Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Kidney cleansing.

Rare to find a person who would not like meat. But, did you know that it is meat diet is the main cause of rocks and sand in the kidneys? Unfortunately, it is. In addition to an excess of animal food, cause the formation of toxins in the kidneys may be of poor quality water, various infections, and more. Kidney cleansing significantly improve the performance of the excretory system and avoid diseases such as nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, and chronic cystitis.
Infusion to cleanse the kidneys.
For the preparation we need:30 grams of sprouted wheat grains;20 g herb St. John's wort;30 g hips;10 g of birch leaves;1 liter of water.Wash wheat, St. John's wort, wild rose and birch leaves. Rosehip cut into small pieces. Bring to a boil the water and pour in kovshichke there crushed rosehips and birch leaves. We reserve the fire for 10 minutes. After the specified time, adding to kovshichek sprouts and St. John's wort, boil another 7 minutes. Remove from the heat and give it brew for 3 hours. Real broth filter. The broth should drink 2 times a day with 150 ml of half an hour before a meal. Duration of treatment with broth - 3 weeks. During treatment, it is recommended to observe a vegetarian diet.
Bath to cleanse the kidneys.
For the preparation we need:100 grams of sprouted wheat grains;100 g of pine twigs;100 g of birch leaves;100 g of sage leaves;8 liters of water.Thoroughly wash out the leaves, twigs and sprouts of wheat. Heat the water in a large saucepan, bring it to a boil and pour back pine sprigs. Cook for 10 minutes. Then add to the pan germinated seeds, leaves and continue to cook for 10 minutes. After this time remove the pan from the heat and give the broth to infuse for 40 minutes and then filtered. Pour the broth into a bath and add the right amount of warm water. See that the bath temperature was about 40 ° C. Advised to take a bath every day for 15 minutes. The course of purification - 3 weeks. Look - Cleaning the body of toxins andMassage kidneys.
If you avoid kidney disease has not been possible, it is necessary to begin treatment. One of the treatments for kidney disease is Uroholum. It is totally herbal product and so side effects are minimized.

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