Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gout on the legs: Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies

Gout - a form of arthritis, inflammation of the joints, which causes depend on the amount of uric acid containing purine and processed by the body from food.

A sure sign of gout is a redness of the joint, it flowed, the emergence of severe pain. Most often, the disease appears on the legs, striking the joints of the thumb, but sometimes can "suffer" and knees, hands, fingers.

At the first sign of gout is necessary to consult a doctor, a rheumatologist, who will appoint an x-ray of the joints, diagnose, pick therapy and diet.

Treatment of the disease involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that can inhibit the excretion of uric acid.

Sometimes used ultraviolet irradiation joint.

As for the treatment of gout traditional medicine, it is quite simple to use and very effective.

Getting rid of gout using popular recipes

For a similar tool to grind five aspirin tablets and dissolve them in 10 ml of iodine. This liquid should be to rub the affected joints, then it is necessary to wrap them in a warm blanket.

Well help iodine baths. The recipe is as follows: 3 liters of warm water, add 9 drops of iodine and 3 tsp baking soda. In this solution the need to hold the affected joint.

When gout help and alcoholate rosehip. You can cook it on a standard recipe, taken twice a day, 1 tsp before eating.

Prescription treatment for gout garlic. Half a kilo of garlic slurry poured a liter of alcohol and left in the sun for 10 days, then the drug should be taken daily strain and on an empty stomach 20-40 drops, drinking milk or juice.

For treatment, you can use a compress, insisting garlic vinegar: chopped 3 garlic cloves pour 500 ml of a 9% solution of vinegar and insist 15 days.

We all know that ginger is very useful, it can also be applied to treat gout. It is only necessary to replace the simple tea - ginger, which should be consumed every day.

When inflammation of the joints is good to use chamomile bath. Add 100 gr. daisies, bought in a drugstore, 10 liters of water and add 200 gr. salt.

You can also brew the leaves cranberries, bay 2 tablespoons leaves 1 tbsp. of hot water. Infuse for half an hour and drink three times a day for 100 ml.

When gout need to review your diet and give up some foods, such as meat, canned, salted cheeses, bacon, beans, alcohol, and some others.

For the prevention of gout is necessary to know the level of uric acid in the body, get rid of bad habits, well and good to eat, to abandon the product in which there is a purine.

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