Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Means of hemorrhoids - folk

Hemorrhoids - it's not such a terrible disease, and therefore a means of hemorrhoids effectively help the people to overcome it. At all times, the disease is treated promptly. In villages considered natural hemorrhoid disease in connection with this applied only folk remedies.

The disease is fairly common. Many advise parboiled tansy, and then stand over the steam. Such a means helps the disease. There is another tool. Pour water (about 2 l.) In a pan, then bring to a boil. Next, pour yarrow, branches and leaves of walnut (walnut), boil on low heat for 15 minutes.

Instead of yarrow may use handful of hop cones. Hop cones on the result not concede anything and also quite effective. This composition pour into a bowl and sit in it, finish the procedure when this broth to cool. They say that enough 3 procedures, and you will forget about hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid treatment according to the recipe Herbalist
There is a wise woman, curing people by means of hemorrhoids folk. And it is often approached by people who want to cure hemorrhoids, because medicines sold in pharmacies, only for a while can take away the pain, but do not cure. It is in the treatment of hemorrhoids various folk remedies that grandma and glorified.

It uses a single grass, through which already cured many people suffering from hemorrhoids. It is important that a couple of days away bleeding, and a week later the man forgets than ill. Until now, many would go to the sorceress, if there was to figure out what kind of grass is used. This tool proved mullein.

So now you can be treated at home and are not necessarily sorceress in Yekaterinburg. The recipe is quite simple: it is necessary to 3 times a day to brew the flowers of this plant and drink instead of tea. A week later, a man completely cure hemorrhoids.

Ointment and decoction of nettle

Special ointment available over the counter, but it is sold by prescription only, since it is a drug. But you can make an ointment and without drugs. Typically, 100 grams of ointment has 5 grams streptotsida, norsulfazola, sulfadimezin, grams of camphor. In addition, there are 0.5 grams. eucalyptus oil, and 100 grams of petrolatum.

Apply this ointment you can preventively. Instead, add petrolatum cream, for example, means after shaving. Moreover, such an ointment is even better. You can use it free from cracks, and itching from the hemorrhoids.

People with sedentary work, suffer from hemorrhoids often, so it is good to help the recipe, which is made from nettles. Take nettles (half a cup), but you can and grass tablets (purchase it at the pharmacy). Then fill it with boiling water, cover with a lid. Let the grass insists until cool, but do not forget to stir it. At the end of all the strain - you should have a green water, which should consume 3 p. per day.
What are some folk remedies?

Some people are wondering how to treat constipation folk remedies? Increasingly, many have resorted to traditional medicine exactly. For example, if you have painful hemorrhoids, in this case required the potato candle. Need of potatoes (raw) cut out the candle, and then put it after defecation. To conduct such a procedure better bedtime.

And the potatoes take a mature, as it can be spread with honey, sunflower oil to make it easier to enter. Another way to use this vegetable: grated tuber is applied to the sore spot and stick adhesive plaster.

There are candles and ice. They can prepare using conventional rubber gloves. In the finger gloves to pour water to freeze. So make good candles from hemorrhoids. But the shape of the candle should do a perfect, smooth, because it can damage the very soft tissue.

Generally there is a lot of money, which today offers a traditional medicine: constipation, hemorrhoids are treated much grass. For example, for the treatment of hemorrhoids take Speel birch trunk. Good warm it. Then sit on the saw cut, and wrapped herself, so sit for about 30 minutes. Repeat this for 2-3 days, preferably overnight, until there is no disease.

You can also take a clay pot. Pour 2 liters of milk there. Then lower it 4 onions and peel. Pot must be closed and placed in the oven, making a slow fire. Close the pot lid with a hole, then warm up the affected area. Can repeat the session after 3 days. 3 x 4-warmings will be enough.

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