Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Medicinal properties of pine needles in folk medicine

Pine is often called healers. Healing action the kidneys, needles, bark and buds. It is often found in old recipes, because of its beneficial properties have been known since time immemorial. Recipes of traditional medicine using pine needles and is currently not lost its relevance. Essential oil of pine, is rich in volatile, can prevent colds in the initial stage of its inception.Decoctions and ointments based on pine needles can facilitate human condition in such diseases: the initial stage of tuberculosis; asthma; cardiovascular disease, and more.Pine contains vitamin B complex, which has beneficial effects on skin and hair, urogenital and endocrine system, relieves fatigue and provides energy. Fragrant smell of pine needles during the epidemic does not spread insidious viruses and pine bath wash away without a trace of daytime fatigue and prepare the body for a strong and healthy sleep.Pine needles have miraculous cosmetic effect. Decoction of pine - a welcome escape for oily skin. The versatility of the raw material from pine branches provides a wide variety of tools for prescriptions as a warning and a curative effect.Treating a cold decoction of pine needlesIn the autumn-spring period of time the body is weakened. Reduced immunity triggers the development of infectious diseases. Watching the first signs of the disease, can prepare an infusion of pine needles. Chopped raw material need to boil for 10 minutes. During this time, the broth will incorporate all the benefits of natural medicine. 20g needles pour 100 ml of pure water and the resulting drug sip per day.Beauty Lotion for oily skinProblem skin causes a lot of inconvenience complexes and its owners. Cleansing tonic of pine needles at bedtime will help to remove the effects of this trouble. Need to make rich broth of pine needles or dilute the essential oil in half a glass of water. 2-3 drops is enough. He is not subject to long-term storage, but the process of making a new portion does not take time and effort. Rate it can result in a month of use.Restore and strengthen the heart muscleThe main components, provides the whole body is the heart. From his work depends on the activities of all organs and quality of life. Strengthen the heart muscle and return to her former energy helps broth needles rosehip, which you can drink instead of water. A mixture of crushed pine needles and hips in the amount of 5 st.lozhek boil for 10 minutes and a thermos overnight. Restore the body after a stroke can help slice of lemon, eats with broth. Immunity will be a welcome addition after drinking this tea useful.Pine needles have immeasurable number of advantages. Preventive tea, medicinal cream or just air, saturated with healing oils of pine, will significantly improve the health and raise the spirits.

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