Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to improve memory?

In this article you will learn how to improve memory, using just a few simple exercises. Memory - the ability of our brain to store and reproduce information is accumulated over a lifetime. It can be compared with the muscles, as long as we do sports, they grow and become a beautiful shape, as we begin to be lazy - lose their appeal. Develop and maintain memory in tone is possible, using a few simple tips.
Tips to Improve Memory 1. Reading good books. Book in the first place, should be interesting to you. At the time of reading, you need to immerse themselves in the process, mentally scrolling through all of the events as a moving picture. This will help you not only better remember what they read, but also to develop the imagination.
2. Rest and sleep. As a child, at bedtime, we put a book under the pillow to better remember the poem, but in the morning verse bounced off the teeth. All because one day the brain, solving a lot of problems, exhausting and he needs a rest. Get enough sleep - one of the most important needs of our body, so do not neglect it.
3. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet, not less important part than sleep. The car will not move if the tank is empty, and the brain will not work effectively when the stomach is empty. Regular and proper diet will provide your body with the necessary "raw material" for the job.
4. Learning foreign languages ​​and poetry. Foreign languages ​​will not be denied by learning a few words a day, you gradually increase your vocabulary. Memorizing poems and quotes will help you how to develop memory and use them to decorate the speech.
5. Variety. Get rid of the routine of everyday life. For example, change the default route of movement, brush your teeth broken arm or try to move around the apartment with my eyes closed. These, strange, at first glance, the exercises will force your brain to work in new ways.
6. The combination of memory types. Rewriting a text from one source to another, you use the motor and visual memory. While reading the book aloud, you turn to the work of visual and auditory memory. Combining different types of memory will greatly increase the speed and quality of memorized information.
7. Special exercises for the development of memory. Count to a hundred in the reverse order or tell about the day, starting with the evening. These exercises will help you get rid of forgetfulness and develop imagination. Even those with a phenomenal memory, need constant training, so if you want to get rid of forgetfulness, you have to work, overcoming laziness....

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