Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Brown spots on the body: causes and treatment at home

Almost every one of us has a certain spot. The most common among them brown, dark spots on the body. Causes, symptoms and treatment of these spots you need to know. As time grows unnoticed stain on the skin can be a formidable melanoma. Others spots can be quite harmless and do not be in use for stains (eg, moles and freckles).

Brown spots on the body: causes and treatment
Human skin responds to all changes occurring in the body. Dark spots on the skin may occur as a result of stress, fatigue. Dark spots formed on the body, refer to the type of skin problems, which is not so easy to define.
Dark spots can appear anywhere in the body and cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Some of them have a rather large area, visible, itch and want to get rid of them in any way.
In case of dark spots on the body of the first task will be to establish the reasons for its occurrence. The appearance of dark spots on the body in medicine called hyperpigmentation - melanin beyond measure. In the mild form it manifests the appearance of freckles, a severe form is the appearance of dark spots all over the body. Consider the main reasons for the appearance of dark spots on the body:1.Prolonged exposure to the sun contributes to the appearance of dark spots on the body. Under the action of sunlight on the skin of the body produces excess melanin to protect the skin, he beams.2.Dark spots on the body are formed as a consequence after a blistering, burns, wounds. Such spots are by themselves with time;3.Hormones can also cause the appearance of dark spots on the body, especially in the run-up to and after delivery. Doctors advise in such cases nothing is done, those dark spots will be on their own, though not fast.4.Incorrect prescription drugs may be causing the appearance of dark spots on the body. Stopping the medication will serve as the beginning of the disappearance of the spots;5.Violation of the adrenal gland - Cushing's syndrome and Addison's disease is the cause of the appearance of dark spots on the body, sometimes they itch and peel. If, along with the appearance of spots observed mood swings, fatigue, muscle pain, you should seek help from a doctor.
The skin of an adult white race can be covered with a scattering of small brown spots, which do not rise above the rest of the areas of the skin, it is absolutely painless and does not cause a nuisance to man - a mole. With age, the skin of the body exposed areas are often covered by the so-called age spots. The reason for the formation of such spots is the excessive accumulation in the area of ​​skin pigment cells - melanocytes, which produce special dyestuff (melanin). Excess melanin just leads to the appearance of dark spots.
Sometimes people start to notice new brown spots after sunburn. Strengthen pigmentation brown spots can and solarium.
In some cases, the appearance of brown spots of dark due to the so-called gipermelanozami, most of which have a hereditary nature.
Brown spots on the body: the treatment
Currently, pharmacies can find a wide range of products for skin whitening containing in their compositions substances with lightening effect. However, you need to use them with caution, as an overdose of such funds can lead to uneven lightening spots on the body.
If dark spots on the body began to dry, itching and flaking, it is a chance for an early visit to a doctor, who will be able to understand their nature and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Whatever the nature of the appearance of dark spots on the body, after their disappearance is not suitable for exposure to the sun as possible relapse.
Brown spots on the body: xeroderma pigmentosum
The main manifestation of the disease is fotodermatit, which is accompanied by the appearance of many brown spots, often merging among themselves. The disease ends with the development of malignant tumors of the skin (eg, melanoma), and patients rarely live up to 30-40 years. A lighter form of xeroderma pigmentosum called retinitis kserodermoidom Jung, in which also form malignant tumors, but they are there for one or two decades later. The primary prevention of cancer pathology at gipermelanoza this form is complete avoidance of exposure to sunlight and artificial analogues.
Brown spots on the body: black acanthosis
In the area of ​​natural folds begins pigmented skin growths appear and up to 5 mm. The disease is almost always is a marker of cancer processes, which take place in the body. In this regard, any adult with the appearance chernogoakantoza must undergo a full examination.

Brown stains on the back / There were stains on the back: Causes and Treatment

Color normal human skin depends on the generation amount of melanin pigment cells, which gives integuments brown. Brown spots on the back can have different origins, so the causes and treatment of these spots will be very different. On the back of the brown spots become more intense color during the tanning.
Brown spots on the back: Causes and Treatment
The reasons for the appearance of brown spots are very different. This may be the action of hereditary factors, various chemicals, changes in hormonal status, age characteristics (aging) or pregnancy, skin exposure to ultraviolet rays. According to the color intensity of the brown spots can be a variety of shades, from bright spots milky coffee color to a rich dark brown.
Any spot on the back, which began to grow in size and grow, be sure to show the oncologist, since some of these spots have a tendency to degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
Moles. This conventional circular spots on the skin brown, which becomes larger with time. They do not itch, does not hurt. On their back can be as much as on the other parts of the body. If a mole suddenly starts to itch, increase in volume - an urgent need to consult a doctor.
Lack of vitamins. Hypovitaminosis vitamins A, C, PP can manifest foci of cutaneous hyperpigmentation (the appearance of brown spots), which, when food may disappear entirely correct.
Colorful lichen. With multi-colored shingles back skin may be covered with brown spots, which over time can become white due to inhibition of melanin production of pigment cells. Since this type of stripping caused by a fungus, then the treatment is required to use antifungal agents of local and general effects on the human body.
Melanoma. It may appear not only in the public areas of the body, but also on the back. This is an aggressive malignancy in the early stages is given by the usual spots of brown, which increases in size or changes its color in some places. Treatment of melanoma oncologist carried out only with the use of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
If there were stains on the back
If you have brown spots on the back, the main thing - to understand the reason why it happened. Many doctors say that this problem is most often treated in the summer, especially representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. And the fact is that women love to soak up the sunshine. And it was as a result of exposure to sunlight on the back may appear dark spots, which then leads to severe discomfort and women begin to complete. But in fact, the cause of the brown spots on the back and can be concealed in some other features. After all, there they are not only in the summer. That is why, as soon as you find yourself in such a change - be sure to see a doctor and pass the appropriate tests, that if it is a symptom of some internal disease - do not give it worse.
Brown spots on the back: home treatment
In fact, treatment of spots on the back can only appoint a qualified doctor, as a result of the corresponding tests. However, you can use the most popular methods:1. There are plenty of whitening products for the skin. They are quite strong and can produce side effects. Therefore, it is important to use this or that product agreed with the doctor2. Be sure to limit your contact with sunlight. If you for some reason it is impossible to do - use special creams with filters that can now be found in almost any store.3. In order to whiten the skin of the back, you can use the carrot juice with drops of lemon juice. This mixture was moistened cotton swab wiped and dark spots approximately 3 times a day.
Brown spots on the back are often withdrawn by means of vitamin C, cabbage leaves, currants, and even chamomile extract. This is what concerns a more traditional treatments of the disease. However, be sure to consult a doctor, because the causes of the changes in the skin can be concealed more deeply.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Useful recipes for heart and blood vessels.

1.. 100 grams of peeled garlic grind and pour the juice of 6 lemons. Mix everything and put in a jar, close the gauze. Store in a cool place. Take 1 h. Spoon, drinking warm water (preferably thawed).
2. 8 lemons, 400 grams of garlic, 4 kg of celery (leaves and roots), 400 g mince horseradish folded in a jar, closed with gauze stand 12 hours in warm (30 ° C), put in the refrigerator for 3 days. Squeeze the juice and drink 1 h. Spoon 3 times a day 15 min before meal.
3. 2 lemon mince, pour honey, to insist 6 days. The mixture should be eaten completely during the day in equal portions, not to eat anything on that day. After 2 days to prepare a tincture even and make the same partial starvation. Blood pressure decreases after 3-4 courses.
4. 2 lemons and 2 oranges cut into pieces, remove the seeds and mince. The mass is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 night stand in a glass container under ambient conditions, and then put in the refrigerator.Take 2-3 hours. Tablespoons a day with tea or before a meal.
5. Grind in a meat grinder 500 g of lemons with the peel (seedless), 500 g of cranberries, 500 g seeded rose hips, add 500 g of honey, mix well. Infuse for 1 day in a tightly sealed container.Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 15 min before meal. Keep refrigerated.

The best recipe for combating pigment spots, skin roughness and fine wrinkles.

Skin care is to use different masks and rubbing. Masks used courses: 5 masks a day, then a break for a week and a new course.
1. 1 h. Spoon of turmeric powder, 1 h. Spoon of honey, 1 h. Spoon of milk. Applied to the skin for 30 min., Wash with water. This mask used at night only because the face becomes yellow, but on the morning after washing all right, does not stain the pillow. After course of such masks skin is lighter, it is also suitable for those who want to improve the complexion, and how aging prevention.
2. 1 h. Spoon of cinnamon, 1 h. Spoon of honey. On the face for 30 minutes. It has a lightening effect and fights inflammation.
3. parsley, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 1 egg, a pinch of ground pepper (any) water. whitening effect.
4. BLEACH properties are: clay, wheat flour, oatmeal, whole dairy products, fruits, berries, herbs, most vegetables, the brine from sauerkraut. Watching that from the products available at home and mix in different proportions, most importantly, to make such a consistency that can be spread on the face.
5. 3 crushed aspirins, 0.5 h. Spoon of lemon juice, 0.5 h. Spoon of water. The mixture was put on face for 2-3 minutes. Rinse.
6. "Tsindol" (talker from diaper rash in infants, is sold in a pharmacy) - applied after removing make-up for 2-3 minutes. Rinse.
7. gidroperita 1 tablet dissolved in a small amount of shaving cream (the best of the simplest domestic) applied to the stain dries up, rinse, used 1 time per week. It is possible to bleach stains on any body part.
8. Apple cider vinegar and a base oil of 1: 1 mix, smear after washing, then apply the cream. It lightens and improves skin tone and reduces wrinkles.
9. Alcohol camphor 5 mL of borax 10 g., Purified water 160 g., 95% alcohol, 50 ml, 10 ml glycerol, juice of one lemon. Store in a dark bank. Apply 2-3 times per night on a clean face, do not wash off.
10. Wipe face liqueurs (vodka) or infusions (on the water): bay leaf - on his best result (by the way, great saves from acne), parsley, bearberry, banana peel, celandine.
11. Curd dilute hydrogen peroxide until thick sour cream, applied to problem areas for 20-30 minutes. Rinse.
12. A very good result given the mixture of essential oils, only such compounds is expensive.
* Oil: Grape Seed 4 ml, 3 ml of the hazelnut, evening primrose, lemon, 5 drops, 4 drops of rosewood.
* Oil: avocado 4 mL, 4 mL of wheat, cocoa 4 ml, 4 ml of almond, lavender 2 drops sandalwood 2 drops, 2 drops of geranium.
Mixtures keep in a bottle of dark glass in a dry place. Apply to slightly damp skin (preferably moistened floral or mineral water) after purification. On the whole face is enough 3-4 drops of the mixture. Apply at least 1 hour before bedtime and 30 minutes. before the morning makeup. If after 20 minutes. stayed shine, then remove the excess tissue.
13. The solution of boric acid (1.4 sachet 200 ml of water) to wipe the trouble spots during the week.

Treatment bay leaf

Bay leaf - a very popular seasoning, without which it can not do many of the dishes. But did you know that it is because of its beneficial properties is very much appreciated in folk and traditional medicine? Today, Land of the Soviets will tell you about treatment bay leaf.
Treatment bay leaf possibly due to its chemical composition - in laurel leaves contain essential oils, which give it a well-known specific aroma. Also laurel leaves contain tannins, minerals, and volatile, has antibacterial properties. Even organic acids are present in the bay leaf - valeryanovaya, monofilament, and acetic.
Bay Leaf in medicine is valued for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. It is used to stimulate the immune system and as a natural sedative. Treatment of bay leaf may also be based on its diuretic and astringent properties. Bay Leaf improves appetite and digestion, and lowers blood sugar.
For the treatment of bay leaf decoction is used bay leaves, as well as ointments, creams and soaps based on it, have antibacterial properties. For example, bay leaf decoction can be used to cleanse the body because it dissolves and removes excess salt. To prepare the broth and a half to two cups of water you need to take 25-30 laurel leaves. Fill leaves with boiling water (filtered, distilled or better) and leave the broth in a thermos overnight. Broth bay leaf drink for three days in small sips, at this time you need to eliminate alcohol consumption and meat products, vegetables better to lean on. A week can be repeated cleaning, and then take a break of not less than six months. During pregnancy and breast-feeding conduct body cleansing broth bay leaf can not.
Less concentrated broth bay leaf (1-2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in 2 cups of water) is used for high blood sugar in the blood, acute respiratory infections (colds, sore throat), food poisoning. To prepare the broth, pour boiling water over the leaves and boil 15 minutes on low heat. Ready broth need to strain and drink 15-20 minutes before eating. Broth laurel well boosts immunity.
Treatment bay leaf can be carried out with the help of ointments and laurel oil. To prepare the bay oil, minced 1 packet of leaves, pour 200 g of vegetable oil and mix. Laurel oil is infused weekly. Then it can drain and rub into the skin for cuts, bruises, sprains and strains. Laurel oil helps soothe the pain. You can mix 10-15 drops of bay oil with tea or milk and drink in chronic cholecystitis 2-3 times a day. A laurel oil instillation into the nose helps with colds and sinusitis.
Ointment of laurel made as follows. The crushed leaves must be thoroughly mixed with the melted butter in a ratio of 1: 2, to insist the mixture on a water bath for 30 minutes and cool. The resulting ointment can be used for pain relief for bruises, etc.
Bay leaves in traditional medicine is used in the control of excessive sweating of the feet and unpleasant odor. To do this, add the infusion of 20-40 leaves (leaves pour a glass of boiled water, 3 hours) in the foot bath. Making such baths should be every night for 10 minutes.
Treatment of bay leaves helps with bad breath and gingivitis. Laurel chew several times a day, then it is impossible to eat or drink for one hour.
You can put a bay leaf bee stings - its anti-inflammatory and healing properties will fall at an opportune moment. You can use bay leaves to disinfect the room if someone at home is sick: bay leaves brew boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then pour into a saucer and put in the room. It can help and Aromalamps with essential oil of laurel. Sewn into the pillow bay leaf helps with insomnia. Laurel leaves are good because they do not lose their useful properties upon drying.
Remember, bay leaf has astringent properties. Therefore, a side effect of the treatment of bay leaf may be constipation. To avoid this, the reception of broth bay leaf can be combined with the consumption of beets and prunes, neutralizing astringent laurel leaves. It can also help decrease the dosage.
Treatments laurel efficiently and affordably. However, in any case, be sure to consult with your doctor: no matter how effective and useful decoction of bay leaf should not self-medicate. The doctor did not cancel the treatment bay leaf, but will help to correct or supplement it so that you as quickly as possible to correct.
Treatment of joints bay leaf
The people cleaning the joints popular bay leaf. Laurel - a noble plant known for its healing properties. But for the successful purification bay leaf joints must be met several conditions.Cleaning joints bay leaf
Decoction for treatment of joints:5 c. sheet boil in 300 ml. water for 5 minutes with the lid open.Remove the pan from the heat and leave the broth, wrapped in a blanket, for three hours.Broth drink 12 hours in small sips. Course admission - three days.Next to restore the destroyed cartilage. Use purified from the inner film eggshells. Dry it and grind in a coffee grinder.Take a teaspoon with a pinch of gelatin with a glass of water the silicon. daily administration of course - a month.Prepare the ointment for the treatment of joints:The crushed leaves of laurel mix with soft butter in a ratio of 1: 2.Stir the mixture and heat in a water bath for half an hour.The cooled using an ointment for rubbing.Treatment of joints bay leaf: recommendations and contraindications
During cleansing joints bay leaf stick to the vegetarian menu. Before a course is recommended to clean the body. Gain effect can be achieved while using trays with oat straw. During the course, do an enema in order to avoid the accumulation of toxins. Treatment of joints bay leaf is first carried out every quarter, and then once a year.It is not recommended to use a bay leaf for the treatment of joints with a stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. If you still want to carry out a course of treatment of joints bay leaf, take broth served cold, after a quarter of an hour after a meal.

Rejuvenate the skin for 15 minutes

Do anti-aging face masks 2-3 times a week. Choose a recipe for winter masks for beautiful skin.Best winter face mask
1. The mask of oatmeal3-4 tablespoons. cereal spoon zaley hot milk or cream. The resulting mass is put on face. Hold for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water. This mask will help soften dry, chapped and rough skin.
2. Kefir MaskFor the procedure, you will need 100-200 ml of fat yogurt (or sour cream curdled). For 15-20 minutes several times lubricate the person you selected dairy products. Then wash your face with warm water.Please note: If you choose a high fat sour cream or cream, apply it on the skin once thick, and hold for 10-15 minutes.
3. The mask of curd2 tbsp. Spoon cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. spoon of carrot juice, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk (all components must be in the same ratio, and you can increase or decrease the size of the portions, if necessary) to be mixed thoroughly and rub. Then apply on the skin dense layer. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water.
4. Honey mask2 tbsp. spoon of honey mixed with 1 tbsp. spoonful of oatmeal, add 2 teaspoons of milk. The mixture apply on your face and hold for 15-20 minutes.Bear in mind: the mask is not suitable for allergies to honey.
5. Banana Mask
Mash one medium banana, add 1 teaspoon of nourishing cream, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What to feed the child after vomiting?

Every loving mother pretty badly experiencing any discomfort your child is not an exception, and vomiting. There are several reasons for its occurrence: food poisoning, diarrhea, bacterial infection, the temperature rise in viral disease, but that would not have caused such an unpleasant state of the crumbs, it is very important to give him the necessary assistance and to observe some important rules after.
First aid
The first question that arises from their parents - is how to feed the child after vomiting? But, above all, mothers and fathers should know that this unpleasant process, as well as the attendant temperature rise and diarrhea contribute to a significant loss of fluid from the body and disturbance of water-salt balance in the crumbs. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the baby drinking and assets included in its membership salt, baking soda, potassium and glucose (eg, rehydron, glyukosolan or Orolo). To remove toxins and other "dirty tricks" the body of the baby is necessary to give him sorbents (such as activated charcoal or smektu). And only then to think that you can eat after vomiting child.
nutrition and diet regime
On the question: "Can I eat after vomiting" - all professionals responsible unequivocally: "Yes, is not only possible but necessary!" But it is worth noting that, most likely, your kid himself refuses to eat in the early hours after the cessation of offensive process, so the question is: what to feed the baby after vomiting, become relevant only after 5-8 hours. Breast kiddies for recovery can not recommend anything better than mother's milk. Toddlers also older you can begin to feed rice or buckwheat porridge, cooked in water and milk in a ratio of 1: 1. I would like to note that for children of any age the diet should be gentle. Here's what you can still give your child after vomiting:
2 days later, administered in the diet cheese, starting with 20 g and vegetable puree;
Liquid food: Low-fat soups or food in semi-liquid state;
protein products: boiled meat in the form of puree or soufflé;
dishes cooked by steaming or by baking.
Diet after vomiting in a child excludes products such as fresh bread, raw fruits and vegetables, fresh acidic juices, chocolate and other sweets. Also, in any case should not be given to the kid and spicy fried food. Restore normal that you can eat after rvotykormlenie child after vomiting help crackers or dried bread: tired of the grueling ailments kids happy their bite.
Finally I want to say, if the baby vomiting periodically renewed, you should always consult a doctor. It will help to establish the true cause of the ailment and prescribe treatment. All of the above recommendations for the recovery of the child after vomiting effective but in acute situations (vomiting of blood, bile, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea), it is better not to procrastinate and to call an ambulance, because there is nothing more important than the health of our children.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when you inhale too much carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), - the gas produced by incomplete combustion of any type of fuel (natural gas, oil, kerosene, wood, etc.). He enters the person's blood is 200 times faster than oxygen and "captures" his initiative. Carbon monoxide several times lighter and actively binds to hemoglobin, which as a result loses its capacity to carry oxygen to the tissues, including vital - brain, lungs, heart. From lack of oxygen and begins choking. And if you breathe air with a high content of carbon monoxide, death can occur within minutes. That is why it is very important to know the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and what to do if you or your family members were the symptoms and how to prevent such incidents.

Causes of carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide can come from any source, operating on the combustible fuel. Cars, fireplaces, boat, wood, kerosene heaters, wood-charcoal grills and gas devices that are used in water heaters, furnaces, dryers - all produce carbon monoxide. they usually do not cause problems. This happens in cases where:

Cars or other mechanisms with engines left in confined spaces, such as garages. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) can be stored in the garage, and seeping back into the car. Even sitting in the car with the idling engine in an open garage or swimming behind the ship, with the idling engine can be dangerous.
Heating devices running on combustible fuel, improperly installed or improperly operated.
Heating systems and appliances running on fuel fuel used during the cold season when doors and windows closed. In older buildings, clogged chimneys facilitate entry of smoke in your home or office. The new in homes that are well insulated and tightly sealed, carbon monoxide can stagnate inside the premises.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

Early symptoms:

heaviness and throbbing in the head;
headache (head, as it were "strapped hoop");
noise in ears;
darkening of the eyes;
tremors throughout the body;
nausea, vomiting;
If you have these symptoms, and there is a possibility that they could be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, leave the area immediately and call an ambulance on the phone "03". If you continue to breathe the smoke, you could lose consciousness and die.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can occur suddenly and may occur gradually, over a long period of time. Inhalation of low concentration of carbon monoxide for a long period of time may cause serious problems with the heart and brain damage. See your doctor if:

You have a shortness of breath, palpitations, tinnitus, nausea, and headache, when you are in the room;
You feel better when you leave the room, and worse, when you come back again;
other people working or residing with you, have the same symptoms as you do.
Your actions during first aid:

If your child or other family members have symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning mentioned above, be quiet, but they act quickly. Immediately withdrawn or Remove patient from polluted area (in the warmer months - on the street, in the cold - in a ventilated room, the stairwell). Undo gates and constricting clothing. Ensure peace and continuous access to fresh air.

Call an ambulance on the phone "911".
 Vigorously rub the body movements of the victim.
On the head and chest, place a cold compress.
If the victim is conscious, give him drink warm tea and coffee.
If the victim is unconscious:

If unconscious, indicating that severe poisoning, the skin reddens the victim, pupils dilate. Breathing initially frequent and loud, it becomes superficial. Man involuntarily defecate. But even if things have gone so far, do not despair. The rescue of the victim is in your hands. Immediately shall carry him out, and if you fail to do this, open the window, in extreme cases, break it. On the head and chest, place a cold compress or hot water bottle with ice and a bottle of cold water.

Give it a sniff cotton wool with ammonia (do not hold cotton wool with ammonia directly to the nose and waved it at a distance). Rub the body of the victim.

If the victim is not breathing, immediately begin to carry out artificial respiration means "mouth to mouth" or "mouth-to-nose", and in the absence of a pulse - and external cardiac massage. Continue CPR until the arrival of emergency medical care, or until the arrival of the victim consciousness. Anyone who has first aid, so as not to poison in the mouth or nose of the victim breath should be done through the water-wetted gauze or a handkerchief, and the passive exhalation victim reject his head to the side to the exhaled gas does not enter the lungs. Call an ambulance on the phone "03", or ask someone to do it. Use the phone only from neighbors or the street!

Further treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning will be determined by your doctor.

Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning

Many people die each year from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide). Here are some important steps you can take to reduce the risk of poisoning:

Every year, check all devices running on fuel fuel (gas stoves, gas water heaters, fireplaces, wood stoves).
Regularly check the condition of chimneys, flues and ventilation hatches.
Immediately see a doctor if you have symptoms of poisoning (carbon monoxide), especially if more than one person has the same symptoms.
Be aware of how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning when you are driving:

Do not leave a car running in a garage even if the garage door is open.
Do not ride in the back of a closed truck.
Do not swim behind the ship idling.
Take extreme caution when using the device, running on Fuel:

Never use heaters operating on kerosene or propane indoors (such as a camper, motor home, trailer or tent).
Never use a grill indoors, running on gas or charcoal.
Never use a gas oven to heat your home.
Do not close the damper in the chimney the fireplace or stove until the fire is completely extinguished.
When repairing the car in the garage:

Keep the garage door open;
periodically turn off the engine;
Ventilate the room, go out more often to fresh air;
in any case, stay overnight in the garage,
do not sleep in a vehicle with the engine running;
adjust the engine so that the carbon monoxide in the exhaust gas was the minimum number;
not engaged in repairing the car while intoxicated.
Use of nicotine may even be useful in certain circumstances. Firstly, some psychologists recommend - a good sedative. But that is not important as mental health? Secondly, the young guys, of course, smoking is harmful, but the old men under the age of 50 have even benefits have nicotine as a poison inhibits the growth of all cells, including cancer, that the body at this age no longer cope. I do not want this issue to be true, he heard the call, but thought all the same securities. I smoke a lot are not, solely for the pleasure - and a suitable company.

Those who believe that hookah tobacco - flavored jam, recommend to smoke flavored jam. Throws in big letters with questionable content can each. With regard to coal, then yes, the harm and causes of CO, and other components of the smoke. In particular, coal samorazgorayuschiysya "producing" any ammonia compound. In certain conditions, the damage may apply glycerine contained in tobacco blend. Oh, and do not forget about the preservatives.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Pale toadstool poisoning symptoms and first aid

In pale toadstool extremely bad reputation. Even the Roman philosopher Seneca described the series of murders in the family of Emperor Claudius. Empress Agrippina decided lime and hoist her Blessed on the throne of his son Nero.
With poisoner Lakusta been concocted dish that Claudius liked so much that he asked to cook it more often. Alas, over meals in the life of the emperor was not. Send to the light of her husband, inspired by the success of Agrippina, he continued a series of calamities, and plagued by the same method two imperial children, three grandchildren, and captain of the guard, along with a detachment of 100 soldiers.
Most of the class Mycota poisonous or conditionally edible - one can be poisoned with insufficient heat treatment, others are dangerous when combined with alcohol, the third cause painful indigestion. But there is a special group of critically endangered. Pale toadstool poisoning almost always results in death, but about when eaten poison survive, in the newspapers.Deadly danger
Poisoning pogankoyAmanita phalloides - world champion cunning and poisonous. Emperor Claudius enjoyed his last meal, because the mushrooms have a pleasant smell and taste. The danger lies in the fact that poisoned while not experiencing any discomfort. Symptoms of poisoning pale toadstool appear an hour or 12 hours, sometimes days pass before there are signs of intoxication. At this time has come irreparable damage in the body, so save a man rarely works.
Even poisonous spores that are dispersed by wind and may be in the surrounding berries and herbs. Poisoning will not happen if you learn unmistakable danger and refuse the temptation to fill the basket new to "catch". It is also necessary to sensitively capture the smallest symptoms of poisoning and their manifestation immediately seek medical help, because it affects the success of treatment and life.What is Amanita phalloides
As ironed pale pogankaShlyapka and leg young Amanita phalloides white, green or yellowish. The hat is almost round, then takes the shape of a bell or a dome, and in the end becomes flat. Young fruit covered with a thin shell, which is in the process of growth is broken. Parts are covered below, forming a kind of cover, and sometimes stick to the cap in the form of patches.
Colouring darker in the center than at the edges of the flat where the color takes on a whitish hue. The reverse side consists of white plates, no darkening with time. In very young animals poisonous underside of the cap is covered with a film that is torn, it remains in the form ring on the barrel. The length of the legs at the base of the thickened reaches 10-12 cm, thickness - up to 2 centimeters. The white flesh smells like raw potatoes. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of a ring-cup.
Most often dangerous prey attracts inexperienced fans quiet hunting that confuse it with the fungus or mushrooms. We must remember that at the plate mushroom painted, while syroezhek no rings on the trunk, and it does not thicken down. It occurs mainly in the venom of light deciduous and mixed forests, although the incidence is very wide - we can say that the habitat is limited only Antarctica.Causes toxicity
DPrichiny toxicity pale toadstool now under the guise of national signs are prevalent misconceptions alleged that distinguish poisonous from edible forest products. According to legend, a signal inedibility disgusting smell and taste, but Amanita phalloides smells almost exactly like mushrooms, or even devoid of flavor. It is also assumed that the worms and insects do not eat poison, which is not true. Silver spoons and bulbs do not darken the proximity of the poison, and the milk is sour. Drop these allegations, much safer to take in food products, the reliability of which you are unsure.
Pale toadstool poisoning caused by toxins - indole derivatives. They do not break down even at prolonged heating, resistant to freezing and do not evaporate upon drying. Our enzyme system can not reduce the risk of amanitotoxin. Once ingested, the poison does not manifest itself immediately, pale toadstool poisoning symptoms usually occur at the stage when the medicine is already powerless. Amanitin phalloidin and affect the liver, kidneys, nervous system, spleen and heart muscle. Lethal dose contains 30 grams - the same nut. Effective antidote does not exist.Symptoms
Sometimes the effect is compared with phalloidin viper venom, referring to the lack of a reliable antidote. With this statement is debatable, because the toxin is no finds himself so long, that time when you can save a person is missing. The first symptoms appear between 10 to 30 h., And expressed increasing signs: Violation of view when mushroom poisoning

visual impairment;
burning pains in the stomach;
cramps in hands and feet.
bilious vomiting and diarrhea;
pain in his right side, especially noticeable on palpation;
profuse sweating;
growing cold limbs;
weakening heartbeat;
drop in body temperature to 36-35 degrees.
The attack continued for several hours, after which the symptoms subside for a while.
A day or so later manifest the following symptoms:

stool and vomiting become yellow or green and watery, sometimes with blood, thirst Attack
repetitive seizures lead to unquenchable thirst;
by dehydration reduced pressure, pale skin;
quickens the pulse;
thickens the blood;
almost completely stopped urinating.
This period of apparent recovery is replaced when the symptoms are lubricated, and the patient feels much better. But these signs are misleading, since during the alleged improvement continued tissue destruction. Many doctors believe that on the third day of a crisis. In the following days, new symptoms of poisoning pale toadstool: skin and mucous membranes of man become yellow, and in the right upper quadrant pain is felt and the severity of that caused by hepatitis and nephropathy.

If the poisoning death cup was heavy, death comes from the heart, liver or kidney failure within 10 days. Recovery from mild intoxication occurs after a few days. Status of medium gravity is overcome in 3-4 weeks. With a favorable outcome of all functions are fully restored.Treatment
Call rvotuDovrachebnaya assistance is often ineffective because of the penetration of the poison to the moment when symptoms appear pale toadstool poisoning, takes too much time. Therefore, when the first suspicions of intoxication needed without delay to bring the patient to the hospital. The treatment will be successful if you start in the first 36 hr., Even if the symptoms of intoxication are not yet clear. Until the ambulance arrived, can be attempted detoxification:

If you do not need to clean the stomach of vomiting after drinking two liters of warm water and clicking on the root of the tongue.
Take a sorbent (activated carbon).
On admission to hospital the patient will be performed the following procedures:
1. Deep gastric lavage.
2. There is no specific antidote, so antidotal therapy is benzyl penicillin, silibinin and lipoic acid.
3. From the dewatering is injected drugs Trisol, Acesol, Ringer's solution and physiological saline. It will be delivered with a glucose drip and put chlorides.
4. To speed up the detoxification used hemosorption and stimulate diuresis.
5. To tone up the cardiovascular system, appoint kardiopreparaty.
6. Increased blood clotting to prevent the use of the proteolytic enzymes.
7. Therapy for liver is the use of vitamins of B (nicotinamide Riboxin).
The results of treatment depend on the amount taken into the body of poison and the general state of health. Severe poisoning pale toadstool ends lethal in 99% of cases, and adults a chance to survive longer.

Harm carbonated drinks

To quench the thirst of people often use carbonated beverages. They are believed to make up a deficit of liquid and are also a source of energy. Small amounts of a single use of soda does not cause the body to a healthy adult man any harm, but regular inclusion in the diet of these drinks can lead to very harmful consequences. We consider in detail what is in soda, and what harm it can cause frequent use.What is contained in the carbonated drinks
Harm carbonated beverages due to their composition. Modern manufacturers of "pop" does not hide the ingredients from which the goods are manufactured.
A typical soda consists of:

Sugar (or sugar substitutes);
Flavors (sodium benzoate, and other flavor enhancers and substitutes);
Carbon dioxide;
This mixture, getting on the taste buds, creates a misleading impression of quenching thirst, but in fact a full-fledged arrival of fluid in the body does not occur. Moreover, it is necessary to drink a fair amount of pure water to neutralize the harmful effects of soda. Consider the basic ingredients of beverages in more detail.Sugar
Sugar - a simple carbohydrate, which after ingestion instantly sucked the blood and into the liver. One glass of fizzy liquid contains about 4 tablespoons of sugar. The presence of such amounts of glucose in the blood leads to excessive production of insulin - a hormone responsible for the processing of sugar.  

Along the way, it is synthesized in the body in excessive amounts of dopamine - a neurotransmitter involved in the reward system.
Excess sugar leads to the depletion of the pancreas and stimulates the development of diabetes. Manufacturers are trying to reduce the amount of glucose and added sweeteners instead of sugar. However, not all of the chemicals, which act as sweeteners, harmless to health. So, xylitol promotes the formation of kidney stones, sorbitol (E420) and aspartame negatively affect vision, cyclamate is regarded by some doctors as a carcinogen. In addition, some people sweeteners can cause allergic reactions - from pruritus to angioedema.Acids
Acids act as preservatives and flavorings. These substances interfere with bacterial growth in the water, thereby increasing the shelf life of beverages. Citric and phosphoric acid (which may be referred to as a part of both E330 and E338) - substances, regular consumption of which can lead to the development of diseases such as caries, osteoporosis, urolithiasis.

Benzene and sodium benzoate
Hydrocarbon substance when mixed with other chemical elements to help beverage producers to recreate the flavors identical to natural. Previously used as the main flavor benzene - a substance with carcinogenic properties. Now often used less hazardous substance - sodium benzoate. However, when mixed with ascorbic acid, which is very often added to soda, sodium benzoate, is converted into a toxic benzene. This element in the long-term exposure leads to cell mutations and increases the risk of cancer.Caffeine
The rush of energy and increase efficiency after the use of certain types of sodas - not an illusion. That action has caffeine. The catch is that the vigor, caused by this element - in time: after the end of a burst of energy is replaced by irritability and fatigue. Another piece of "doping" to rectify the situation, but again, not for long. Thus, the use of the beverage becomes a kind of addiction.Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide - it is the bubbles for the children and adults who like fizzy drinks. By itself, the gas is harmless, but can be harmful in contact with water. As a result of the chemical reaction produces carbonic acid, a dangerous mucosal digestive tract.What consequences can cause soda
Among the many negative effects that cause constant use of soft drinks and other Pops, the most dangerous are these pathological conditions and diseases:

Obesity and overweight; Caries
Type II diabetes mellitus;
Stones in the kidneys;
Inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease;
Fatty liver;
Alzheimer's disease.
Overweight is clear - an excessive number of "fast" carbohydrates in the body leads to the storage of energy as fat. Excess calories are contained in sweet drinks, almost no effect on the feeling of hunger - it remains at the same level. For this reason, a person consumes much more energy than the body needs. Excess weight, according to doctors - one of the main causes of metabolic and endocrine disorders that cause diabetes.
Studies show that people who regularly use drinks with bubbles, more likely to suffer from kidney stones and renal colic. The main reason for the adverse effects on the kidneys - in the presence of phosphoric acid soda. This compound contains nearly all lemonades and "kolah".
Inflammatory bowel disease, gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes - the consequences caused by the presence of carbon dioxide. Even people with healthy stomach and bowel with prolonged use of drinks with gas are beginning to suffer from digestive disorders caused by an increase in acidity.
Tooth decay and deterioration of the bones - a consequence of the influence of acids that dissolve minerals. To reduce the harmful effects on the tooth enamel is recommended to drink soda through a straw and do not brush your teeth immediately after consuming beverages with bubbles.