Friday, April 3, 2015

Unusual way - remove the shine using fungi

Which means to combat wrinkles and irritation grows in the woods? Can be long to sort out options, but you will not find the answer. The most unusual means of beauty and longevity ... mushrooms. Few people even know about the different masks of them. The most amazing thing is that for the home recipes suitable for almost any edible mushroom. There is no "majors." All can be easily explained by the fact that each contains a lot of fiber, and it just affects our appearance. And all the trace elements are not counted! The same goes for vitamins. And the big plus is the preservation of all this, a large number of utilities. After all, they can be used in its raw form. Unlike dishes or vegetables, when all the products necessary to fry or boil.
For home masks are excellent mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, white, tea and milk mushroom. Of course, it is best if you have collected them for yourself, and do not buy from sellers obscure "off the floor." It is better to collect in the depths of the forest, away from the roadway. They are mostly friends of nature, as "pick up" and absorb all the bad and harmful substances. Over time, it all builds up inside. Therefore, do not look for anything near the roads.
Tea and milk mushroom can grow independently. Advice on how to make them, you can easily find on the Internet. Sometimes, some species can cause allergies. Therefore, before applying the mask to put on your wrist and hold for a while. So, by the way, it is best to do before applying any means.
Mask of whiteIt is ideal for mature skin. Two or three of the fungus simply rinse, then peel and chop. Mass, which you will, apply to the face. Hold for 30 minutes. This mask is best removed with a cotton swab.
For dry skinThe same "ingredients", but with sour cream. Crush two or three things our magical means. You should have about two tablespoons of slurry. Then add thereto cream. Hereinafter work with a person. It has to be clean (wash just before our procedure) and to steam. Wait twenty minutes. Then lubricate the face of nourishing cream.
For oily skin - against the lightThere need have mushrooms. The technology is the same: clean, chop. Add to the resulting gruel one spoonful of yogurt. Then grind and apply on face. Keep half an hour. Mask quickly and permanently will remove all shine.
Against pigment spotsTo cleanse the face need milk. Do you need his serum. Apply in layers.

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