Thursday, November 22, 2012


1). Tansy, flowers. Suffering from barley is recommended to take a couple of small, yellow flowers of tansy at a time, washed down with cold water.

During the day, take 4-5.

Thus drink until after the barley. This is a simple tool for all saves one from sty.

2). Calendula (marigold) flowers. 10-15 gr. dried flowers per cup of boiling water, wrapped 30-40 minutes, drain.

Make lotions and compresses to sore eyes in barley. Calendula tincture diluted with boiled water 1:10.

Make lotions. Calendula is a good remedy for sore eyes.

3). Aloe vera (aloe), color home. 1 medium sheet (5 oz.) Chop and insist 6-8 hours in a glass of cold boiled water, strain and make lotions for sore eyes. Cut off the leaves, wash, squeeze the juice, diluted with cold water in a ratio of 1:10.

Make lotions.

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