Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fiber for Weight Loss and Health

What is fiber? Fiber - a "skeleton" of plants. This fiber to the sustainability and strength of the plants and shells of their cells - that is, the anhydrous part of the plant. There are two basic types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. By soluble fiber include pectin and hemicellulose. The source of soluble fiber are fruits, vegetables, seeds, brown rice, barley and oats.
Soluble fiber promotes the formation of a soft stool. It also has a chemical effect that prevents or limits the absorption of the blood of a number of insalubrious substances.
Insoluble fiber - this cellulose, some hemicelluloses and lignin. The main source of insoluble fiber are unrefined grains, peel seeds, fruits, pulses and other food items. Insoluble fiber acts as a sponge, absorbs large amounts of water and fills the intestine, thereby intestinal dialysis.
When funding is necessary to increase fiber intake and the amount of liquid. If you do not, it fails to provide adequate beneficial impact, moreover, it can slow down or block the intestines out of waste products. Home "acquaintance" with the fiber with small doses, a gradual increase in fiber intake is recommended for people who are not accustomed to a high fiber diet. Before starting a new diet, rich in fiber, you should plan a gradual increase in the most servings of fiber.
And why, exactly, I have to eat this same tissue - may ask our contemporary - in fact it is not even the calories! Indeed, before fiber contemptuously called "bulking agents" because of the lack of calories and were deemed to lack of nutritional value. Now looks at the nutritional value of kletchatok radically changed. Kletchatok value is not measured in calories, and a powerful and preventive health-improving effect. Due to the lack of calories, and the swelling capacity, fiber used successfully to reduce body weight, removal of toxic substances.
Fiber promotes normal digestion, providing timely promotion of waste matter along the colon. To remove some of the toxins in the water it would take several times longer than the fiber, coping with this task. Fiber provides the regularity of bowel function and reduces the residence time in the body of various toxins and pollutants while neutralizing them. Substances such as secondary bile acids, excess fat, nitrosamines, harmful cholesterol, nitrites, toxins, radionuclides - can play a very negative role, they are all in their own dangerous to our health, toxic or carcinogenic. These substances bind cellulose and excreted when Received dietary fiber. Deficiency of fiber in the diet is dangerous not only constipation, but also the risk of many diseases.
During the excessive accumulation of toxins and gases in the human body is subjected to a much higher risk of getting sick - colds, allergies, nervous breakdown, insomnia, blurred vision, inflammation of the joints, osteoarthritis, cancer, - more than 200 terrible diseases of all organs of the body the enrichment of our preventable dietary substances with protective properties (including - of course, fiber!).

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