Thursday, November 8, 2012

Insomnia (Sleep Disorders)

Sleep disorders can be to difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep with frequent awakenings and unpleasant dreams, waking up early.
Sleep disorders often occur in functional diseases of the nervous system.
Domestic conflicts or official character of the wrong work and rest, work at night can cause sleep disturbances.

Sleep prevent unpleasant intrusive thoughts related to the events of the next few days, with anxiety about the future, fear of the upcoming sleepless night, worry about their health.
Repeated awakening, accompanied by fear (nightmares), are feeling general lethargy, weakness after sleep.
Patients concerned about a headache, discomfort, they are distinguished by emotional instability, tendency to neurotic reactions.
It should be borne in mind that sleep disturbance may be one of the early symptoms or exacerbation of mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression).
Sleep disorders often accompany endogenous depression, is characterized by early awakening amid depressed mood.
For senile and involutional psychosis characterized premature awakening.
Organic brain disease, such as encephalitis, tumors, meningitis, traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident, hydrocephalus, can be accompanied by sleep disorders.
In these diseases there is a decrease level of wakefulness and sleepiness.
When cerebral atherosclerosis develops drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night.
Sleep disorder is observed in the pathology of the endocrine glands, metabolic diseases.
Decompensation of diabetes is accompanied by sleep disorders, which can be a precursor to a diabetic coma.
Frequent sleep disturbances in hyperthyroidism, when sleep is difficult and is typical shallow sleep, this is noted in the menopause.
Emergency. Assign radedorm (eunoktin) - 0,005 g or barbiturates: Phenobarbital - 0.1 g, barbital - 0.2 g, etaminalnatry - 0,1 g
Elderly patients should not be given barbiturates, and it is desirable to assign children sedatives such as valerian, motherwort.
In the appointment of hypnotics should be considered a profession patients as possible the impact of these drugs on the reaction time, which is essential for vehicle drivers, operators, dispatchers.
Hospitalization is necessary in cases where insomnia is a symptom of the primary severe disease.

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