Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Prevention of atherosclerosis.

Preventive measures that prevent the development of atherosclerosis and the likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke:
1. Refusal of bad habits.2. The transition to a healthy lifestyle that meets the laws of nature.3. To reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reducing the risk of damage to the vascular endothelium and their blockages, reduce blood clotting activity.
To reduce the cholesterol in the blood is necessary: ​​to limit its intake from food and inhibit its synthesis in the body (since 90% of the body synthesizes cholesterol itself, and only 10% is required to supply it with food).Means that slow the absorption of cholesterol from food: cranberry (fruit, bark, leaf), elm bark, raspberries, burnet, burdock root, dandelion, cyanosis), buckthorn (fruit, leaves), coltsfoot, chamomile, garlic, core walnut.Means that suppress the synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides, which increase their utilization and output: the roots (Siberian Ginseng, ginseng, astragalus, levzei, Aralia, devil, radiograms), Chinese magnolia vine (seeds, fruits), heather, agrimony, hawthorn (color and leaves ), St. John's, lady's mantle, shelf fungus (dry mushroom), Chestnut (leaves, flowers, fruits), bearberry, mistletoe.Means that accelerate the metabolism and excretion of cholesterol and triglycerides: Seeds (meadowsweet, dill, fennel), oil (buckthorn, corn, sunflower), fruit (hazel, dog rose,), centaury.To prevent ruptures of the heart muscle and blood vessels necessary: ​​stop smoking, avoid alcoholic drinks regularly go swimming, hiking, cycling, normalize blood pressure.To reduce the pressure recommend drinking infusions of herbs (sweet clover, wild rosemary, cottonweed). Do not forget about taking diuretics.To strengthen the walls of blood vessels: drink concoctions of rue, arnica, succession, rose hips.Tachycardia - Drink 150 ml three times daily infusion of color hawthorn and motherwort.In atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular drink in small sips hot decoction of the leaves of the plantain, use 2 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day, the mixture (juice of plantain boil again and add the honey, 1:1), drink 50 ml three times a day, a decoction of the bark of ash (100 g bark boiled in 0.5 liters of water).To strengthen the blood vessels to eat on one lemon per day.In the early days of suffering a heart attack is useful to drink 100 ml 2 times a day, the mixture (carrot juice + 1 teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oils).To reduce the pressure to drink an infusion of maize flour (1 tbsp. Tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water, night, drink without grounds).

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