Herniated Disc - this is the most severe manifestation of osteochondrosis, characterized by the development of pain radicular syndrome and, consequently, the appearance of pathologies such as paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities, numbness, impaired function of the pelvic organs.
Causes of
The main causes of the disease are age-related changes on the part of the intervertebral discs and spinal injuries. In addition, the rupture disk may trigger factors such as surgeries on the spine, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent lifting, smoking and being overweight.
Forms and localization
Depending on the direction of loss of sequestration are several types of hernias. Anterolateral hernia located below the front semicircle of the vertebrae, and posterolateral - pierce the back of the fibrous ring. In turn, the posterolateral hernia divided into the median, paramedian and lateral (lateral). Stands apart foraminal herniated disc, which is located in the intervertebral foramen.
Depending on the location of the hernia was isolated cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral.
Symptoms and signs
Spinal disc herniation lumbar pain manifests itself in the lumbosacral region, aggravated by stress and sometimes give in the buttock. In addition, the symptoms of lumbar intervertebral hernia - a weakness and disturbance of sensation in the lower extremities, disorders of pelvic organs.
Intervertebral hernia cervical spine is associated with symptoms such as pain radiating to the shoulder or arm, dizziness, increased blood pressure, numbness of fingers.
Degenerative changes in the thoracic spine marked pain in the thoracic region, often combined with scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis.
Treatment of intervertebral hernia
Depending on the stage of the disease the patient may be indicated conservative or surgical treatment.
Treatment of herniated laser
During the treatment by laser beam drive fluid converted into steam. Herniated removal by laser virtually eliminates the risk of complications, but this method has a number of contraindications, because of which its application is limited.
Surgery to remove the herniated
Radical discectomy involves removal of a hernia at the same time with abnormal disc. Most often, the place of the remote drive to install an artificial implant.
Drugs for treatment of herniated discs
For the treatment of disease are appointed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, hypnotics, and tricyclic antidepressants.
Treatment with leeches herniated
In the saliva of the medicinal leech contains special enzymes that help reduce swelling and compression of nerves damaged hernias, which allows to use hirudotherapy in kachstve additional treatment.
Treatment of herniated discs without surgery
If you intervertebral hernia, it will help ease the pain with massage using honey ointment and one of the essential oils (pine, comfrey oil, etc.). Dissolve pellet in mumie teaspoon of warm water, and then the resulting solution was mixed thoroughly with 100 g of honey. Before the massage the skin is rubbed back one of the essential oils, after applied the ointment. Sam massage is done as follows: hand applied to the body before sticking, and then abruptly rises and falls again.
Treatment of herniated folk remedies involves the active use of comfrey. Decoction of the plant is recommended to take into a glass 3 times a day, and use it for rubbing sore spot.
Bring good effect rubbing tincture prepared from the following ingredients: 100 g cinquefoil, elecampane and grass clover and 150 g of hemlock. Pour ingredients 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 1.5-2 weeks.
Talking about how to cure intervertebral hernia, it should be recalled and garlic compression. Grind 300 g of garlic, fill it with 150 grams of vodka and leave for 10 days. Ready mix, apply as a compress on the affected area, cover with plastic film and wrapped a warm scarf.
Pregnancy and intervertebral hernia
When pregnancy increases the weight and size of the fetus puts additional strain on the intervertebral discs, which can accelerate the progression of the disease. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor with the pregnancy, with preference given to non-drug treatments.
In conclusion, let us say a few words about the prevention of disease. To prevent back problems need to move more fully fed, give up bad habits and undergo regular course of back massage. If back pain is still there, you should immediately consult a doctor, since running a hernia is more difficult to treat.

Helminths, commonly called worms often - are parasitic worms that live in the body of animals and humans and causing worm infestation (helminthiasis).
Types of worms
We call some of the most common types of worms in humans, starting with the story of pinworms. These white worms length of about 6.4 cm are found in the lower intestine, colon and cecum, postponing the day of 15 th. Eggs.
The second group intraenteric parasites include roundworms, attach to the intestinal wall and can reach a length of 43 cm. If untreated, these parasites are able to penetrate into the liver, lungs, eyes, ears and even the brain, cause serious damage.
The third group intraenteric parasites - a tapeworm, which include beef tapeworm, dog tapeworm, pork tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm, Echinococcus and a tapeworm. These parasites is not its own system of digestion, so they suck nutrients from the host organism, and often suck his blood.
During the life cycle of the organism through the roundworm migrate - worms, which are more common in children. In the small intestine, these parasites lay eggs that fall into the soil with feces. While infecting the eggs reach the intestine, where they hatch into larvae. Last through the intestinal wall penetrate the lymphatic or venous bed and reach the lungs, where they are maturing, after which the young worms migrate to the small intestine to lay their eggs.
Also in our country is widespread whipworm, Trichuriasis pathogen. The larva of this parasite feeds on the blood and lymph capillaries of the intestinal wall, causing a sharp decline in immunity.
Finally, another source of danger are flukes - flatworms, invading the liver, intestines, lungs, and blood. Infection usually occurs by eating poorly cooked fish and drinking contaminated water.
Symptoms and signs
Symptoms of worms in humans in the acute phase typically include manifestations such as fever, diarrhea, skin rash, sore throat, limfodenity, bronchospasm, pneumonia, hepatitis, myocarditis (usually 2-3 symptom). After the transition of the disease in the chronic stage (2-4 weeks after infection) symptoms of worms in humans are becoming more differentiated depending on the particular pathogen. So, when infected roundworms marked flatulence, pain in the intestine, peritonitis, weight loss and fatigue, infection with pinworms - itching in the anus, dark circles under the eyes, diarrhea and bad breath, but of ascariasis indicate liver injury, persistent cough, unstable chair and headache.
How to get rid of worms?
If you notice in yourself or your loved ones or that signs of worms in the body, it is necessary to turn to an infectious diseases doctor, who prescribed examination, the results of which you will be assigned the most effective treatment in your case.
Although some helminth infections are treated only by surgery (number of tapeworms, Echinococcus), to get rid of most of the other applicable special preparations from worms in humans. Depending on the helminth species can be assigned to you, including:
- Vermoxum (most effective when trihotsefaleze and enterobioze);
- Nemozol (most active against larvae of Echinococcus and nematodes);
- Vormin and other broad-spectrum drugs containing mebendazole;
- Dekaris and other broad-spectrum drugs containing Levamisole;
- Praziquantel (most effective when cestodiasis and antitrematode).
Folk remedies for worms
Treatment of worms folk remedies can be used as an auxiliary method in conjunction with taking prescribed by your doctor anthelminthics. Tell you about the most popular recipes of traditional medicine, helps to quickly destroy the parasites.
Pumpkin seeds from worms
Pumpkin seeds from worms used as follows: 300 g of untreated seeds must mince, then pour the water, which should be twice as much as the amount of seed, and keep in a water bath for 2 hours, not boiling. Ready broth need to drain, remove the oily film on the surface and slowly drink for 30 minutes in the morning before eating. After 2 hours after ingestion of pumpkin broth should take a laxative.
How to use the chanterelles with worms?
If you have tortured worms, you will come to the aid of chanterelles. Thus, to maintain the active antiparasitic agent - hinnomanozu, foxes must eat raw or (2 fungus 3-4 times a day for 10 days), or taking tincture dry fungi.
To prepare the tincture dry chanterelles at temperatures up to 40C and grind into powder, 1 teaspoon of which pour 150 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days, shaking regularly. Do not strain, pre-shake. Finished tincture drink in the evening before going to bed to 2 teaspoons of treatment - 2 months.
Milk with garlic from worms
Worms in humans can be displayed with the help of this simple but effective means, such as milk and garlic. Rub on a small grater 5 cloves of garlic, the resulting slurry pour 1 cup of natural milk and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave for some time to draw. Take 4 times a day on an empty stomach for 7 days.
Ginger from worms
For the preparation of an alcohol tincture finely grate 0.5 kg of fresh roots, the resulting mass pour 0.5 liters of vodka and put in a dark place for 15 days. Finished tincture take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.
Tansy from worms
Pour into the pan 1 tablespoon of flowers plants, fill them with 1 cup boiling water and cover the pan for 4 hours, after which potsedite. Drink infusion of 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.
Wormwood from worms
Talking about how to get the worms in humans, be sure to remember the sage, treatment with the help of which is performed as follows. In the first 3 days every 2-2.5 hours put into the mouth 1 incomplete teaspoon of dry powdered sage, swallow and drink water (just out 5-6 times per day), and then reduce the number of receptions to 3-4 times a day. Therapeutic course - 1 week.
Triad of worms
To prepare the Triad must grind to a powder and mix 100 grams of flowers of tansy, 50 g of seeds and cloves 25 g of Artemisia. Treatment is carried out as follows:
- 1st day: 1 teaspoon means 1 times a day 30 minutes before meals with water;
- Day 2: 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals;
- 3rd day and the following days: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day;
The course of treatment - 1 week. Triad should not be taken with gastritis, gastric and women during pregnancy.
Enema worming
Enemas allow to expel from the body of worms while avoiding side effects, almost inevitable when using any other means.
Enema with soda from worms
For the procedure 20-30 g of sodium hydroxide should be dissolved in 800 ml of water to bring the temperature of the solution to 38-42S, and then introduced into the rectum using an enema, detaining intestine 30 minutes.
Before and after the procedure should be done without the usual cleansing enemas soda for bowel cleansing and removal of dead parasites. The course of treatment - 8-10 procedures are carried out in a day.
Garlic enema for worms
In the evening, crushed clove of garlic pour 1 cup of warm boiled water and leave for the night, in the morning, strain, pour into a mug Esmarch and enter as an enema. After the garlic enema follow the usual cleansing enema.
Worms in children
Due to lack of hygiene practices of assimilation children infected with worms often adults. What to do if your child has intestinal worms? Renowned pediatrician Dr. Komorowski encourages parents in such cases not to engage in independent action, as the correct choice of method of therapy can be done only on the basis of an expert survey. Komorowski also recommends not to get involved in folk medicine for the treatment of intestinal worms, which, in his opinion, as effective as modern medical drugs. To resort to the methods of traditional medicine Komorowski advises only if the child's drug allergy.
To prevent helminthic infestation must wash their hands with soap before eating and after returning from the street, meat and fish be thoroughly heat treated, do not drink tap water and do not swim in contaminated fresh water.
In conclusion, we recall once again that the treatment of worms folk remedies can be recommended only as an auxiliary method of anthelmintic therapy. Many helminth infections - a serious disease that can lead to serious consequences, including death, so be sure to consult a specialist in order to avoid the worst.

At least once, but almost everyone faced with flux. State, accompanied by severe pain and swollen gums, may be somewhat relieved by folk remedies, if there is no possibility of an early visit to a doctor. But even after the pain passed, you need to see a specialist for professional care.
All of the flux
This inflammatory process that affects the periosteum and is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome. Flux causes swelling of the gums. But it is possible swelling of the lips, cheeks and nose. Flux is often accompanied by high fever.
The cause of this unpleasant condition may be accidental damage to the gums, in practice, a flux - a consequence of neglected or insufficiently treated caries. Periodontitis and pulpitis can also cause inflammation in the periosteum.
Treated flux conservative methods or surgery. Selects the method doctor after inspection and determine the cause of the flux. Very often a bad tooth must be removed. Sometimes, the situation started so that we have to resort to surgery to remove the pus from the site of the affected flux. Be sure to prescribe anti-inflammatory agents.
Assistance of a qualified physician is required, even if the pain is removed. Folk medicine only suspend the inflammatory process and reduce discomfort, but can not cure. The event of failure to the doctor likely destruction of large areas of inflammation or acquire chronic. Rarely, but in complicated inflammatory process may lead to death.
Folk remedies to combat flux
Can assist in getting rid of flux decoctions and infusions of herbs, which are used as a gargle.
1. The leaves of sage and nettle, calamus root and oak - all at 10 grams - 1 liter of hot water. All blended and brewed a couple of hours. Infusion is filtered and used in the form of heat. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours is necessary.
2. Chamomile - 15 grams, sage - 20 grams, calamus root - 10 grams of water - 0.5 liters. Mix all ingredients and 1 tablespoon collection pour boiling water. Insist 2 hours.
3. Calendula Flowers at 3 tablespoons brew 0.75 liters of boiling water. Leave to brew for about 1 hour.
4. To prepare necessary to take 3 tablespoons mint, birch buds, angelica, periwinkle. Thus prepared fee in the amount of 3 tablespoons filled with 1 liter of boiled water, 1 hour.
5. Prepare a collection of herb St. John's wort (4 tablespoons), sage (3 tablespoons) and oak bark (2 tablespoons). The third part of the resulting mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and allow to stand for about 2 hours. Then strain and rinse your mouth every hour.
6. 1 tablespoon of sage leaves and roots of iris, 0.5 liters of water. Mixture pour boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Rinse your mouth every hour strained warm broth.
7. Green tea, sage and salt. At first brew herbs and let them infuse for a short time. Then strain the infusion and add to it 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Mouth rinse in hot water and during the day.
How to remove a tumor in the home? Recipes from ointments flux:
1. Honey ointment reduces swelling and pain. She is preparing a rather unusual way. You will need a lime honey ... and a rusty nail. It must be heated so that he blushed, and then dipped in warmed honey. On a nail nalipnet mass that looks like tar. Cool and lubricate her gum affected flux. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed. No less effective and propolis, which is also a product of beekeeping. It should be chewed throughout the day;
2. ointment made of wax. You will need a cup or enamel saucepan, refined sunflower oil, beeswax, hard-boiled egg and a nylon stocking. In a cup, pour 0.2 liters of oil and place on a warm water bath. Lower back wax size of a matchbox. When it has dissolved, add the mass is half the yolk, previously crushed to fine crumbs. Reheat still 10 minutes, not forgetting stir constantly. Leave to infuse, after 5 minutes, strain using a nylon stocking. Not cold ointment lubricate the gums twice a day. If you keep the vehicle in the refrigerator before use, always warm up in a water bath.
Traditional recipes, of course, facilitate your condition, but cure flux can only resorting to the help of a specialist. A visit to the dentist in inflammatory disease just need to not further any more serious problems.

I noticed that my husband's veins stand out on a limb much, a few years ago, but did not attach any importance to this, as there are no other signs of illness or discomfort he was not. I believe that this is the norm. But lately, the picture began to change dramatically: the skin on the genitals pogrubela, large veins compacted, there are many smaller veins, worsened sexual feelings, and sometimes even sex is accompanied by pain. In short, not only became a member of intimidating look, especially in a state of excitement, but also gives a man a lot of inconvenience. Studying the photos on the Internet with similar symptoms, I clearly determined that this - varicose veins of the penis. Husband seriously attended to the problem and went to reception to andrology.
The doctor was enough to examine the penis visually and not in an excited state to accurately confirm the diagnosis. He said that once the veins in the testicles in a completely normal state, the varicocele is excluded from the list of possible diseases and can only varices. The question of what to do and how I continue to live with this, andrology advised to have surgery.
What could cause such a nice little syndrome? Husband learned that the factors that result in varicose veins in the penis can be themselves different: it's genital injuries, and hyperextension of the bladder, and a variety of tumors, and the violation of blood clotting system, and promiscuity with infection, and inflammatory processes. I do not know what could cause him, but I think that it is - a predisposition, as the veins in the legs husband is also quite clearly discernible, and his mother for many years suffered from varicose veins in the legs.
In general, he agreed to the operation, which probably can be attributed to the category of cosmetics. Under general anesthesia, he cut penis on coronal sulcus, using simulated fiziorastvora erection excised and varicose veins of the body, in consequence of which the stitches on the skin. Of course, when he began to depart from the anesthesia, was the desire to climb the walls - so much hurt in the groin. To rescue analgesic, and the next day began to feel much better. The postoperative course was uneventful, and somewhere on the 10th day, he removed the stitches and was discharged home. Writing out, the doctor advised for a month to refrain from sexual intercourse, as well as anti-inflammatory and poprinimat immunopovyshayuschie funds. The very same sexual organ he simply rinsed with a solution of chamomile, known for its protivovovospalitelnymi and wound-healing properties. It has been 4 months now he has a full member of the order, and in terms of aesthetic, and with respect to its direct affiliation. So, varicose veins on the penis - although unpleasant, but it is disposable time.

Any person may be a problem such as ear plugs, the treatment is quite possible to carry out at home, without the services of specialists. Exactly how to treat, and I want to tell you, based on your own unpleasant experience.
I note that I regularly spend my ears hygiene, clean out of these sulfur. Then one day, as a result of a cotton swab, I felt that was the worse hearing, with both ears! I panicked and was about to gallop rush to the hospital, as I calmed my mother. Carefully inspect my ears, she returned a verdict: ears formed cerumen. We all know what could lead a hike to the hospital: it is standing in line, and running around from office to office, and endless writings. So when my mother suggested I try folk remedies, I gladly accepted, the benefit of the experience she lacked.
If sulfur clusters are relatively small, they can be removed using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The main thing that the skin ears there was any disease or damage. Literally drip a few drops in each ear, and within 15 minutes of performing cleaning of the resulting foam. 3-4 days with half the procedure - and your ears again in order, however, as the hearing. For drying the auditory canal is recommended to warm the ears lamp. Onion juice - another good remedy for ear plugs. Method of application it is similar to hydrogen peroxide.
These recipes I told my mother, but how to get the ear plug, if it is quite large, and hearing at the moment is almost completely gone? There is no time and opportunity to wait a few days. So in my case was applied lavage. This method is most effective, however, it is not available to everyone: the procedure requires special skills. Immediately before washing instilled into the ear few drops - this facilitates extraction. Then the patient should lie a few minutes on one side. The person who will perform the washing, meanwhile, is preparing a 20 ml syringe with warm water. Naturally, the needle is not needed here. Ear washed by water jet direction of the syringe into the ear, and the wall of the auditory meatus as shown. As the collection of water should be substituted small lotochek or bowl, it is here and will be unfortunate cork. And for a complete washout is recommended to wash several times.
After this treatment, I felt relieved immediately: immediately return a hearing, feeling of fullness passed, and I was able to enjoy life again and to start daily activities. Now, however, I became even more careful to take care of their ears.
The problem of ingrown nail sooner or later there is a lot of people. And, as a rule, rather than to see a specialist, they rush to get rid of it at home. Fortunately, ingrown nail can really cure at home, but if for a week of self-improvement does not occur, is necessary to address to the doctor for treatment correction.
Ingrown nail - Causes
Before you begin to deal with ingrown toenails, you need to understand why there is inflammation. This will help you choose effective treatment and prevent relapse.
Thus, the probability of occurrence of ingrown toenail occurs when:
man wearing tight shoes of coarse material with narrow toe; high heel also contributes to the formation of ingrown nail because of the pressure on the toes;
people sick flatfoot;
nail plates struck by a fungus (called onychomycosis);
a person has a congenital disorder - on hyponychial pillow has an excessive amount of soft tissue;
people sick valgus foot deformities;
if done incorrectly manicure - nails are not cut corners, that is a strong possibility of ingrown toenail;
if the wrong people watching hygiene.
As a rule, leads to ingrown nail the combination of several factors, therefore, for the treatment and prevention of relapse to exclude all possible causes leading to the formation of ingrown toenail.
Ingrown nail - treatment of folk remedies
How to treat ingrown nail at home will tell folk medicine, it is one of those rare diseases that can be treated successfully at home. Consider a few tools that can be effective.
How to get rid of ingrown nail using sea salt?
If in the area of inflammation has not yet formed pus, it may help steaming. Sol - natural antiseptic, and in combination with the high temperature water is capable of destroying bacteria. If the finger has already started vesicate then steaming conduct prohibited. So, for steaming need the following tools:
1 liter water;
5 tablespoons or sea salt;
0.5 cups of strong chamomile.
These ingredients should be mixed, and wait until dissolved salt. Then dipped in a solution of a finger 15 minutes. After completion of the corner of the nail neatly cut and treated this site with alcohol.
Vishnevsky ointment from ingrown toenail
If due to ingrown toenail pus already formed, will help solve the problem of the famous Vishnevsky ointment. Its only drawback - the pungent smell, but it is very effective in purulent inflammations.
So, if the nail rooted in the finger, the treatment will compress. This will require:
piece of cellophane;
cotton pad;
Vishnevsky ointment.
The procedure is as follows:
Apply to a cotton pad Vishnevsky ointment, and attach it to the site of inflammation.
Then attach the top of the cellophane to the ointment bandage soaked through - she has a bright brown color. And things can get dirty. After this, wrap a bandage on his finger to lock compress.
This procedure is done at night and in the morning remove the wrap, and the inflammation is treated with alcohol. Doing it stands up until the pus will come.
How to remove ingrown nail using alum?
Burning sensation when alum ingrown nails can also be effective, as they help the topsheet rough skin to fall off. Together with alum need to use another means - either levomikol ointment or ointment Vishnevsky.
Happy skin from ingrown nails need to sprinkle powdered alum, and at night to make a compress or ointment levomikol Vishnevsky. During the week, rough skin should fall away, and then you can remove the regrown nail.
If during the week did not come to improve the condition, should consult a surgeon who will remove the ingrown nail.

Comprehensive prevention of hemorrhoids in men and women should comprehensively cover all the possible causes of the disease. Provoke disease inaccuracies in personal hygiene and nutrition, lifestyle characteristics, poor muscle tone, hereditary factors. With age, to the causes of hemorrhoids, joins weakening of muscles of the anal canal. Prevention of hemorrhoids is aimed at normalization of the venous outflow, preventing constipation and diarrhea.
The basis for the prevention of a healthy person are sports. However, with hemorrhoids to active employment should be approached with caution, observe reasonable limits.
Contraindications for hemorrhoids
Not recommended:
and lift weights at the gym and at home;
perform exercises with breath during exercise is not only large, but also with small scales;
do exercises that improve the intra-abdominal pressure: weight squat, deadlift;
ride a bike, rowing, horse riding.
Personal hygiene
After each bowel movement, it is recommended to wash the anus with cool water;
should daily during exacerbation of the disease irrigate anus with water at room temperature;
carry water treatment, take warm baths sit in acute pain.
To move up through the veins of the lower limbs venous need assistance skeletal muscle, namely reductions "squeeze" blood toward the heart. If the muscles are relaxed, the blood does not rise, stagnates in the veins. The walls of the vessels are stretched, forming varicose veins. Overcrowded blood vessels dilated hemorrhoidal plexus of the rectum become inflamed, leading to the formation or aggravate hemorrhoids.
In order not to provoke aggravation, recommended moderate exercise, because exercise of hemorrhoids - the best way to avoid illness. It is important to move a lot every day. You can not sit for more than 6 hours a day with no traffic, you need to be interrupted for a few minutes every hour. If this is not possible, the number of useful exercises you can perform in the workplace imperceptibly. During exercise is necessary to breathe correctly: effort should fall on exhalation, you can not hold your breath for breath.
Complex simple exercises at work
Whenever possible, elevate the legs for 3-4 minutes;
sitting on a chair, straighten your legs to lift off the floor, rotate the feet;
perform the reduction of the anal sphincter - the maximum draw in the anus and let go.
To prevention of hemorrhoids in women include the correct diet and physical activity during pregnancy.
Complex for hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Hemorrhoids often occur in women during the second half of pregnancy and after delivery. This disease impairs the overall health of women, adversely affects the course of labor. The exercises are aimed at improving the tone of the pelvic floor muscles to avoid the formation of nodules and hemorrhoidal prolapse of the uterus. Need to engage in fasting.
Lying on your back, put a pillow under the waist. Legs bent at the knees, stretch the muscles of the perineum for 10-15 seconds and repeat 30 times.
Lying on his back, focus on the muscles of the vagina, try to stretch them, hold the voltage up, hold the position for 15 seconds and relax. Repeat 5-10 times on state of health.
Quickly compress the muscles of the vagina and anal sphincter alternately.
Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Put a chair in front of him, turning his back to her. Squat on state of health to the horizontal position thighs.
Lying on his back, legs slightly extended forward, bending at the knees, feet together, knees to relax, to let them freely stretch the muscles under its own gravity. Lie in this position by being.
There are a number of effective methods of exercise to prevent hemorrhoids. The main condition for the effectiveness of training - regularly.
Types of exercise for the prevention of hemorrhoids
Aerobic cardio train the cardiovascular system, improve circulation, eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs. It is recommended to alternate the exercises:
active walking;
Nordic walking;
If a person starts to training after a long break, the occupation can make a 5-10 minute
Inverted yoga postures
Exercises promote the outflow of venous blood, relieve pain symptom, serve as disease prevention.
Dog muzzle down - a support for the feet and hands, pull on the outstretched arms and legs, trying to bring the chest to the feet.
Birch - lying on his back, raise your legs vertically, hold their hands, bent at the elbows.
Plow - from exercise Birch lower legs neatly behind your head, hands on the floor along the trunk.
Improving intestinal motility
All exercises are designed to prevent constipation, performed on an empty stomach in the morning after using the toilet.
Lying on your back, knees bent. Twist the pelvis, fixing the position of the feet. Perform 10-20.
Standing, bend forward, stretch your hands in her lap. Exhale, draw the belly, trying as hard as possible to pull it back, then do not exhale, let go of the stomach. Alternate movement, drawing in and bulging belly. Exercise taken from yoga, run every morning fasting strictly, start with 5-10.
Hemorrhoids can be prevented by working on improving flexibility and muscle tone, constantly engaging in sport, driving, but avoiding the stress associated with excessive exercise.