Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to use traditional medicine to strengthen nails

Beautiful hands - the card of each girl. Therefore, to make a positive impression, you need to carefully take care of the nails. And this does not need to disappear for hours in expensive beauty salons. There are many popular ways by which nogotochki become strong and shiny.
Simple oil masks
To exfoliate nails longer, there are a few night masks based on olive oil. The mixture should be rubbed bedtime nail plate and surrounding skin.
1 tablespoon olive oil + 2 drops of iodine.
2 teaspoons of olive oil + a teaspoon of lemon juice.
Baths for hands and nails
In order to become stronger nails, you can do the bath.
1. Heat half cup of vegetable oil, add to it half a glass of beer and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep your hands in this bath for 20 minutes. Procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week. A month later marigolds will be smooth and strong.
2. Take half a cup of dry red wine, add to it a tablespoon of salt, put the mixture in a water bath. After the components are mixed, cool wine and put the fingers. 15-20 minutes is enough to nail got a full range of vitamins and minerals.
3. Good softens skin and strengthens nails bath potato broth. To prepare it, you must take the water that remains after cooking vegetables and add to it three tablespoons of vegetable oil. After 10 minutes of applying such a nutrient masochki, the skin becomes smooth and velvety.
4. Excellent strengthens nails beeswax. Of melted wax makes the so-called thimbles. For this purpose, liquid wax dipped fingers and wait for your nails will be tight waxy shell. Suffice it to 15 minutes a day, 2 times a week to come back to the marigolds former luster and beauty.
Special diet for healthy nails
It is known that beauty comes from within, so external interventions are sometimes not enough. To become strong nails and shiny, to add to the diet of some products. For example, red pepper forever eliminates the problem of the layer of marigolds. It is enough to add a pinch of seasoning in food burning on a daily basis.
To nails became flat and smooth, the diet must include the gelatin products. It can be various desserts, such as marmalade or jelly, main dishes, such as aspic or jelly and crunchy hryaschiki from poultry and fish.
Marigolds to become strong like a diamond, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. This whole dairy products, as well as dates, figs and almonds.
Iron is useful not only for blood, but also helps nails grow healthier. Iron-rich yolk, liver, red meat, liver, pomegranates, beans, fresh carrot and beet juices.
Very useful for nails are elements such as manganese, magnesium and zinc. To make up for the lack of them in the body, you should regularly eat fish, bananas and rice.

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