Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chronic pain in the legs.

Such an "incomprehensible" pain in the legs appears or after unusually long distance, violations of the power and rhythm, after trying to lose weight. Soon the pain begin to bother with the first steps and continue all day. When the feeling of the legs revealed soft tissue tenderness, especially at junctions muscle tendons and tendon to the bone. It is evident decrease of the shoulder girdle muscles, thighs, legs and feet, which is the consequence of reducing the load on the muscular frame. Stifle look unnaturally large, and ledges pelvis and shoulder girdle are clearly visible. In the ankles and feet is almost always possible to detect swelling, skin sometimes slightly bluish. Some restriction of movement are possible because of pain in the muscles.
Most often diagnosed with osteoarthritis arthralgia. The disease is accompanied by destruction of cartilage, capsule and ligaments of the joints. Joint pain in osteoarthritis are under medication, physical therapy, or after a spa treatment. At the "wanton" pain in the legs prescribed treatment does not help.
Chronic pain in the legs sometimes explained varicose veins, but it is the disease is different: the pain begins in the afternoon, after the fixed seating or long walk in the evening there is a heaviness in the feet and lower legs there is swelling by morning sickness symptoms are . Often extended subcutaneous veins, the skin in the area of ​​varicose veins change color.
And in gout disease is different, gout - a metabolic disorder with the formation of uric acid. The disease begins with acute pain, swelling and redness of the first toe. The condition of patients improved when they are reduced in the diet of meat, excludes alcoholic beverages, occasionally drinking alkaline mineral water shed excess weight.
Chronic pain in the legs when "unreasonable" myalgia is a consequence of damage to the mechanism of removal of waste products from the muscles.
Water scarcity is one of the factors that cause pain in the legs. Because it thickens the blood filtration in the kidneys decreases in violation of the urinary excretion of toxic products.
The second most important factor for violating a condition of muscles are broken in the blood and lymph circulation. Metabolism in the blood through the membrane capillaries, but is the condition - the substance must be in the form of electrolytes (salts solutions and simple sugars: glucose, fructose).
But not prevail in the body electrolytes and colloids - solutions of proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, and the slag (the end products of metabolism). They do not penetrate through the membrane for removal of toxic products in the colloidal state is the lymphatic system.
Feature lymphatic vessels is that they begin in tissues and they have special pores through which the "suction" colloids. But the lymph flow is maintained by reducing the muscle of the foot, shin and thigh. If slowing venous and lymphatic flow, metabolic products accumulate in the muscles, increasing pain, stiffness and pain due to violating the flow of lymph from the soft tissues. The circle is closed.
When the pain in the legs or the appearance of numbness, "pins and needles Run Games", weakness, chilliness should accurately calculate water demand (for 1 kg of 30 ml of water, and in the summer - 40 ml). These include all liquids except tea, coffee, beer and other alcohol (they have diuretic and dehydrating). The volume of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries can be taken as 100%. We must get in the habit of drinking a glass of water before a meal.
If you have pain every day to carry out restoration of blood flow and lymphatic exercises "bicycle", "scissors", "birch".
The diet regime include drinking ginger tea, and juices (grapefruit, orange), decoction of dried fruits, increase the antioxidants: vitamins C and E. A trace mineral selenium.

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