Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Popular treatment of cold germinated grains of wheat.

Strengthening the body's ability to withstand the cold and oxygen deprivation.
Germinated wheat grains have a unique feature to enrich the blood with oxygen. In this dramatically increases endurance. This is especially important for those who are in extreme conditions, such as prolonged exposure to the cold or in a low oxygen content in the air. Of course, first of all, this concerns, for example, polar or mountain climbers. However, each of us has to be in the winter in the cold, and with high mental or physical exertion we were even in the plains required increase in oxygen in the blood. As you can see, any healthy person leading an active lifestyle, needs to use sprouted wheat grains.
Down with a cold! Popular treatment of cold.
In autumn and winter frosts germinated wheat grain will fall at an opportune moment. Thanks to the amazing ability to withstand a variety of cold-related infections, wheat germ is not difficult to spare you from the common cold cough, runny nose, sore throat and high (within reason) temperature. Moreover, germinated wheat grains can protect (not cure) you even from the flu virus! If you often catches a cold, cough torment and pain in the throat or you simply have no time to be ill, then germinated seeds - this is what you need. The introduction of just 70 grams of sprouts in your daily diet will provide you with protection against colds and broth wheat germ banish runny nose and sore throat.
Recipe popular treat colds germinated grains of wheat and herbs.
A decoction against colds.
For the preparation we need:25 g of germinated seeds of wheat;25 g of peppermint;20 g herb lavender;10 g of pine buds;10 g of root rosemary;900 ml of water.Gently washed in warm water all the ingredients. We put on a small plate kovshichek with water, put it in a pine buds, root rosemary and mint and start cooking. After 7 minutes to boil the ingredients and add the lavender sprouts. Continue to cook for another 7 minutes. After this time remove the broth from the heat and give it stand for an hour, and then filtered. The broth is recommended to drink in hot form, adding a bit of honey. The broth can be drunk as during cold and at the sane time. If you have a cold, it is recommended to drink a decoction daily 3 times a day, 150 ml, three times to drink 10-15 minutes before bedtime. If you are healthy and you are going to drink the broth as preventive maintenance, then drink a glass of broth for half an hour before bedtime.

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