Friday, April 3, 2015

Struggling with acne garlic: Proven Ways

Garlic saves not only from the flu and vampires, but also from other misfortunes, such as acne. And its beneficial properties tested for many generations. No wonder he attributed magical properties to ward off evil forces. So he was really significant for our ancestors. Of course, everyone knows that he saves in viral diseases, cures for many diseases. But about its use in cosmetics, few have heard. Nowhere else in the store can not be found cosmetics using garlic. A pity. And do not be fooled by its smell. Pimples and rashes on the skin it brings to one-two-three. A good tool for the treatment can be made popular, proven methods.
And the smell of easy to get rid of with a small trick - after any mask wash water with a bit of mustard. Unpleasant smell will disappear.
PropertiesAnd such a pungent smell and taste comes from the fact that garlic contains sulfur. That is, compounds kill harmful microorganisms. They also fight infections. This bactericidal properties and will help us in the fight against acne. By the way, during the war years they treated wounds and burns. Also, it contains more magnesium, sodium, calcium and essential oils. In total, there are about forty nutrients. If all of them to paint, then it will take not less than a day! Action of garlic on acne is simple: drying, cleaning and disinfection. By the way, it will save not only for teenage skin problems, but also with rashes as adults.
A very simple methodA good way - you need to pound it well. Here's this mush just put on your skin with the help of gauze. Cover her face with a mask on top. By the way, in front of such a mask is best to wipe the face with vegetable oil. So you will save yourself from any irritation. You can clean your face every day in the evening, for example.
Easy enough methodAnother good remedy - garlic lotion. To make such a wonderful tool, take five grams of warmed honey, five grams of glycerol, three teaspoons of garlic juice, fifty milliliters of water. So you need every day lotion to wipe the skin.
Slightly more complicated methodAlso garlic helps to get rid of freckles, age spots and acne marks. To do this, take garlic juice, honey or beeswax, white lily petals. Everything should stir, heat, then wait until your mixture is cool, and beat it with a mixer. This means you need to grease problem areas every day.

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