Monday, August 5, 2013

Acupuncture: cure or quackery

Acupuncture - a technique that includes the prevention and treatment of acupuncture. Medicine calls it a reflex. Such treatment includes a fairly wide range of diseases such as insomnia, migraine, cough, runny nose, and even alcohol and nicotine dependence.
Hello, dear readers of the blog Environmental Health!
Acupuncture as a treatment method known in the East since ancient times. Since East wise, then all that come from there, I think we can trust. The essence of the original method of treatment is as follows: on the surface of the human body has a variety of biologically active points, influencing which can be influenced by the right authority, enhancing or reducing its activity.
To us, this method came from China, where it is used several millennia. For the Chinese - is not just a treatment, but rather a systematic philosophy, like yoga with the Hindus, and it is based on the nearly century-old scientific theories. Bio-energy imbalance is corrected by the action of thin needles at specific points. Some experts instead of needles used thermal effects, and sometimes electric. Acupuncture gives good results from smoking.
In general, the results from acupuncture are directly dependent on the skills and specialist knowledge of alternative medicine. Usually when a relationship of trust between the patient and a specialist in acupuncture desired effect is achieved more quickly and efficiently. In the East believe that acupuncture treatment restores the flow of energy, and thus is an improvement of individual organs and the whole body.
Summing scientific basis, one could argue that, indeed, working on certain points, you can shoot pain symptoms and improve the performance of many organs. Superiority on the application of acupuncture given to relieve pain in sciatica and osteoarthritis. There is scientific evidence that talk about the positive effects of acupuncture on different types of psychosis and depression. Actively this method is used in Addiction.
It is important for deciding to improve your health through alternative medicine, get a licensed professional, not quack. Used needles without proper treatment can be carriers of infection, hepatitis C and AIDS. Inept healer not only not help, but also runs the risk of damaging the nerves and lymph flow. In this case, reputation suffers techniques and acupuncture treatment looks like quackery.

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