Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Liver Cleansing

"Clogged" the liver can be well cleaned so affordable natural remedy like garlic.
That's it for this purpose proposes to use the Tibetan traditional medicine
. The recipe is simple enough.
You need to select three cloves garlic medium size, grind and pour them a glass of well-warmed milk.
Then add honey to an agent (Art. L.), Stir until it is completely dissolved, seven minutes to insist and drink
. Should take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach. Good start treatment, designed for seven days, on the growing moon. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course. But that is not all. At the bottom of the glass (after medication will be drunk) remains crushed garlic. It is also necessary to use: to collect and index finger to rub the navel area, the centers of the feet and palms. It is better to do this procedure in the evening.
If done in the morning and have to leave the house, you can rinse the garlic is already ten minutes later. Garlic contributes not only cleanse the liver and removes viruses and pathogenic bacteria. After drug administration garlic remains in the body for days. However, there are contraindications: it can hurt those people who are sick kidney or pancreas. Therefore, before treatment with garlic (and, in fact, to carry out cleansing), it is imperative to consult a doctor.

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