Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hypothyroidism Thyroid

Гипотиреоз щитовидной железы 
According to medical statistics in Russia hypothyroidism thyroid suffer about 15% of the population, but the number of newly diagnosed patients is increasing every year. Doctors often called the thyroid gland of youth. And it's true: people who do this important organ works properly, are long-lived and enviable health. I welcome all the friends and readers of the blog "Recipes of traditional medicine."Hypothyroidism is a thyroid gland - causes and symptoms
  In the normal functioning of the thyroid gland thyroid hormones maintain a stable metabolic rate, which is characteristic of a healthy body. What is hypothyroidism the thyroid gland? This is the condition of the body, which slows down all metabolic processes. Patient hypothyroidism thyroid figuratively be compared with the slow movement of the flow of the river. For such people, there are no desires, interests, and they do not want to do an extra step or stray off course.
  The causes of hypothyroidism thyroid different. First of all - is the iodine deficiency in the blood (the main component of thyroid hormones), the inflammatory process in the gland caused against some infection, postoperative period thyrostatics treatment such as Mercazolilum which reduces the function of the thyroid gland.
  Thyroid Hypothyroidism is accompanied by fatigue, drowsiness, chilliness, memory loss, lethargy, slowing of movements and speech, pain in the joints (arthritis), hoarseness. Patient pale dry skin with a yellowish tint, formed under the eyes, "bags", puffy and swollen limbs, face and tongue. Long companions hypothyroidism thyroid cancer are falling out, eyebrows, hair, teeth, depression, pain in the liver, stomach and heart, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, low body temperature, constipation.

  To restore the normal balance of hypothyroidism thyroid doctor prescribes hormones for life: novotiral, tireotom, L-thyroxine, tireoidin. The dose and timing of the drugs are determined strictly individually after a thorough examination including ultrasonography (U.S.) and thyroid hormone blood test. Be careful preparations have a lot of contraindications and side effects.Hypothyroidism the thyroid gland - a diet
  For the proper functioning of the thyroid gland requires a certain diet. It should be eating enough foods that provide cleansing of the body. This radish, celery, parsnips, turnips, radishes, carrots and beets. The diet must include bean sprouts (lentils, peas, beans and alfalfa), sprouted grain cereals (barley, oats and wheat). To make it easier to eat these foods, add them to the raw vegetable salads.
  The patient is useful to use flakes of various cereals, especially breakfast. Prepare the jelly made from buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat. Not contraindicated cheese and low-fat dairy products. Very useful in all kinds of fish, especially the ocean and sea. In the season of eating more berries, fruits and vegetables. They will bring you significant relief, especially strawberries (strawberries). To absorb more raw vegetables, fruits and berries, eat them instead of some meal or between meals.
  Useful vinaigrettes, raw and cooked salads, vegetable stew consisting of rutabagas, turnips, pumpkins, squash, beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, celery, green peas, eggplant, artichoke, spinach and leeks. Add to cooked dishes tomatoes, vegetable oil, lemon juice, spices, soy sauce. Cook vegetarian soups, baked or boiled potatoes with the peel (in uniform).
  In hypothyroidism the thyroid gland recommended spices that have anti-inflammatory and antitoxic properties: fennel, basil, saffron, paprika.
  Hypothyroidism the thyroid gland - forbidden foods. These include muffins, pies, bread flour, sweets, biscuits, fatty cheese, ice cream. Not allowed to take food in all kinds of sausages, pates, sausages, goose, duck, pork, butter, margarine, lard, canned foods containing vinegar, smoked products.Hypothyroidism Thyroid - recipes of traditional medicine
  At low thyroid function well to spiny cocklebur, containing a large amount of iodine. Pour a tablespoon of herbs in two cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and set aside for 60 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and take a tablespoon two to four times a day before meals. Of spiny cocklebur can prepare a tincture: 50 g of raw half-liter 70-degree alcohol, insist two weeks and take 20-30 drops, dissolved in half a glass of warm milk or water three times a day before meal. The duration of treatment 21 days after a 10-day break to repeat the treatment.
  Boil for five minutes tablespoon of herbs Potentilla white in a glass of water. Cool, filter and drink 1 tbsp. p in the spoon 3-4 day before meals. We are treated 1-1.5 months.
 Fill the walls 20-25 walnuts 100 ml of 70% alcohol, put in a dark place for 14 days, strain and take three times a day 15-20 drops before meals with water. The course - a month.
 Air marsh established himself in folk medicine as a regenerative and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as reducing toxicity in inflammatory and infectious processes in the body. Add 100 g of crushed root of a plant half-liter 70-degree alcohol for 2 weeks (to insist in a dark place). Strain and drink three times a day before meals for half an hour at 50 drops for 60 days. Repeat treatment after a 10-day break.
Be well, and God forbid you!

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