Saturday, November 3, 2012

How to wash your nose with salt water

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen allergies, and those who suffer from chronic rhinitis. Now is the allergy season. Pharmacies sell many tools from it, but not everyone remembers about such an effective tool, as washing the nose with salt water.

The fact that allergens first enter the nasal mucosa and from there absorbed into the blood. So washing the nose, you will not only cleanse the body from allergens, but also reduces inflammation. With numerous experiences with the ENT doctor, I want to tell you how to clean your nose with salt water :) How to wash your nose So, to make better use of saline lavage. The concentration of salt in it 0.9%. If you are going to wash the nose with water, then you need to take boiled or filtered water. Accordingly, need about 10 grams of salt per liter of water. How to wash a child's nose in one teaspoon no slides contains 7 grams of salt, with a slide - 10 g per liter of water, but you hardly need be, it will be enough of one cup. For nasal lavage children need rubber pear (without tip) for 250 ml, or a one-time 10-cc syringe without needle. So, when salt water ready, tilt your head to the position: "What are you, my dear, look askance, head bowed low." That is, rotate and tilt heavily to one side. In a syringe or pear recruit salt water and pour into the upper nostril while vysmarkivayas. Nozdriki then you need to change. Do not be afraid, it does not hurt (it will hurt if you use NOT salt water), but after washing the nose, you will be much easier. The procedure can be done as often as needed (generally administered 2-3 times a day). How to wash the nose fizrastvoromEto tool is effective not only for allergies, but colds, sinusitis and other diseases of the nose and is safe even for children. Instead of salt water or saline solution can be used Frc (1 tablet in a glass of water). Do not forget that furatsilin soluble only in boiling water. By the way, as the doctors say, not necessarily spend money on expensive drugs like "Saline", "Akvamaris" etc. The beautiful bubbles contained normal saline, and not a "dead sea salt" or something there. You can buy a product once, then pour the saline solution into the vial and use it happily.

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