Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bad breath

Bad breath (halitosis) annoys many. And the pain of it is basically the people around, and the owner of bad breath are often not even aware of their piquant features. The fact is that most people get used to the smell and just do not feel them. To check whether you have fresh breath, perform the test - with folded hands cupped and breathe in them. If the bad breath you have - you'll find it. Bad breath causes What are the causes of bad breath? It can occur from eating raw onions or garlic, smoking or alcohol, from bad teeth brushed, from a lack of saliva, but also bad breath may be indirect evidence of a number of diseases.
The smell of acetone breath with sugary flavor is often indicative of diabetes and diseases of the pancreas. Fish or mouse smell is often present in people with the final stages of liver disease. Sour smell and taste in the mouth can cause gastritis with high or normal acidity, ulcers, gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the esophagus. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder appear odor and bitter taste in the mouth. The smell of feces out of his mouth - indirect evidence of dysbiosis, diskinizii or bowel obstruction. Get rid of bad breath Get rid of bad breath can only be revealing the reason for his appearance. Most people will just establish proper care of the teeth and oral cavity. Truism to brushing and flossing at least 2 times a day (in the morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed). Do not forget that the duration of brushing your teeth - 2-3 minutes, no more and no less.
It is also important to rinse your mouth after every meal. Can an ordinary water rinse, and grass can broth (see recipe below). You should not just rinse your mouth with black tea or coffee - from their enamel yellow.
Be sure to clean your tongue! After all, the language has many secluded grooves where bacteria can grow, and the bacteria - or rather waste their life is the main cause of bad breath.
Tongue cleaning procedure should be done with an ordinary teaspoon. Keep the convex side of the spoon to the sky. Edged spoon very neat light movements from the root to the tip of the tongue from clean plaque. Folk medicine recommends cleaning language daily at bedtime.
If proper oral hygiene, smell continues to haunt you - you need to go to the dentist. If dental problems (dental caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc.) you do not show up, the next visit must be applied to the ENT doctor. Diseases of the ear-nose-throat (chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils, etc.) are often accompanied by bad breath. How to remove bad breath How to remove bad breath know traditional medicine. Folk remedies for bad breath:
Tea tree oil from halitosis
Tea tree oil kills the bacteria in the mouth and can eliminate even the bad breath. Water for rinsing the mouth - add a glass of water 3 drops of essential oil of tea tree and every evening rinse your mouth with this structure.
Cloves of halitosis
Quickly get rid of bad breath, even the smell of garlic or alcohol will help dried cloves (spice). Just a couple of minutes chew cloves - the smell will pass.
Parsley from halitosis
If you chew a sprig of parsley - bad breath will go away.
Strawberry leaves, chamomile, oak bark and peppermint from halitosis
1 tbsp of any of these herbs or mixtures thereof to make a glass of boiled water and used to rinse the mouth after eating

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