Sunday, July 21, 2013

Anti-stress diet.

The ancient Chinese sages warned: "Avoid excessive joy and excessive anger." Later, when we introduced the concept of "stress", the wisdom of this advice received scientific confirmation.
With occasional weak body handles stress itself, defeating his or adapting to it. Such stress, even useful, since trains the body's defenses. But of heavy episodic or chronic prolonged stress, the body suffers greatly, depleting their defenses.
The therapist will remove the psychological and emotional stress, prescribe sedatives course, will suggest the necessary exercise, but all of these activities will have a small positive effect if a person does not change the nature of the food.
There are products that contribute to the fact that the human nervous system proved to be more resistant to stress factors. And there are those that will provoke nervous excitability, even aggression.
Anti-stress products: bananas, plums, kiwis, tomatoes, walnuts because of their content of specific hormones - serotonin. When little hormone, a person falls into a depression. Serotonin that came with the food from depression do not deliver - it will collapse long before they arrive in the brain. But there is the matter from which the cells of the brain serotonin is produced. It is an essential amino acid tryptophan. But for protein meal, is insufficient.
To facilitate access to the brain tryptophan, it is necessary folic acid, and carbohydrates. Folic acid is a B vitamin group contain her dark green salads, vegetables, different greens (there they are desirable as possible and fresh). Folic acid helps the absorption of tryptophan from eating meat, which confirms the combination of meats with herbs and vegetables.
Access tryptophan into the brain facilitates the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas, when we consume carbohydrates. Their source is the bread, pasta, rice, sweet berries and fruits, honey.
Of tryptophan in the brain produces two hormones are similar in structure, but opposite in action. The morning of certain areas of the brain are set on the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. In the evening of tryptophan produced melatonin - the sleep hormone. It is equally necessary and smooth good mood and sound sleep. Therefore, rational classic European breakfast of bacon and eggs and a piece of bread out of the rough flour. And that dream was a strong, preferably at night to drink a glass of milk or yogurt with honey or with bread from wheat germ.
Chocolate lovers know that after its use there is a feeling of joy. A sense of pleasure from the chocolate is associated with substance anadamid, so that a cup of cocoa in the morning, or a few slices of dark chocolate can help to normalize the nervous system to calm stress.
Even more important products that will make our nervous system does not susceptible to psychological stress. Will help reduce the effects of stress relaxation, deep breathing and meditation.
All of our organs and cells work on the principle of excitement, tension - sedation, relaxation. Responsible for the excitation of calcium ions, and for braking - magnesium ions.
Rich sources of magnesium - any seeds, all nuts, all beans, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, whole grains, whole-grain bread or wheat germ. Important food sources of magnesium include green vegetables and herbs, because it is a component of chlorophyll of plants. A good source of magnesium - seaweed, squid and fish. Less magnesium in meat, liver, eggs, milk.
Try to get your daily bread was whole-grain, eat a handful of nuts or seeds all, two teaspoons of flax seed and sesame seeds, a teaspoon of seaweed. Prepare meals twice a week from legumes, do not forget about the porridge made from buckwheat and oatmeal and tea and coffee. Alternate between them.

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