Monday, August 5, 2013

How to restore vision

Как улучшить зрение 
Hello, dear readers of the blog Environmental Health! Before we talk about the restoration of view, I want to offer you a small and harmless experiment.
How to improve zrenieZakroyte eyes, turn your imagination to the full and imagine that you are blind from birth. Stay a little bit in this state it, feel it. Then open your eyes and ... O wonder! You see the light!
Now you can enjoy the benefits of "sighted" lifestyle. Everything is relative.
In humans, there are five basic senses. This is a common point of view.
In fact, there is also a sixth sense called intuition, which many know as well as the seventh sense, which few people know. If anyone doubts that, I would say that a seventh sense, by definition, can not be. Because seven - is the number of completeness (7 days of creation, seven levels of reality, and so on).
But this is different, as they say, history, and we go back to our senses. The main feature of them is that every sense of the following increases the potential of the person and its viability in a geometric progression. Simply put, touch stronger taste, smell strongly of touch, hearing stronger sense of smell, and sight - stronger hearing.
Now imagine that you have developed intuition (sixth sense), and even the seventh! It will be exciting! In short, a person with a developed intuition has the same advantage over an ordinary man, like a sighted person to the blind.
This brief little introduction I did for that to remind you of the necessity of careful attitude to health in general and to the vision - in particular. In the temporary easing of recommended home remedies

If you've been reading or working at the computer and my eyes are tired, it is possible for them to make a compress of strong tea. Instead of tea, you can use non-concentrated solution of chamomile or sage.
Good help and honey lotion on eyes (boil a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water).
With artificial light eyes get tired much faster. It is noticed that bilberry enhances visual acuity and reduces eye fatigue.
The most elementary exercises for the muscles of the eye: eyeball turn up, down and sideways about 30 times daily.
In the process of washing, gently hit the eyes from his hands with cold water, thereby increasing blood circulation.
One alternative vision correction - it's colored lenses that will not only strengthen the natural color of your eyes, but also help to cope with short-sightedness.
Additional guidance, if the vision has worsened:

Flush eyes with infusion of the flowers rose cinnamon;
washed out twice a day infusion of eyebright herb or putting a compress to the eyes of the present;
daily intake of a glass of vodka infused with ginger also helps to restore vision (in this case, it is important to respect the safety - do not get carried away! ;-))
To improve vision are different ginseng, and ointment-based oils of peppermint and rosemary oil.
Young nettle soup, brewed in the spring, has a beneficial effect on the eyes.
If the vision was disrupted as a result of high nervous excitement or shock can apply effective folk remedy: a hard-boiled egg cut in half, remove the yolk and the white hot yet applied to the blank side of the eyes, and the eye itself is not touched.
Treat your eyes carefully. After each voltage let them rest, and better use relaxation exercises.
Vision - one of the main tools by which we understand the world and the value of it, unfortunately, we notice only when we lose it.
Cheers and see you on this blog! 

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