Sunday, July 21, 2013

How to prolong your life?

All we age, many do not worry about it. But there are simple ways to slow down aging, why not try to use them? The only thing that could prevent - laziness.

Currently, the biological limit of human life is 90-100 years. You decide how much to spend on this date. Statistics of British scientists says:

Factors shortening life:
-Living next to a busy highway - 2.5 years.
-Constant stress - 3 years.
Constant-smoking - 10 years.
-Chronic alcoholism - 10 years.
-Lack of education - 9.3 years.
-Obesity - 9 years.
-Being overweight (nonobese) - 3 years.
-High stress (loss of a loved one) - 1 year.

Factors prolonging life:
Happy marriage-5 + years.
-Having a pet + 4 years.
-Get enough sleep + 5 years.
-Regular Sex + 7 years.
-Living in the highlands 12 + years.
-Optimistic attitude towards life + 7.5 years.

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