Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cleaning of the teeth

Cleaning of the teeth - general guidelines: one of the sources of infection and self-poisoning, open to all kinds of germs, particularly purulent bacteria, is the oral cavity. Infection through the mouth - is there too often. As noted in medical research, the colonies of infectious microorganisms detrimental impact not only on the teeth, but also on the whole body.
Caries and pyorrhea may be the cause of many serious diseases, such as arthritis, endocarditis, functional disorders of the eyes, ears, nose, hypertension, the presence of toxins in the blood, serious irregularities in the kidney, heart, stomach, and intestines. Chronic indigestion in many cases it may be from imperfect mastication and is the cause of the change of teeth. Dentists are not in a position to influence the weak constitution of the teeth, causing the teeth are destroyed.
Many nations as a toothbrush using soft materials of plant origin, which have astringent properties. This may be the young shoots of pear, lime, orange trees, stalks of celery, carrots, sprouts black currant, cranberry, mountain ash, magnolia, cedar, etc. The wand should be 15-18 cm long and 5-6 mm in diameter and certainly from the fresh plant. It is possible and moist, but the pre-soaked in water. One end of the stick chewed until a brush. Chewing sticks - perfect for strengthening teeth. After two or three times, use a toothbrush to be thrown.
When the formed periodontitis ancient oriental medicine recommends massaging the gums with your fingers using a mixture of milled sea salt, vegetable oil and ash derived from the rind of the baked eggplant.
Yoga in the absence of twigs on hand offering to brush your teeth with your fingers, as well as a paste to use fine salt and vegetable oil.
Russian balneologists XIX-early XX century M. Platten best dentifrice believed wheat bran and warned against the use of funds for this purpose, containing acids and soap.
Avoid or reduce the appearance of tooth decay, according to naturopaths, helps regular ingestion of raw vegetables and fruits. Japanese researchers have come to the conclusion that protect teeth from decay can be drinking after each meal a cup of green tea. His infusion inhibits the multiplication of microorganisms that corrode tooth enamel. Purification of teeth with tooth powder: dentifrice can use tooth powder factory production. But the result will be better if you add the crushed alum powder, which should be up to 10% of total.
Semenov recommends using powder prepared as follows. Mark alum (10%) and ginger (90%)). Mix and grind and grind to a powder.
Can be cleaned with a brush and ordinary, just keep in mind that any process of cleaning teeth should not last 20-30 seconds, and not less than 2 minutes. Cleaning of the teeth by O. Eliseevoj: A. Eliseev doctor recommends brushing and mouthwash in the morning and evening, and even better - after each meal. It is recommended to brush your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and salt in equal proportions. Soda creates an acid-base balance in the redox processes of putrefaction in the teeth and gums. Salt as a hypertonic solution draws from gingival pockets of pus, food debris, bacteria.
Rinse gum is recommended:
- Celandine extract 1 teaspoon crushed dried leaves (roots) pour 1 cup (200 ml) boiling water for 20 minutes. To rinse 1-2 times a day throat, mouth, teeth, but do not drink.
- Garlic with water: 1 medium clove of crushed garlic, cover with boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, keeping the heat up to 40 ° C (can be closed with a towel), strain, rinse your throat, mouth, teeth. It is better to rinse in the morning celandine extract, and in the evening before going to bed - the infusion of garlic.
- Urine (own fresh urine) to those who have overcome the psychological barrier middle portion of the morning gargle, mouth and teeth.
- A decoction of oak bark: 0.5 teaspoons of powdered bark, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes, for 15-20 minutes, rinse your throat, mouth, teeth, especially useful in loose, bleeding gums....

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