes prayer refer to the disinterested and Martyrs Cyrus and John.
After the words of prayer cease soul overcome illness. What drug has cooled, assemble twigs with broth so sick place to wash. And, God willing, the next day you feel better.

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