Friday, April 3, 2015

Beans against diabetes and kidney disease

Beans are not only suitable for soup. It can be a real cure. It is quite possible to apply in cosmetology and medicine. About the properties of its likely heard everything.
For medicine need not seeds and pods. And they need fresh, not dried. This is an important point in the treatment.
They can help with diabetes, kidney disease and bladder. Feel free to include them in the diet food. In much arginine pods so they exert insulin-like effects on metabolism in humans with diabetes.
They also possess the property of cleaning, and driven dissolved urine. Therefore, immediately useful in several diseases. Diuretic effect gives the rind. Incidentally, unlike other vegetables or fruits of this plant have the unique property of almost one - it soothes .... Perhaps even better than any green tea. Plant a beneficial effect on the nervous system. So if you want to be calm and forget about their problems, eat beans! Her advice is, and dentists. It reduces the formation of tartar.
Recipe:If you have diabetes you need to do is very concentrated broth. To do this, you need to crush the leaf beans and pour three cups of water. Then, fifteen minutes at the end of cooking and drain. Drink a decoction must be four times a day for half a cup half an hour before a meal.
At the same time, you can use the remains of plants and facials. The only drawback of this means at hand - in time. Have to wait until everything is ready. For example, the beans need to soak in water and keep the five - six hours. You can just leave for the night. Then it should be up to full boil soft.
Mask:Mask quickly removes red spots on his face. To do this, rub the cooked beans, then add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. If the skin is dry, it can be replaced by oil olive, and if the fat - at St. John's wort and calendula. And in the end, add a drop of lemon juice. The mixture was again grind, mix well and leave on face for fifteen to twenty minutes. Rinse with plain water. At the end of your "bean" care, apply moisturizer. This mask lightening. If you have very oily skin, then replace the oil yogurt.To soften dry skin, mix our wonderful facility with raw egg yolk and one teaspoon of heavy cream. This homemade cream very well moisturize the skin.

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