Thursday, November 22, 2012


Children rheumatism has a significant tendency to acute, severe, recurrent course. Usually affects the cardiovascular system, and with each attack, its damage increased. Basis of cardiovascular decompensation in children is always activated rheumatic process (despite the absence of symptoms such as fever, arthritis, ESR increase, etc.).
"Absolute" signs of rheumatic fever in childhood - a progressive heart disease, especially in combination with joint disease, chorea, availability anulyarnoy rash and rheumatoid nodules.

Latent rheumatism - hard recognizable variant of the disease: the accuracy of the diagnosis is confirmed only the presence of valvular heart shaped. Along with the existence of a latent primary and secondary latent rheumatic heart disease: proceeding without clinically significant activity, this form also leads to the formation of defects of the heart, often combined, and develop cardiosclerosis.
Treatment in a hospital, the duration of 45-60 days. Provide medical treatment to the patient, depending on the activity of the pathological process and the severity of the changes of the heart. Power should be age-appropriate.
Drug treatment: one of antirheumatics - aminopyrine or analgin by 0.15-0.2 g per year of age (no more than 2-2.5 g / day), acetylsalicylic acid - 0.2-0.25 g / day year; sodium salicylate -0.5 g per year of a day in 4-6 receptions to process activity subsided when the dose start to reduce to 2/3, and then to third but not earlier than 30-35 days from the start attack.
Phenylbutazone appoint 0.05 g 3 times a day for children of preschool age, children of 0.08 g of 8 to 10 years and 0,1-0,12 g children over 10 years. Phenylbutazone and aminopyrine often combine or give their combined forms as tablets and reopirin pirabutola by third tablet children 6-8 years, 1/2 tablets for children 8-10 years and 1 tablet for children 12-15 years 3 times day.
Corticosteroids are generally shown in the earliest period of the active phase of rheumatism (to prevent the development of heart disease.) The course of treatment for at least 1-1.5 months. In recent years more and more use of such high-performance drugs like indomethacin (indomethacin) and voltaren at a dose of 1-3 mg / (kg day) alone or in combination with hormonal therapy.
With sluggish flow and low activity of the process can be used instead of the glucocorticoid drugs hlorohinovogo series-delagil, Plaquenil at 0.5-10 mg / (kg day). Prednisolone prescribed to children 4-7 years old, 10 - 15 mg / day (1 tablet contains 5 mg), 8 - 10 years - 15-20 mg / day 11 -14 years of age and older - 15-25 mg / day (children early age of 1-3 mg / day for 1 kg of body weight) in 3-4 divided doses (morning and afternoon 2/3 RDA) with a gradual decrease (with an evening reception) to maintenance dose (usually ud therapeutic dose), which is given by until no signs of activity.
Assign also triamcinolone (4 mg equivalent to 5 mg of prednisolone and 25 mg of cortisone), dexamethasone (0.75 mg equivalent to 4 mg of triamcinolone, etc.). For the prevention of acute exacerbation of chronic focal infection or at the time of accession of infectious diseases at the same time with corticosteroids injected antibiotics (within? 14 days).
With arthritis in the affected joints should dry heat, Solux, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF. Chorea along with antirheumatic therapy administered vitamins: vitamin Bg (pyridoxine) 50 mg daily for 10 days, in / m to 1 ml of vitamin C - 1 ml of 5% solution in 10-15 ml of 20% solution glucose / O, 0.5% solution of novocaine in / from 3 to 10 ml (daily by adding 1 ml) antihistamines.
In severe changes of cardiovascular system, leading to heart failure, prescribe cardiac glycosides (strophanthin - 0.05% solution; digitalis - 0,03-0,075 g 3 times daily-dose saturation korglikon - 0.06% solution) and diuretics means (aminophylline inside in candlelight and / in; novurit 2-3 times a week / 0.25-0.5 m - 1 ml or in candlelight to 0.25-0.5 g fonurit). Sick child in the hospital being treated for an average of 1.5-2 months, and then at 2 - 3 months for staged treatment is sent to a sanatorium. After a child enters a nursing home surveillance pediatric cardiologist, the child is put account form Ns30.
Forecast remains at current treatment seriously, because even after the first attack, a heart defect is formed in 10-15% of children. With early treatment and the adequacy of the forecast in most cases favorable.
Prevention. Primary prevention - treatment of acute streptococcal diseases.
Secondary prevention - bicillin drug, was carried out for 3 - 5 year-round, depending on the severity of the disease. Use bicillin 1 (preschool 600,000 units 1 every 2 weeks, the school - 1200000 ME 1 per month) or bicillin 5 (school age 1 750 000 IU every 2 weeks, school - 1500000 ME 1 once a month).
In addition, two times a year (spring and fall) was carried out for 6 weeks course of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. All children who have had rheumatic fever, when a viral respiratory infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis within 10 days of prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.


1). Tansy, flowers. Suffering from barley is recommended to take a couple of small, yellow flowers of tansy at a time, washed down with cold water.

During the day, take 4-5.

Thus drink until after the barley. This is a simple tool for all saves one from sty.

2). Calendula (marigold) flowers. 10-15 gr. dried flowers per cup of boiling water, wrapped 30-40 minutes, drain.

Make lotions and compresses to sore eyes in barley. Calendula tincture diluted with boiled water 1:10.

Make lotions. Calendula is a good remedy for sore eyes.

3). Aloe vera (aloe), color home. 1 medium sheet (5 oz.) Chop and insist 6-8 hours in a glass of cold boiled water, strain and make lotions for sore eyes. Cut off the leaves, wash, squeeze the juice, diluted with cold water in a ratio of 1:10.

Make lotions.


1). Fennel, fruit - 1 piece; marshmallow, root - 1 part; chamomile - Part 1; wheatgrass, rhizome - Part 1; licorice root - 1 part.

All grind and mix well. 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes, wrapped 3 hours, strain, take at night for 1 cup of infusion.
It is used for acute and chronic gastritis.
2). Chamomile flowers - 10 gr., Yarrow herb - 10 oz.; Herb wormwood - 10 gr., Mint leaves - 10 gr., Sage leaves - 10 gr.
2 teaspoons to 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes wrapped. Drain.
Take a hot infusion of 1/2 cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Used in gastritis and enteritis.
3). Mint leaves - 20 gr.; Herb centaury - 5 oz.
2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water. Insist wrapped 30 minutes. Drain.
Take 1 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Used for gastritis with complaints of the liver.
4). Valerian root - 10 gr.; Roots watch trifoliate - 10 gr., Mint leaves - 10 gr., Orange peel - 10 gr.
2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water. Insist wrapped 10 minutes. Drain.
Take one cup of infusion 3 times a day before meals.
Used for gastritis with complaints of the liver.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Breakout lousy (epidemic) typhus

Pathogen - spirochete Borrelia recurrentis, a carrier of infection - the wardrobe, and sometimes head lice.
Symptoms. The disease begins with a sudden rise in body temperature, a stunning chills, headache, and sometimes vomiting. Many patients have severe pain in the calf muscles, lumbar region, in the left upper quadrant.

Temperature quickly rises to 40 ° C (sometimes higher), for 5-7 days is held at this level, then just as quickly when sweating is reduced to normal levels. After the first attack within 7-8 days have normal temperature, then developed a new attack, which is accompanied by the same phenomena as the first.
However, the duration of febrile period is reduced to 3-5 days. Sometimes a second attack is more severe first.
After the second attack of 8-12 days can develop third episode lasting 1-2 days. Usually occurs 2 to start, much less - 3, but can be and 4-6 attacks. On examination, the patient experiences jaundice of the skin and sclera. In patients with significantly enlarged and indurated spleen, enlarged liver, tongue coated, dry, pronounced tachycardia (heart rate to 140-150 per minute).
Differential diagnosis. Crucial in the differential diagnosis is the detection of spirochetes in the blood Obermeyer (dark field), in a thick drop or a blood smear stained by Romanovsky - Giemsa. In a typical pattern, especially if you have multiple attacks, the diagnosis is not difficult, as relapsing fever is highly characteristic for relapsing fever.
At the first attack of relapsing fever of lousy differentiate typhoid typhus, tick-borne relapsing fever, leptospirosis, malaria, lobar pneumonia, influenza, meningococcemia, meningococcal meningitis, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, pappatachi.
Emergency. Provide the patient at rest, during chill wrap up warm, drink plenty of give. When hyperthermia is placed on the head cold, antipyretics (0.5 g acetylsalicylic acid or 0.25 g amidopirina inside), administered cardiovascular drugs (2 mL of 10% solution sulfokamfokain subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously).
Treatment is carried out by penicillin 1000000-1500000 units 3-4 and intramuscularly to 5-7th day after normalization of temperature (to prevent recurrence).
Hospitalization. Patients to be hospitalized in the infectious ward special vehicles for infectious diseases.

Sweating feet

1). Boric acid crystals are crushed into powder or take boric acid powder. Every morning, copiously sprinkled the powder between the toes and the soles of the feet. Evening daily rinse with water 30-40 degrees. During the first week, wear clean socks or stockings daily. It is believed that a bad foot odor disappears after 2 weeks of treatment.

2). Take a bit of oak and grind it into powder, liberally sprinkled with stockings or socks on the inside of the powder every day for as long as sweating reduced by half, the complete disappearance of sweating is not desirable, because the person may experience severe headaches.
3). Wash your feet every day with cold water. Wash the day but not at night.
4). Alum. Alum powder to pour into a stocking or sock. To do for a long time.
Washing of feet burnt alum. 1/5 teaspoon or pinch of burnt alum to 1 cup of hot water, stir and place or wrap sweating feet.
5). Oat straw. Strong decoction oat do 15-20 minute foot bath, often with the addition of oak bark.
6). With strong legs are sweating baths of decoction of oak bark 50-100 g. bark in 1 liter of water. Boil for 20-30 minutes over medium heat. The people are daily baths are considered the surest remedy for sweating feet.
7). Wash your feet with a solution: 1/4 teaspoon of bleach to 3 liters of boiling water. Make baby soap foam. Wash your feet in this composition. Without washing to wipe dry.
8). Eloped foot sweat most likely cause again if under bare feet wearing soles made of birch bark.
9). Washing of the feet of salt water. 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of hot water. Wash your feet at night and in the morning the cool salt water.
10). Wash the feet of soda water in the morning and evening. 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Rinse and wipe your feet, put cotton wool soaked in soda between your toes at night. Will itch and sadnit should endure. In the morning wash the feet of soda water, and wipe the shoes. Very soon will be sweat and odor.
11). Sweating of the feet with the smell and suppuration. Thoroughly wash your feet with warm water and soap, rinse with cold water. Take a straw from barley or oats or wheat or grass couch grass twist between your fingers like weave baskets. Wear clean socks, sleep night. Morning straw throw feet washed, put on clean socks. This happened every day for the night. The people is one of the best tools. Enough to do it in a week and the disease goes on for years. Disappears smell potli-ness feet fester.
12). Twice a day to shift your feet and toes with birch leaves.


1). Yellow sweet clover, flowers - part 1; centaury, grass, flowers - 1 part, mother and stepmother, flowers - Part 1.

All good chop, mix. 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water. Insist wrapped 1 hour, drain.

Take 1/3 cup 6 times a day for 3-4 weeks. It is recommended to complete abstinence from sexual activity during treatment.

2). Pyrola rotundifolia. 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves of wintergreen to 1 cup boiling water.

Wrapped insist 2 hours, strain.

Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

Tincture. 50 oz. wintergreen leaves and stems to 0.5 liters of vodka.

For 2 weeks in a dark place.

Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day.

Wintergreen drugs used in inflammation of the appendages, an inflammation of the prostate, infertility, obstruction of pipes, inflammatory diseases of the uterus, chronic inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract with the presence of pus in the urine.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


The causative agent of rabies virus (Neuroryctes rabieis), released by diseased animals with saliva, human infection occurs when the patient bites rabid domestic or wild animals (dogs, cats, foxes, wolves), and even birds and their saliva gets on the skin and mucous membranes, with damage.

The incubation period ranges from 15 days to 2 months. of the bite with a possible extension to up to a year.
Symptoms. Of seizures preceded prodrome lasting 1-3 days. In this period, quite often there is pain in the area of ​​the bite, burning, or hyperesthesia of the skin, poor sleep, depressed mood.
The disease begins with fever up to 37,2-37,5 ° C, agitation, complaints of difficulty swallowing, <shortness of breath>.
The first day of symptoms steadily increasing, developing hydrophobia (swallowing muscles twitching at the sight of the water and the sound of running water), there are general convulsions, which may be the cause of a bright light, noise, touch.
Continuously increases the reflex excitability leads to the development of general (mainly of tonic) seizures and swallowing muscles spasm, even under the influence of air flow (aerophobia).
By the end of the first day of the disease expressed manifestations of visual, auditory and tactile sensitivity is sharpened so that the slightest irritation causes seizures. At the same time, the patient may be noted the disappearance of corneal reflex (when touching the cornea with cotton patient does not blink) and the gag reflex (pressure on the tongue and pharyngeal walls touching or trowel not cause gagging).
On the 2-3rd day of illness, along with general convulsions and muscle spasms swallowing appears marked agitation. The patient is restless, gets up from the bed, crying. Speech becomes incoherent, staccato, there auditory and visual hallucinations, often threatening. Pronounced tachycardia and salivation.
Saliva is a liquid and abundant, the patient continuously spits it or it runs down his chin.
Diagnosis in typical cases of difficulty is not.
The most common form of convulsive rage, which in some cases necessary to differentiate from tetanus, which is characterized by a history of injury, frostbite, burns, illegal abortions.
In contrast to the fury of tetanus is not marked mental disturbances, agitation, salivation, hydrophobia.
In patients with tetanus persist corneal and pharyngeal reflexes, while it tries to develop their general convulsions.
Of tetanus there is increased sweating, which does not happen in rabies.
Emergency. Provide maximum patient comfort with the exception of all external stimuli (noise, bright light, concussion, the sounds of running water.) There is no specific treatment.
Hospitalization. When the diagnosis of the patient to be hospitalized in the infectious ward.
Before you go to the hospital to reduce agitation administered chlorpromazine or lytic mixture (intramuscular, intravenous rare).
With a pronounced psihomo reflex excitation single dose of chlorpromazine may be 0.15-0.2, with the need for a large number of chlorpromazine is administered intramuscularly in 2-3 places with 0.5% rastvopa Novocaine (10 ml 0, 5% solution of chlorpromazine - 5 ml of 0.5% solution of novocaine).
More stable and rapid effect on psychomotor excitation makes use of lytic mixtures containing, in addition to chlorpromazine, protivogistaminnye drugs and analgesics: 2 ml of 2.5% solution of chlorpromazine, 2 ml of 2.5% solution diprazina (pipolfen), 1 ml of 2% solution promedola 2 ml of 2.5% solution of chlorpromazine, 2 ml of a 1% solution dimedrola, 2 mL of 2% solution promedola.
Mixture is injected intramuscularly or intravenously (rarely).
In cardiovascular disease prescribed cardiovascular drugs.
Vehicles transporting patients for infectious diseases, accompanied by two nurses.

Insomnia (Sleep Disorders)

Sleep disorders can be to difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep with frequent awakenings and unpleasant dreams, waking up early.
Sleep disorders often occur in functional diseases of the nervous system.
Domestic conflicts or official character of the wrong work and rest, work at night can cause sleep disturbances.

Sleep prevent unpleasant intrusive thoughts related to the events of the next few days, with anxiety about the future, fear of the upcoming sleepless night, worry about their health.
Repeated awakening, accompanied by fear (nightmares), are feeling general lethargy, weakness after sleep.
Patients concerned about a headache, discomfort, they are distinguished by emotional instability, tendency to neurotic reactions.
It should be borne in mind that sleep disturbance may be one of the early symptoms or exacerbation of mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression).
Sleep disorders often accompany endogenous depression, is characterized by early awakening amid depressed mood.
For senile and involutional psychosis characterized premature awakening.
Organic brain disease, such as encephalitis, tumors, meningitis, traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident, hydrocephalus, can be accompanied by sleep disorders.
In these diseases there is a decrease level of wakefulness and sleepiness.
When cerebral atherosclerosis develops drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night.
Sleep disorder is observed in the pathology of the endocrine glands, metabolic diseases.
Decompensation of diabetes is accompanied by sleep disorders, which can be a precursor to a diabetic coma.
Frequent sleep disturbances in hyperthyroidism, when sleep is difficult and is typical shallow sleep, this is noted in the menopause.
Emergency. Assign radedorm (eunoktin) - 0,005 g or barbiturates: Phenobarbital - 0.1 g, barbital - 0.2 g, etaminalnatry - 0,1 g
Elderly patients should not be given barbiturates, and it is desirable to assign children sedatives such as valerian, motherwort.
In the appointment of hypnotics should be considered a profession patients as possible the impact of these drugs on the reaction time, which is essential for vehicle drivers, operators, dispatchers.
Hospitalization is necessary in cases where insomnia is a symptom of the primary severe disease.

Cardiac arrhythmia

Cardiac arrhythmias and conduction, which are sometimes one of the leading symptoms pleased diseases often require emergency care.


In addressing issues of diagnosis and treatment should first identify the disease, the underlying arrhythmia (myocardial infarction, myocarditis, cardio, etc.), thus allowing the correct tactics of the patient.

The nature of cardiac arrhythmias can be determined with an accuracy of only electrocardiographic study.

Among the many types of cardiac arrhythmias emergency often require attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial flutter and fibrillation, episodes of Adam-Stokes-Morgan, and some forms of ventricular arrhythmia and sick sinus syndrome.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Diarrhoea (Diarrhea)

Frequent (more than 2 times a day) the selection of liquid stools, due to the acceleration due to the passage of the intestinal contents to enhance its motility, malabsorption of water in the large intestine and the release of the intestinal wall of the large number of inflammatory secretions or transudate.

In most cases, diarrhea is a symptom of acute or chronic colitis, enteritis.

Infectious diarrhea observed in dysentery, salmonellosis, nutritional diseases, viral diseases (viral diarrhea), amoebiasis, etc.

Nutritional diarrhea may be in the wrong diet, or if you are allergic to certain foods.

Dyspeptic diarrhea are observed in violation of the digestion of food masses due to insufficient secretion of the stomach, pancreas, liver and small intestine inadequate allocation of certain enzymes.

Toxic diarrhea accompany uremia, poisoning by mercury, arsenic.

Medication diarrhea may be due to the suppression of physiological intestinal flora, development of dysbiosis.

Neurogenic diarrhea observed in disorders of the nervous regulation of motor activity of the intestine (eg, diarrhea, occurring under the influence of excitement, fear). Stool frequency varies, excrement - watery or mushy.

The nature of the disease depends on the stool. So, dysentery stool has first dense texture, then it becomes a liquid, scanty, it appears mucus and blood, with amoebiasis - contains glassy mucus and blood, and sometimes blood soaks mucus and feces take the form of raspberry jelly.

With diarrhea can be a pain in the stomach, feeling rumbling, transfusions, bloating, tenesmus. Lightweight and non-durable diarrhea little effect on the general condition of patients with severe and chronic lead to malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, marked changes in the organs.

To determine the cause of diarrhea and scatological conduct bacteriological tests.

On the severity of diarrhea can be judged by the speed passage (promotion) of the intestines carbol (appearance of black color stool after taking ill carbol 2-5 hours instead of the normal 20 - 26 h) or barium sulphate X-ray examination.

In cases of suspected cholera, sapmonellez, nutritional diseases ball due immediately hospitalized in the infectious ward.

Treatment is aimed at removing the cause of the diarrhea. For example, when administered parenterally hypovitaminosis appropriate vitamins for ahilii stomach gastric juice or appoint substitutes for pancreatic insufficiency - pancreatin or panzinorm, Festal, etc.

When diarrhea is not associated with infection, is shown sparing diet (carbohydrates, refractory animal fats), frequent split meals, thorough chewing of food. As symptomatic of using calcium carbonate, bismuth preparations, Tanalbin, decoctions of oak bark, grass hypericum, rhizomes coil cinquefoil or burnet, wild cherry fruit, extract of blueberry stems of alder, chamomile flowers, tincture of belladonna, etc.

With diarrhea caused by dysbiosis, appoint colibacterin lactobacterin, bifikol, bifidumbacterin.

Viral diarrhea acquired in modern medical practice, particularly relevant.

In children, the leading etiologic factor causing acute infectious diarrhea is rotavirus. Most often, rotavirus diarrhea in infants up to 2 years in the form of sporadic cases, a possible epidemic of rotavirus infection, most often in the winter. In adults, rotavirus gastroenteritis is rarely the causative agent and the process, they caused, runs erased. Acute diarrhea in adults often causing virus Norwolk.

The latent period from rotavirus infection - from one to several days. Home-acute viral gastroenteritis with vomiting, severe in children, and then having diarrhea, and general infection symptoms: headache, myalgia, fever, but these phenomena are usually moderately expressed. Abdominal pain are not typical of viral gastroenteritis. Swelling and inflammation in the wall of the small intestine caused by a virus, leading to a breach of the secretion and absorption of fluid rich in sodium and potassium.

Diarrhea is the nature of the water lost by diarrhea with fluid contains little protein, but a lot of salt. This picture is reminiscent of secretory diarrhea caused by Vibrio cholerae and E. coli enterotoxins, it could lead to a massive loss of fluid in excess of an adult 1 liter per hour.

In viral diarrhea suffers colon and leukocytes in the stool is not, viral diarrhea in adults lasts 1 W day, children - twice. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening patient.

Therapy limited mostly to the replacement of lost fluids. This replacement can be done infusion, by assigning drink containing glucose and salts (glucose stimulates the absorption of sodium). Fluid is injected at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 liter of the chair, but the main control is visible when filled skin, mucous membranes. Antibiotic therapy in the water does not change the duration of diarrhea disease.

Angina (acute tonsillitis)

Acute common infectious disease, mainly affecting the tonsils. The inflammatory process may be localized in other clusters limfadenoidnoy tissues of the pharynx and larynx - in lingual, laryngeal, nasopharyngeal tonsils. Then accordingly suggest lingual, laryngeal or retronazalnoy angina. Infection can be exogenous (more often) or endogenous (self-infection). There are two modes of transmission: airborne and alimentary. Endogenous infection occurs in the mouth or throat (chronic inflammation of the tonsils, carious teeth, etc.). The source of infection can also be purulent diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Etiology. The most common infectious agents are staphylococci, streptococci (particularly hemolytic), pneumococcus. There is information about the possibility of viral sore throats. Predisposing factors: local and general cooling, reduced reactivity. Angina usually affects children of preschool and school age and adults 35 - 40 years, especially in autumn and spring.

Symptoms within. Pain on swallowing, malaise, fever. Frequent complaints of joint pain, headaches, intermittent fever. Disease duration, and local changes in the tonsils are dependent on the form of angina. For rational treatment and adherence angina lasts on average 5-7 days. Distinguish bluetongue, follicular and lacunary form of angina. Essentially these are different manifestations of the same inflammatory process in the tonsils.

Catarrhal angina. Usually starts suddenly and tickling, diffuse pain in the throat, general malaise, subfebrile temperature. Changes in blood mild expressed or absent. On examination of the pharynx (pharyngoscope) indicated moderate swelling, redness of the tonsils and surrounding areas of the palatine arches, the soft palate and the posterior pharyngeal wall is not changed. Regional lymph nodes may be enlarged and painful on palpation. Catarrhal angina may be the initial stage of the other forms of angina, and sometimes a manifestation of a contagious disease.

Lacunar and follicular angina characterized by more severe clinical picture. Headache, sore throat, nausea, general weakness. Changes in the blood greater than catarrhal angina. Often, the disease begins chills, fever up to 38-39 ° C and above, especially in children. The high leukocytosis-20 10 (in the ninth degree) / n and a shift to the left of white blood count and a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (40-50 mm / h). Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and painful on palpation. When pharyngoscope a marked congestion and swelling of the tonsils and surrounding areas of the soft palate and palatine arches. When tonsillitis seen festering follicles shining through the mucous membrane in the form of small yellow-white bubbles. When lacunar angina also formed a yellowish-white attacks, but they are located at the mouths of gaps. These attacks can later merge with each other, covering all or almost all of the free surface of the tonsils, and are easily removed with a spatula.

Division for follicular tonsillitis and lacunary conditional, as one and the same patient can be both a follicular and lacunar tonsillitis.

Sore throat abscess. Acute purulent inflammation okolomindalikovoy fiber. Often a complication of one of the above forms of angina and develops after 1 -2 days after it ended angina. The process usually unilateral, characterized by sharp pain in the throat when swallowing, headache, chills, feeling of weakness, malaise, nasal, trismus masticatory muscles, increase body temperature to 38-39 grams. C, bad breath, profuse salivation. Changes in the blood correspond acute inflammation. Regional lymph nodes are greatly enlarged and painful on palpation. When pharyngoscope dramatically on congestion and swelling of tissues of the soft palate on one side. Tonsils on this side shifted to the median line and the bottom. Due to swelling of the soft palate often see the amygdala can not. The mobility of the affected half of the soft palate is significantly restricted, which can lead to leakage of liquid food from the nose.

If the first 2 days of vigorous treatment of quinsy is not started, then the 5-6-day limited abscess may form in okolomindalikovoy tissue - peritonsillar (paratonsillar) abscess. With high and low virulence microorganisms reactivity abscess may form, despite active treatment, earlier than usual (3-4th day of the disease). When the formed peritonsillar abscess can be seen thinned portion of the mucous membrane white-yellow color - translucent abscess. After self or abscess incision is rapid regression of the disease. In recent years there has healed up to 1-2 months form quinsy with periodic abscess formation, which is associated with inappropriate use of antibiotics. Inflammation of throat ring limfadenoidnom not always indicate a sore throat.

Differential diagnosis should be made with scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, influenza, acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, including acute pharyngitis, with acute blood diseases - mononucleosis, etc. (see Diseases of the blood). In addition to the clinical symptoms of angina is of great importance and the nature of local changes detected on examination of the pharynx and larynx (pharyngitis and laryngoscopy, pharyngorrhinoscopy). Important role played by data from laboratory studies (study tonsils raids on sticks diphtheria, complete blood count). For example, the detection of specific mononuclear cells in the blood indicates infectious mononucleosis.

In clinical practice it is often necessary to differentiate from angina lacunary localized diphtheria throat. Angina in diphtheria is the most dangerous in the epidemiological and because of possible complications. Suspected diphtheria should have been an overall survey of the patient. Angina in diphtheria causes severe intoxication: the patient lethargic, pale, adinamichen, but at the same temperature reaction may be poorly expressed (within subfebrile). On palpation of the cervical lymph node involvement increased, and edema fat neck. Faringoskopicheski with lacunar angina attacks show a yellowish-white color, localized within the tonsils in diphtheria they go beyond the tonsils and have a dirty gray color. When lacunar angina plaque removed easily by coating the surface of the tonsils is not changed, with diphtheria raids are removed from the difficulty in removing plaque found eroded area of ​​the mucosa.

When lacunar angina - always sided symptoms, with diphtheria - often localized changes can be one-way (especially in mild to moderate forms of the course). For suspected diphtheria should urgently take smear attacks tonsils for bacteriological examination for the presence of diphtheria bacilli. The patient should be hospitalized immediately in box office infectious hospital.

Diagnosis of peritonsillar abscess is easy. The typical clinical picture, which developed after a seemingly ending sore throat, congestion and unilateral sudden swelling of tissues of the soft palate, protrusion of the amygdala to the median line, a significant increase in body temperature indicate inflammation okolomindalikovoy fiber.

Complications: rheumatism, cholecystitis, orchitis, meningitis, nephritis, etc. From the local complications, except for the above quinsy, the most frequent acute otitis media, acute laryngitis, laryngeal edema, parafaringealny abscess, acute cervical lymphadenitis, abscess neck.

Treatment. In the early days of the disease before the normalization temperature is prescribed bed rest. The food should be rich in vitamins, non-acute, unheated and not cold. It is useful to drink plenty of liquids: fresh fruit juice, lemon tea, milk, alkaline mineral water. Necessary to monitor the function of the intestine. Medications should be used strictly individually, depending on the nature of angina, the status of other organs and systems. In mild angina without the expressed intoxication appoint indications sulfa drugs inside, adults, 1 g four times a day. In severe cases, with significant toxicity, prescribed antibiotics. Increasingly using penicillin V / m to 200 000 IU 4-6 times a day. If the patient can not tolerate penicillin, erythromycin is prescribed to 200 000 units in during meals 4 times a day for 10 days, or oletetrin 250 000 IU orally 4 times a day for 10 days, or tetracycline into the 250 000 units 4 times a day for 10 days.

Rheumatic patients, and those with pathological changes in the kidney to prevent the exacerbation of the disease prescribe antibiotics regardless of the form of angina. Inside appointed as acetylsalicylic acid, 0.5 g 3-4 times a day, ascorbic acid, 0.1 g 4 times a day.

Nearsightedness (myopia)

View ametropia in which parallel rays coming from objects located far are connected ahead of the retina.

Etiology and pathogenesis. Myopia often caused lengthening anteroposterior axis of the eye, at least, over the refractive power of the optical media. Contribute to the development of myopia intense visual work at close range with a weakened accommodation and hereditary predisposition. With the weakness of the sclera is a progressive stretching of the eyeball, which leads to changes in the cardiovascular and retina.

The weakening of accommodation and stretching of the sclera can occur under the influence of common infections and intoxications, endocrine changes and metabolic disorders.

Symptoms within. Decrease in visual acuity, especially away. Vision improved from the oversight of the eyes of the negative lens. When working in close proximity may have pain in the eyes, in the forehead and temples. Myopia usually begins to develop in the early years of schooling. Its degree in the future often gradually increased to 18 to 20 years of age.

In some cases the elongation of the eyeball can be pathological, causing degeneration and recurrent hemorrhages in the macula, retina tears and detachment, vitreous haze.

If not promptly corrected glasses myopia due to excessive work of the internal rectus muscles and the lack of momentum to accommodation binocular vision can be upset and appear exotropia.

The diagnosis is based on the determination of refraction after instillation into the conjunctival sac of 0.5-1% solution of atropine sulfate, 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 3 days.

Treatment. With mild to moderate myopia, as a rule - complete or almost complete optical correction for distance and weaker (for 1 - 2 diopters) lens for use in close quarters.

With a high degree of myopia - constant correction, the value of which for distance and near vision is defined by tolerance. If glasses are not increase visual acuity, should contact correction. Exercises for the ciliary muscle to improve the accommodative ability.

Careful observance of hygiene in the home and at school (adequate lighting of the workplace, the right fit for reading, writing, etc.), regular physical exercise and sports (by a doctor), the correct mode of the day, frequent alternation of visual load with rest for the eyes ( every 30 - 40 minutes sessions for 10-15 minutes rest, better in the open air).

With the progression of myopia prescribed medication: calcium gluconate 0.5 g 3-6 times a day for 10 days, ascorbic acid 0.05 - 0.1 g 2-3 times a day for 3 - 4 weeks, nicotinic acid at 0.005-0.05 g 3 times a day for 20 days, galidor by 0.05-0.1 g, 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

When chorioretinal complications - nigeksin on 0,125-0,25 g 3 times a day for a month, Tren-tal by 0.05-0.1 g 3 times a day after meals for a month, riboflavin at 0.002-0.005 g of 2 - 3 times a day for 1-1.5 months, subconjunctival injection of 0.2% solution of ATP, 0.2 ml daily or every other day, 10-12 injections on theophylline with 0.05-0.1 g of nicotinic acid on 0.02-0.1 g 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days in a row with a break for 2-3 days, only for 10-15 days, tissue preparations, better suspension placenta 1 ml n / a 1 per 7-10 days, the course of 3.4 injections (tissue preparations should not be administered during puberty).

Prevention. General strengthening of the body. Restriction of the visual work in close quarters. Compliance with all the requirements of hygiene. Training of the ciliary muscle with impaired accommodation. Eliminating pseudomyopia.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


The diagnosis is confirmed by data transillumination, medical imaging (see sinuses, X-ray diagnosis), ultrasound (see Ultrasound diagnosis). Widely used diagnostic puncture sinus, allows to define the presence of exudate and its character.

Treatment is usually outpatient. It is important to ensure a good flow of content from the affected sinus. In severe and complications hospitalization is shown. In acute exacerbation of chronic sinusitis and sinusitis prescribe antipyretics, sulfa drugs, antibiotics, hyposensitizing, vitamins. Locally applied vasoconstrictors (naphazoline, etc.) that can be used in the form of drops, spray lubrication.

In acute sinusitis use SoLux, diathermy, ultra-high frequency currents, the chronic course - microwave therapy, electrophoresis of drugs (antibiotics, hormones, etc.), diadynamic currents diadynamophoresis, mud, paraffin baths, inhalations and aerosols. For the treatment of chronic sinusitis allergic origin use the tools of non-specific (calcium chloride, antihistamines, etc.) and specific (small doses of allergens, vaccines and autovaccine) desensitization.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus was performed as a diagnostic and therapeutic purposes with a special needle after local anesthesia. Exudate from the sinuses drained and then washed it with using a warm solution of potassium permanganate, Frc, rivanola, romazuoana and other disinfectants. After removal of the washing liquid in the bosom injected antibiotics including sensitivity to them microorganisms, hormones, proteolytic enzymes.

For continuous drainage of the maxillary sinus using various catheters. If conservative treatment is ineffective or there is a risk of complications, have resorted to surgery (maxillary sinusotomy), which aims - to delete the contents of the pathological sinus. Surgical intervention may be intranasal (resection of the medial wall of the sinus in the middle and lower nasal passages), facial (opening in the front wall of the sinuses), combined, or radical (resection of the anterior and medial wall).

The prognosis of acute sinusitis is usually favorable. Recovery in the majority of cases occur in a period of a few days to 2-3 weeks. In chronic sinusitis, uncomplicated, prognosis is generally favorable, depending on the morphological changes and the duration of the process. If there are complications prognosis is determined by the nature of complications.

Prevention is to improve the body's defenses, tempered. To this end, recommended physical education and sports, walking in the fresh air, water treatment. The important role played by treatment of diseases of the nose, nasal congestion associated with impaired (curvature of the nasal septum, chronic rhinitis), dental health. Patients with acute rhinitis should be explained that a strong hit of blowing the nose helps the nasal mucus in the maxillary sinus.
Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. There are acute and chronic sinusitis. In children, more frequent acute sinusitis.

Etiology and pathogenesis. Acute sinusitis develops as a complication of acute rhinitis, post-influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases, as well as due to inflammatory diseases of the teeth (odontogenic sinusitis). Precipitating factor may be hypothermia against decrease in reactivity.

Chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinus is usually the result of acute inflammation, especially under adverse conditions to drain accumulated in these pathological secretion. Can contribute to the thickening of the mucous membranes of the nose, nasal turbinate hypertrophy, curvature of the nasal septum, closing or narrowing outlet of the maxillary sinuses - maxillary cleft. Given the penetration of infectious agents, distinguish rhinogenous (mostly adults), hematogenous (mainly in children), and traumatic odontogenic sinusitis.

Funds are also special forms of sinusitis - vasomotor (predominantly in patients suffering from autonomic disorders, characterized by swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses) and allergic.

The clinical picture. For acute sinusitis is characterized by chills, fever, poor general health, headache of varying intensity, often radiating to the forehead, nose and the root of the teeth. Pain in the sinus increases with pressure on its front wall.

By the nature of pain is intense and constant, accompanied by tearing, increased at an inclination of the head, coughing and sneezing. Sometimes join photophobia and excessive tearing. The nose is stuffed up, there is plenty of mucous secretions (catarrhal sinusitis), mucopurulent, purulent character (purulent sinusitis). On the side of sinus reduced sense of smell. With involvement of the periosteum marked swelling and edema of the lower cheek, and sometimes the upper eyelid. Were characterized by the chronic fatigue, malaise, fatigue, headache (usually in the evening), nasal congestion. The sense of smell can be reduced.

For vasomotor and allergic sinusitis is characterized by an undulating course with periodic remissions.

The clinical picture of acute characterized by the same symptoms as in acute maxillary sinusitis.

Complications. Sometimes acute, but more often observed in chronic sinusitis intracranial complications - swelling of the meninges, serous or purulent meningitis, meningoencephalitis, phlebitis sinus dural rhinogenous with the development of sepsis, pachymeningitis, rhinogenous brain abscess - rhinogenous arachnoiditis. They are most frequent during the flu epidemic. Can be observed and complications such as swelling of the fiber jet orbit and eyelids, retrobulbar abscess, osteoperiostity orbit, orbital venous thrombosis, etc. There is also a periostitis of the upper jaw.

The diagnosis of sinusitis is based on clinical picture and data rhinoscopy.

In acute sinusitis detect edema, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the nose, the middle nasal passage is narrowed, it is visible characteristic strip of mucus or pus. G. In chronic inflammatory changes in addition to the mucous membranes, which are manifested by edema, thickening, cyanosis, often marked hypertrophy of the lower and middle turbinates.


Abscess - purulent inflammation of the tissue with the formation of a limited outbreak of decay.

The causative agent of soft tissue abscesses are more likely to staphylo-and streptococci, with abscesses other locations nature flora depends on the cause (eg, appendiceal abscess is usually a pathogen E. coli) in combination with non-clostridial anaerobic flora and cocci.

When there is a clear demarcation of abscess source of inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

In the early stages - is granulation tissue, the subsequent course of granulation tissue formed around the connective tissue sheath.

The presence of pyogenic membrane deteriorates penetration of antibiotics from the blood into the cavity of the abscess, but the intoxication due to absorption of toxic products from the source of the collapse remains.

In violation of pyogenic membrane (sharp increase in pressure in the abscess cavity) or the reduction of general and local immune mechanisms of the infection spreads from the abscess, accompanied by sepsis and purulent streaks.

Treatment only prompt, type of intervention depends on the size and location of the abscess.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How to make a shot of the most

Everyone once in my life it was necessary to get a shot in the "soft spot." If you have assigned a course of treatments, it is cheaper and more convenient to make yourself the most shots. After a little practice, you can even be considered for the procedure it will not. Of course, his sorry ass, but personally I find it easier to stab herself, than to wait with bated breath when I nurse prick :) Then, as they say, "the lord of his own hand." So, we will need: * rubbing alcohol (available boron), in the most extreme case a good vodka * medication (if a vial of solution lay in the fridge to warm it in your hand to room temperature) * disposable syringe * Sterile cotton or bandage * pop - 1 pc. First, read the instructions to the drug. Shake the vial, the medication flowed from the bottle. Open the vial. Most vials are manufactured with the "cuts" (if you can see around the neck stripes - this is so). Then just take a piece of cotton wool, and through him break off the neck (see that the pieces of glass were not included in the solution, although this is rare). If the vial without notch packaging of medicine should be based "nail file." File off several times suffering a vial at the narrowest point in the neck and break off his wool. Unpack the syringe. Probably goes without saying that before the whole procedure should wash your hands with soap and water. Put the needle on the syringe and medication type. Touch the needle, you should not! You also can not put it on the table or any other surface. After the turn of medicine syringe straight up and squeeze all the air out of it (it can be a little shake to come out fine bubbles). If they stay very small bubbles - do not worry (so they will remain in the syringe). Close the needle cap and set aside. Talking object. Mentally divide the semi-popie into 4 parts. Chop will be in the upper outer quarter. Take a cotton wool or a bandage soaked in alcohol and clean the place intensely alleged invasion. Open the syringe and insert the needle perpendicular to the skin surface. The needle should enter almost all the way (to stay until it is about to start 1 mm). So as not to stretch the pleasure stabbing better quickly. But the drug was injected slowly (again, look what is written about this in the manual). After abruptly pull out the needle and stifle the injection site with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. That's it! Syringe cap should be closed and discarded. Never use non-sterile syringes! We strongly recommend against self-injections into the vein. After two or three times to make myself a shot to be as simple as a cup of tea :) So go for it!

How to wash your nose with salt water

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen allergies, and those who suffer from chronic rhinitis. Now is the allergy season. Pharmacies sell many tools from it, but not everyone remembers about such an effective tool, as washing the nose with salt water.

The fact that allergens first enter the nasal mucosa and from there absorbed into the blood. So washing the nose, you will not only cleanse the body from allergens, but also reduces inflammation. With numerous experiences with the ENT doctor, I want to tell you how to clean your nose with salt water :) How to wash your nose So, to make better use of saline lavage. The concentration of salt in it 0.9%. If you are going to wash the nose with water, then you need to take boiled or filtered water. Accordingly, need about 10 grams of salt per liter of water. How to wash a child's nose in one teaspoon no slides contains 7 grams of salt, with a slide - 10 g per liter of water, but you hardly need be, it will be enough of one cup. For nasal lavage children need rubber pear (without tip) for 250 ml, or a one-time 10-cc syringe without needle. So, when salt water ready, tilt your head to the position: "What are you, my dear, look askance, head bowed low." That is, rotate and tilt heavily to one side. In a syringe or pear recruit salt water and pour into the upper nostril while vysmarkivayas. Nozdriki then you need to change. Do not be afraid, it does not hurt (it will hurt if you use NOT salt water), but after washing the nose, you will be much easier. The procedure can be done as often as needed (generally administered 2-3 times a day). How to wash the nose fizrastvoromEto tool is effective not only for allergies, but colds, sinusitis and other diseases of the nose and is safe even for children. Instead of salt water or saline solution can be used Frc (1 tablet in a glass of water). Do not forget that furatsilin soluble only in boiling water. By the way, as the doctors say, not necessarily spend money on expensive drugs like "Saline", "Akvamaris" etc. The beautiful bubbles contained normal saline, and not a "dead sea salt" or something there. You can buy a product once, then pour the saline solution into the vial and use it happily.

How to remove dark spots

Spots. How many girls these "sun kisses" messed up? Before going to the salon for expensive treatments, try to bring their folk remedies. How to remove age spots | How to make the most

These recipes are good because they are part of the only pure natural ingredients, which are in each refrigerator. Lemon juice, red currants, vinegar, cucumber, grapefruit, onions, is in every home. These vegetables and fruits are all charged with vitamins and have a bleaching effect. Remove spots you can own, you just do not be lazy and make masks regularly. I tried these recipes on her friends (me, thank God, this sorrow was over) :) Now they face soft and smooth. Here are some proven recipes. For normal to oily skin will benefit mask viburnum, black or red currants. Crushed berries wooden pestle or hands wet napkin and juice for 10-15 minutes apply it to freshly washed face. By juice can add the egg white, then mask to hold on the face for 20-25 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 2 weeks every night. These berries, as in sauerkraut and lemon, lots of vitamin C, cleansing the epidermis. Therefore, they must not only be used for cosmetic procedures, but more often to eat. To display the dry spots on the skin, perfect yogurt. Fresh drink 2 times a day is used for lotions. Very quickly, the mask of the parsley. The leaves and stems of this magical herb pestle to grind wood, so that they let the juice. Gruel grease stains. After 20 minutes, carefully wash composition. Within a week the person will get a gentle tone, fade spots and fine lines. Parsley can be used in place of a bearberry, yarrow, cucumber. Onion juice, mixed 1:1 with honey applied on the face for 15 minutes and then removed wet swab. Wipe off the face. I verified that the fruit and berry masks are better alternate: because their effect is achieved faster. Brown spots go quickly if mixed and vitamin masks to use relatively aggressive products. For example, a mask of mustard, improves blood circulation, stimulates the sebaceous glands, removing inflammation, destroying not only freckles and age spots, and pimples. For such a procedure will require mustard powder, which is diluted with water or milk to a thick cream. The mask is applied to the face and washed off immediately, as soon as the burning. Bleaching composition can be prepared from 100 g of three percent hydrogen peroxide, and 2 g of liquid ammonia. The resulting mixture twice a day instead of using lotion, rubbing his face. There is still a large number of recipes for getting rid of age spots. All have one thing in common: the compositions are applied only on freshly washed skin, and before applying, make sure that you are not allergic to the products used. To do this, apply a bit mask elbow. If after 10-15 minutes, do not cause irritation, you can safely deduce spots the mask. How to remove age spots | How to make the most