Sunday, November 4, 2012


Abscess - purulent inflammation of the tissue with the formation of a limited outbreak of decay.

The causative agent of soft tissue abscesses are more likely to staphylo-and streptococci, with abscesses other locations nature flora depends on the cause (eg, appendiceal abscess is usually a pathogen E. coli) in combination with non-clostridial anaerobic flora and cocci.

When there is a clear demarcation of abscess source of inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

In the early stages - is granulation tissue, the subsequent course of granulation tissue formed around the connective tissue sheath.

The presence of pyogenic membrane deteriorates penetration of antibiotics from the blood into the cavity of the abscess, but the intoxication due to absorption of toxic products from the source of the collapse remains.

In violation of pyogenic membrane (sharp increase in pressure in the abscess cavity) or the reduction of general and local immune mechanisms of the infection spreads from the abscess, accompanied by sepsis and purulent streaks.

Treatment only prompt, type of intervention depends on the size and location of the abscess.

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