How many times told the world ... Take care of your stomach, gastritis does not sleep! However, as a rule, people miss calls all doctors pay for their food and lifestyle particularly close attention. And the result of such a disorder - a massive incidence of gastritis. This disease affects people, no matter their age or social status. Equally often a doctor about gastritis treated both children and adults.
Most often, there is a treatment of gastritis at home. At the hospital the sick person hospitalized in severe cases. Exceptions are except that only small children - their bodies are still not able to deal with negative influences. And treatment can be carried out only under strict medical supervision.
Today we talk about the treatment of gastritis it at home. What's
more - we will tell you not only about the traditional methods of
treatment, but also about the efficacy of traditional medicine. After all, they have been successfully used to treat gastritis, many hundreds of years. However,
as soon as I would like to make a reservation - recipes of traditional
medicine can only be used as a supplement to the treatment that you will
appoint a doctor - a gastroenterologist.
Forms of gastritis, its symptoms and diagnosis
A very long period of time may be asymptomatic gastritis. As a rule, it is typical for a chronic course of the disease - acute gastritis always asserts itself quite rapidly. However, chronic gastritis, sooner or later, too, will know about yourself. For gastritis characterized by the following symptoms:
Nausea, heartburn, vomiting,
In the event that a person faced with acute gastritis, one of the first symptoms become severe nausea. And in severe cases can even vomiting. Typically, this occurs soon after a meal. But in the case of chronic gastritis, vomiting is not seen. But the feeling of nausea can pursue a sick person almost constantly. In the event that takes place on the background of gastritis
increased acidity of gastric juice, in addition to feelings of nausea
sick man pesters strong exhausting heartburn.
The feeling of heaviness in the stomach
chronic and acute gastritis often leads to the fact that the sick
person feels very uncomfortable feelings - feeling of fullness in the
abdomen, severe severity. This occurs immediately after a meal. And a person can eat only one - two tablespoons of yogurt and a feeling he would like in the morning on the night of January 1.
Violation of the intestine
Spastic constipation or, conversely, constipation - gastritis phenomenon quite common. And for acute gastritis characterized by diarrhea, and for chronic - is constipation. Moreover, by using only one diet or pharmacological agents to restore normal stool is practically impossible.
Another very common complaint of people with gastritis - is intense pain in the stomach. In the event that a person faced with acute gastritis - a sharp pain and intense, paroxysmal. In chronic course of the disease is the pain is aching and systematic.
There are many varieties of gastritis - that reflux gastritis and duodenal gastritis, atrophic and many others. We will not go into details such as a person without a medical education to understand them will not be easy. Consider just two main distinguishing features that has any kind of gastritis:
Gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice
In this type of gastritis mucosa glands produce too much hydrochloric acid. And because of its high concentration in the gastric juice and its acidity is increased. Typically, when such occurs gastritis mucosal ulceration of the stomach and the risk of gastric ulcer.
Gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice
As you can guess from the name, in this type of gastritis hydrochloric acid produced is not enough. The concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is low, and hence, low levels and acidity of gastric juice. Typically, in such a case there is degeneration of the gastric mucosa. Doctors similar types of gastritis caused the most serious concerns, as are the precursors of cancer of the stomach.
As you can see, engage in self-diagnosis of gastritis - a thankless task. Of course, knowing the basic signs of gastritis, you can easily understand that collided with it. However, if you can identify. Which type of gastritis has overtaken you or your relatives? The answer is simple - no. Without a special examination and diagnosis will not be able to make even a doctor. Not to mention the people who do not have a specific education. But all types of gastritis are specific treatment.
For the diagnosis of most doctors use two basic methods:
This study is as follows. Through
the esophagus into the stomach of a patient is administered a special
fiber optic probe at the end of which the camera is located. With this probe the physician may consider in detail the state of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Moreover - if necessary, the doctor can take pieces of mucosa for subsequent biopsy. Such a study is safe and practically painless. Prior to the study doctor sbryznet throat potent anesthetic that will eliminate the risk of pain. But, of course, some not very pleasant moments sick person provided - have a little patience.
Determining the level of acidity of gastric juice
This type of research is no less important for the correct diagnosis than the previous one. This is done by sampling gastric juices. This
is done as follows: - in the stomach cavity of the flexible probe is
introduced, made of soft rubber, which is located at the end of a small
metal sinker, which facilitates the passage of the probe. Once the probe is in the stomach, the doctor inserts a special medicine that stimulates the production of gastric juice active. Which later and collected for laboratory analysis.
was on the basis of the collected medical history and laboratory data,
and the doctor will choose the appropriate for this particular patient
man medication. Independently do in any case it is impossible, because when properly selected drugs for the disease may at times worsen.Dietary food for gastritis
No treatment of gastritis not appear sufficiently effective if a sick person does not comply with medical diet. Since
we are talking about the treatment of gastritis in the home, it should
be understood that the responsibility for diet rests on the shoulders of
the sick person or his relatives. Therefore they are related to this issue very seriously.
First, let's define a list of products is strictly forbidden:
Any products containing artificial preservatives, flavorings and colorants.
Spicy, smoked, salted and pickled foods.
Any sausages and other meat products - even milk pudding.
Without exception, all fried dishes - is necessary to prepare a steamed or boiled.
Caffeinated and carbonated beverages, sweet and fresh juices.
should be not only during the actual treatment of gastritis, but the
first few months after disappearance of all symptoms. It is enough just one cup of coffee or hot dogs to the effect of treatment came to "no" completely. Your best friends for a period of treatment of gastritis should be low-fat soups and mucous razvaristye clover.
Treatment of gastritis with reduced acidity
So, now the promised cures gastritis with traditional medicine. To begin, consider recipes for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice. So:
Herbal stimulating the production of gastric juice
To prepare the broth you will need the following knotweed grass, peppermint, chamomile pharmacy, cumin seeds and fennel. They must be crushed and mixed in a dry container in equal proportions. After that, put in an enamel pan three tablespoons of the resulting
herbal mixture, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil.
Reduce fire and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Leave to infuse at least one hour, after which the strain using gauze fabric. The broth pour into a glass bowl and place in refrigerator. Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink a hundred grams of broth. Never harvested broth for future use by more than 5 days. Otherwise, the healing properties will be lost. Duration of treatment - not less than 14 days.
Infusion of plantain and blueberries
Not less effective and the next infusion. Put in a thermos one teaspoon of crushed leaves of blueberries and plantain. Pour one liter of boiling water the grass, close the thermos lid and leave to infuse for five hours. Then strain the infusion using a gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Take the infusion must be three times a day, one hour before meals, one glass. Duration of treatment - 14 days. If necessary, after a ten-break course can be repeated.
On the question of how to properly wash the nose, we usually encounter at the beginning of colds. However, this procedure is not only useful for improving nasal breathing, but also as part of the daily hygiene.
The nose is not only necessary for us to breathe. The sinuses warm air and takes its purification from harmful agents. Furthermore nose helps us feel the smells, taste and feel utter sounds. Swollen nose prevents full sleep and eat.
To improve nasal cavity and the removal of edema shows good efficacy nasal lavage with saline. For this purpose, it is best to use sea salt. Because it is easy to prepare at home should be dissolved. It helps to stop the growth of bacteria and destroy them.
sea water is a good antiseptic, the regular washing of such a solution
is not only clear the nasal passages of dust and pus, relieve congestion
and relieve inflammation. Thanks to this nose regains a healthy breath. Such washing useful for people of all ages and even for babies.How to prepare a solution for rinsing the nose?
For classical solution will need 1 tsp. Sea salt with a small top, dissolved in 400 ml of warm boiled water. However, these proportions may be adjusted, based on the feeling during washing. When hypersensitivity nasal mucosa during inflammation can reduce the amount of salt.
Sometimes doctors recommend the use of a concentrated solution. It is used after a person from dusty environment and with a strong inflammation. For such a solution dose of salt should be increased twice. Since such a saturated saline desiccate the nasal mucosa and can be used only occasionally.
If the hand was not sea salt, we can use ordinary table salt. In this case, it is necessary to take 1 tsp salt in a pint of water.
Furthermore it is possible to complete the pharmacy prioobresti brines based on sea water. They are made in the form of spray, so they are easy to use. These are drugs like "Humor", "Nazomarin", "Marimer", "akvamaris", "Otrivin Sea", "Solin" and others.
However, washing the nasal sprays will not be as effective as washing using a syringe. This creates more pressure and better washed out bacteria and dirt.How to wash your nose?
washing the nose refers to a simple procedure, easily performed at
home, many people can not adapt to it and prefer to do without it. However, you just have to know a few simple rules that need to be put into practice.
This procedure is necessary to adjust by selecting an optimal manner. You can simplify the task of acquiring the pharmacy system designed for washing the nose. It is called the "Dolphin".
In addition, you can do a syringe or a syringe with a soft nozzle. Some people quite easily washed his nose without the help of any additional tools. They pour the solution into the palm, actively involve his nose, and then he poured through the mouth.
Nasal lavage technique using a syringe is quite simple. To do this, type in the blower prepared warm solution. Lean over a sink or container for collecting liquid, turn your head slightly to one side. In one nostril, insert the tip of the syringe, hold your breath, open your mouth and stick out your tongue a little.
Slowly squeeze the bulb, introducing the solution into the nose. The liquid passes through the nasopharynx, and spilled the language. Then lightly blowing your nose and do the same with the other nostril. Such washing can be done several times a day.
Life advises not to be afraid of nasal lavage, and try to find a
convenient way by which you can help to get rid of a cold nose and gain a
healthy breath.

You'd be surprised, but more than half of people in the world snore. And only a few are able to recognize this fact. The rest just do not hear what they snore during sne.Kak fight snoring
It is worth noting this simple pattern. If you believe the pollsters, one of the causes of divorce is notorious snoring. Also, it can cause a disorder of sexual relationships in couples.
If irritation of snoring was the main problem, then this illness can not be so hard to focus on. But the problem is that snoring people, primarily harm their own health.
According to doctors, snoring does not appear out of nowhere. He is one of the main symptoms of serious diseases, such as hypoxia, which can lead to chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue. It should be mentioned and that snoring causes the development of
obesity, high blood pressure, deterioration of the heart and that is
very important for men impotence.Why there is snoring and how to deal with this disease?
The primary cause of snoring - is overweight. Most people who are obese, snore. It is well-known and quite common fact. Remember the saying that it is necessary to give dinner to the enemy? It is not without reason. The fact that the stomach is filled in a dream the diaphragm bends and this can occur snoring. It is very easy to avoid - not to load at night.
the majority of films and notice a pattern - most alcoholics are
shaking the walls of their dwellings terrible snoring. Why is this happening? The fact that alcohol contributes to relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles. This becomes the cause of snoring. Get rid of the problem is simple - try not to drink before going to bed, and even more so, not to get drunk.
Harmful not only alcohol, but smoking. Tobacco smoke, irritating the nasal mucosa, causes inflammation of the pharynx and the trachea, as well as edema of mucous. As a consequence, there is a narrowing of the airways and not uncommon sleep apnea.
Often the cause of snoring can become incorrect position for sleep. Usually those people snore. who like to sleep only on their backs. This situation is compounded by the work of the respiratory tract, the
language of the West, it becomes a kind of partition in the larynx and
on this there is snoring.
Try to get used to sleeping on your back and abdomen. This is the correct posture for a pleasant and restful sleep. It should also be noted that it is very important the position of the head, so try to choose the most convenient pillow. It should be moderately hard and moderately soft. It's best to buy a special orthopedic pillow.
There are many causes of snoring. are not linked to external factors or bad habits. The
cause of snoring can be a particular organism, such as congenital
narrowness of the nasal passages, malocclusion, decreased thyroid
function. But with these illnesses at home can not cope, so you should consult a specialist.So how do you treat the notorious snoring?
The most effective way to deal with this nasty disease is laser therapy. 10-15 minutes painless irradiation under a special instrument and you get rid of hrapa.Kak fight snoring
But if you do not trust any surgical procedures in your body, then there are easier ways to get rid of the disease. Scientists have developed a special instrument, mouthpiece snoring. Reflex irritating tongue and throat, it increases the tone of the sky and, as a result, prevents snoring.
US scientists also propose to make a special injection in the upper sky. From snoring forever you will not get rid of, but at least 19 months, your loved ones will sleep peacefully.
But if you want to get rid of snoring without any intervention or
simply want to prevent illness (because it can occur at any time in your
life), you should perform daily a kind of "gymnastics".
Simple exercises for snoring:
1. Close your mouth and try to breathe through the nose. straining the back of the tongue, with the power to pull her throat. Such an exercise, it is desirable to repeat 10-20 times a day to strengthen the soft upper palate.
2. Tighten the muscles of the pharynx, palate and neck, try to pronounce the sound "and". This exercise should be repeated 20-30 times a day, morning and evening.
Pretty simple exercises, is not it? You can easily carry along with them as the morning exercises, and a break for lunch. Remember, your good health and peaceful sleep native people entirely depend on your desire to compete with snoring.

Beautiful hands - the card of each girl. Therefore, to make a positive impression, you need to carefully take care of the nails. And this does not need to disappear for hours in expensive beauty salons. There are many popular ways by which nogotochki become strong and shiny.
Simple oil masks
To exfoliate nails longer, there are a few night masks based on olive oil. The mixture should be rubbed bedtime nail plate and surrounding skin.
1 tablespoon olive oil + 2 drops of iodine.
2 teaspoons of olive oil + a teaspoon of lemon juice.
Baths for hands and nails
In order to become stronger nails, you can do the bath.
1. Heat half cup of vegetable oil, add to it half a glass of beer and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep your hands in this bath for 20 minutes. Procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week. A month later marigolds will be smooth and strong.
2. Take half a cup of dry red wine, add to it a tablespoon of salt, put the mixture in a water bath. After the components are mixed, cool wine and put the fingers. 15-20 minutes is enough to nail got a full range of vitamins and minerals.
3. Good softens skin and strengthens nails bath potato broth. To prepare it, you must take the water that remains after cooking vegetables and add to it three tablespoons of vegetable oil. After 10 minutes of applying such a nutrient masochki, the skin becomes smooth and velvety.
4. Excellent strengthens nails beeswax. Of melted wax makes the so-called thimbles. For this purpose, liquid wax dipped fingers and wait for your nails will be tight waxy shell. Suffice it to 15 minutes a day, 2 times a week to come back to the marigolds former luster and beauty.
Special diet for healthy nails
It is known that beauty comes from within, so external interventions are sometimes not enough. To become strong nails and shiny, to add to the diet of some products. For example, red pepper forever eliminates the problem of the layer of marigolds. It is enough to add a pinch of seasoning in food burning on a daily basis.
To nails became flat and smooth, the diet must include the gelatin products. It can be various desserts, such as marmalade or jelly, main dishes,
such as aspic or jelly and crunchy hryaschiki from poultry and fish.
Marigolds to become strong like a diamond, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. This whole dairy products, as well as dates, figs and almonds.
Iron is useful not only for blood, but also helps nails grow healthier. Iron-rich yolk, liver, red meat, liver, pomegranates, beans, fresh carrot and beet juices.
Very useful for nails are elements such as manganese, magnesium and zinc. To make up for the lack of them in the body, you should regularly eat fish, bananas and rice.

"Clogged" the liver can be well cleaned so affordable natural remedy like garlic.
That's it for this purpose proposes to use the Tibetan traditional medicine
. The recipe is simple enough.
You need to select three cloves garlic medium size, grind and pour them a glass of well-warmed milk.
Then add honey to an agent (Art. L.), Stir until it is completely dissolved, seven minutes to insist and drink
. Should take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach. Good start treatment, designed for seven days, on the growing moon. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course. But that is not all. At the bottom of the glass (after medication will be drunk) remains crushed garlic. It is also necessary to use: to collect and index finger to rub the navel area, the centers of the feet and palms. It is better to do this procedure in the evening.
If done in the morning and have to leave the house, you can rinse the garlic is already ten minutes later. Garlic contributes not only cleanse the liver and removes viruses and pathogenic bacteria. After drug administration garlic remains in the body for days. However, there are contraindications: it can hurt those people who are sick kidney or pancreas. Therefore, before treatment with garlic (and, in fact, to carry out cleansing), it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Pine is often called healers. Healing action the kidneys, needles, bark and buds. It is often found in old recipes, because of its beneficial properties have been known since time immemorial. Recipes of traditional medicine using pine needles and is currently not lost its relevance. Essential oil of pine, is rich in volatile, can prevent colds in the initial stage of its inception.Decoctions
and ointments based on pine needles can facilitate human condition in
such diseases: the initial stage of tuberculosis; asthma; cardiovascular disease, and more.Pine
contains vitamin B complex, which has beneficial effects on skin and
hair, urogenital and endocrine system, relieves fatigue and provides
energy. Fragrant smell of pine needles during the epidemic does not spread
insidious viruses and pine bath wash away without a trace of daytime
fatigue and prepare the body for a strong and healthy sleep.Pine needles have miraculous cosmetic effect. Decoction of pine - a welcome escape for oily skin. The versatility of the raw material from pine branches provides a wide
variety of tools for prescriptions as a warning and a curative effect.Treating a cold decoction of pine needlesIn the autumn-spring period of time the body is weakened. Reduced immunity triggers the development of infectious diseases. Watching the first signs of the disease, can prepare an infusion of pine needles. Chopped raw material need to boil for 10 minutes. During this time, the broth will incorporate all the benefits of natural medicine. 20g needles pour 100 ml of pure water and the resulting drug sip per day.Beauty Lotion for oily skinProblem skin causes a lot of inconvenience complexes and its owners. Cleansing tonic of pine needles at bedtime will help to remove the effects of this trouble. Need to make rich broth of pine needles or dilute the essential oil in half a glass of water. 2-3 drops is enough. He is not subject to long-term storage, but the process of making a new portion does not take time and effort. Rate it can result in a month of use.Restore and strengthen the heart muscleThe main components, provides the whole body is the heart. From his work depends on the activities of all organs and quality of life. Strengthen the heart muscle and return to her former energy helps broth needles rosehip, which you can drink instead of water. A mixture of crushed pine needles and hips in the amount of 5 st.lozhek boil for 10 minutes and a thermos overnight. Restore the body after a stroke can help slice of lemon, eats with broth. Immunity will be a welcome addition after drinking this tea useful.Pine needles have immeasurable number of advantages. Preventive
tea, medicinal cream or just air, saturated with healing oils of pine,
will significantly improve the health and raise the spirits.

we take care of themselves, there is one part of the body, which we
constantly forget and therefore do not pay much attention. This lip. We remember them in the winter, when they were chapped or dry start. Most often we pay attention to them only when we feel discomfort. And this is a very delicate area, it needs constant care. And a hygienic lipstick, accidentally tucked in the bag, it will not be. You can take care of their own. So you will choose the most appropriate care for you. After all, this skin is different from the rest. Besides, nothing could be better than home care. Especially because all the means at hand. There should be a separate treatment. For example, the lips have sebaceous glands. This factor must also be taken into account. And the skin is also very thin and sensitive. Blood vessels are closely spaced. Therefore, the skin can easily crack or even start to bleed. If you do not have time to make homemade creams, then open a little secret: Apply to lips cream for eyelids. It is for just this type. With regard to home care, it can be divided into several stages.
Before going outSomewhere in half an hour before going outside, apply any vegetable oil. Suffice it drops. Take what is right at your fingertips on your own kitchen. This may be sunflower, olive, corn, castor, olive kernel.Take also butter, sour cream, Vaseline. What is a natural product, the better. Wait for a while, then dab the cloth and apply gloss, lipstick.
To mitigateIdeal soften cheese. Take it in equal proportions with cream. Keep the mixture of ten to fifteen minutes.
For humidifyingRub a piece of apple, purified. Add to it the butter. This mask hold twenty minutes.
Against peelingFrom such a problem you quickly save the honey. Moreover, this unique tool. It can be used as a cream, and as scrub. Apply it on lips and within five minutes gently massage the lips. Then rinse.
Against chappingTo treat, it is necessary to make a special ointment. Its just cook. For it is necessary beeswax, cocoa butter, one teaspoon of petroleum jelly, one tablespoon of chamomile decoction. Beeswax melt and mix with all the other ingredients. Then everything should be again thoroughly.

Garlic saves not only from the flu and vampires, but also from other misfortunes, such as acne. And its beneficial properties tested for many generations. No wonder he attributed magical properties to ward off evil forces. So he was really significant for our ancestors. Of course, everyone knows that he saves in viral diseases, cures for many diseases. But about its use in cosmetics, few have heard. Nowhere else in the store can not be found cosmetics using garlic. A pity. And do not be fooled by its smell. Pimples and rashes on the skin it brings to one-two-three. A good tool for the treatment can be made popular, proven methods.
And the smell of easy to get rid of with a small trick - after any mask wash water with a bit of mustard. Unpleasant smell will disappear.
PropertiesAnd such a pungent smell and taste comes from the fact that garlic contains sulfur. That is, compounds kill harmful microorganisms. They also fight infections. This bactericidal properties and will help us in the fight against acne. By the way, during the war years they treated wounds and burns. Also, it contains more magnesium, sodium, calcium and essential oils. In total, there are about forty nutrients. If all of them to paint, then it will take not less than a day! Action of garlic on acne is simple: drying, cleaning and disinfection. By the way, it will save not only for teenage skin problems, but also with rashes as adults.
A very simple methodA good way - you need to pound it well. Here's this mush just put on your skin with the help of gauze. Cover her face with a mask on top. By the way, in front of such a mask is best to wipe the face with vegetable oil. So you will save yourself from any irritation. You can clean your face every day in the evening, for example.
Easy enough methodAnother good remedy - garlic lotion. To
make such a wonderful tool, take five grams of warmed honey, five grams
of glycerol, three teaspoons of garlic juice, fifty milliliters of
water. So you need every day lotion to wipe the skin.
Slightly more complicated methodAlso garlic helps to get rid of freckles, age spots and acne marks. To do this, take garlic juice, honey or beeswax, white lily petals. Everything should stir, heat, then wait until your mixture is cool, and beat it with a mixer. This means you need to grease problem areas every day.

Beans are not only suitable for soup. It can be a real cure. It is quite possible to apply in cosmetology and medicine. About the properties of its likely heard everything.
For medicine need not seeds and pods. And they need fresh, not dried. This is an important point in the treatment.
They can help with diabetes, kidney disease and bladder. Feel free to include them in the diet food. In much arginine pods so they exert insulin-like effects on metabolism in humans with diabetes.
They also possess the property of cleaning, and driven dissolved urine. Therefore, immediately useful in several diseases. Diuretic effect gives the rind. Incidentally, unlike other vegetables or fruits of this plant have the unique property of almost one - it soothes .... Perhaps even better than any green tea. Plant a beneficial effect on the nervous system. So if you want to be calm and forget about their problems, eat beans! Her advice is, and dentists. It reduces the formation of tartar.
Recipe:If you have diabetes you need to do is very concentrated broth. To do this, you need to crush the leaf beans and pour three cups of water. Then, fifteen minutes at the end of cooking and drain. Drink a decoction must be four times a day for half a cup half an hour before a meal.
At the same time, you can use the remains of plants and facials. The only drawback of this means at hand - in time. Have to wait until everything is ready. For example, the beans need to soak in water and keep the five - six hours. You can just leave for the night. Then it should be up to full boil soft.
Mask:Mask quickly removes red spots on his face. To do this, rub the cooked beans, then add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. If the skin is dry, it can be replaced by oil olive, and if the fat - at St. John's wort and calendula. And in the end, add a drop of lemon juice. The mixture was again grind, mix well and leave on face for fifteen to twenty minutes. Rinse with plain water. At the end of your "bean" care, apply moisturizer. This mask lightening. If you have very oily skin, then replace the oil yogurt.To soften dry skin, mix our wonderful facility with raw egg yolk and one teaspoon of heavy cream. This homemade cream very well moisturize the skin.

Which means to combat wrinkles and irritation grows in the woods? Can be long to sort out options, but you will not find the answer. The most unusual means of beauty and longevity ... mushrooms. Few people even know about the different masks of them. The most amazing thing is that for the home recipes suitable for almost any edible mushroom. There is no "majors." All can be easily explained by the fact that each contains a lot of fiber, and it just affects our appearance. And all the trace elements are not counted! The same goes for vitamins. And the big plus is the preservation of all this, a large number of utilities. After all, they can be used in its raw form. Unlike dishes or vegetables, when all the products necessary to fry or boil.
For home masks are excellent mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, white, tea and milk mushroom. Of course, it is best if you have collected them for yourself, and do not buy from sellers obscure "off the floor." It is better to collect in the depths of the forest, away from the roadway. They are mostly friends of nature, as "pick up" and absorb all the bad and harmful substances. Over time, it all builds up inside. Therefore, do not look for anything near the roads.
Tea and milk mushroom can grow independently. Advice on how to make them, you can easily find on the Internet. Sometimes, some species can cause allergies. Therefore, before applying the mask to put on your wrist and hold for a while. So, by the way, it is best to do before applying any means.
Mask of whiteIt is ideal for mature skin. Two or three of the fungus simply rinse, then peel and chop. Mass, which you will, apply to the face. Hold for 30 minutes. This mask is best removed with a cotton swab.
For dry skinThe same "ingredients", but with sour cream. Crush two or three things our magical means. You should have about two tablespoons of slurry. Then add thereto cream. Hereinafter work with a person. It has to be clean (wash just before our procedure) and to steam. Wait twenty minutes. Then lubricate the face of nourishing cream.
For oily skin - against the lightThere need have mushrooms. The technology is the same: clean, chop. Add to the resulting gruel one spoonful of yogurt. Then grind and apply on face. Keep half an hour. Mask quickly and permanently will remove all shine.
Against pigment spotsTo cleanse the face need milk. Do you need his serum. Apply in layers.

When a toothache is not in any way be applied to the tooth aspirin, you can get burned. It is recommended as soon as possible to visit the dentist
What to do if you have a toothache and dentistry is not available:1. A few drops of valerian alcohol applied to the tooth;2. If the pain does not subside, take 20 drops of alcohol valerian or
motherwort, 3 times a day, and at the first opportunity to apply to the
dentist;3. Attach a cotton wool soaked in tincture of calendula to the tooth;4.
If you had the fillings you can insert a piece of camphor alcohol in
the hollow zuba.Esli does not help moisten gum camphor spirit. Just do everything very carefully that would not get burns;5. Helps still root Calamus. Paul tablespoon at half a glass of water and rinse your mouth texture of this;6. Take a little bit of black bread and garlic, chew on them, make a
lot of types of clay and they seal the aching tooth and the gum around
it.7. Take two teaspoons sage flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand. Rinse this decoction aching tooth8. toothache well help broths following herbs: cinquefoil goose, zmeegolovnika, yarrow. Rinse it in warm liquid.Teeth always better to treat early. Do not let things take their course. If all you do not run more than one dental help.

Who among us has never noticed an unpleasant smell from feet? I think we all were like. And the smell is present absolutely everyone, even the most cleanly people. But the worst thing is that sometimes it can give way to know for yourself that scares everyone around you! So let us now learn why stink feet?
Causes of bad breath
Let's start here with what - that feet are the very part of our body, which accounts for increased physical activity. Think about it - what would we do, almost always in the participating our feet. And imagine what people who work 12 hours a day, not sitting down? For example, the same waiters - work exclusively standing ... So, constant load causes the skin on your feet very quickly wear out. She initially rejects her old particles on which place very quickly grow new ones.
Another important point - because we are for the most part is in the upright position, the fluid in our body tends to flow down. The result is a spin-off, which we know as sweat - aqueous solution of salts and organic substances secreted by sweat glands. Evaporation of sweat is used for thermoregulation of the body.
The smell of feet, which we feel there is a reason for the activity of microorganisms that feed on connections that go along with our sweat, as well as on dead skin particles. The worst thing is that excessive sweating, or as it is called hyperhidrosis, can only enhance the unpleasant smell.
By the way, a very interesting point - children feet smell often even stronger than in adults. How Come? The fact that they possess enhanced metabolism. Their bodies by means of sweating gets rid of excess heat and toxins. And then on the road rises favorite shoes teenagers - shoes made of synthetic fabric, which not only provide excellent conditions for hyperhidrosis, but also for the development of harmful microorganisms.
What if the smell of feet?
Recommendations are actually very simple and you are sure they are not often heard. And yet, for a start we will talk about them a little more detail.
So, first of all, experts advise to monitor their hygiene - namely, wash your feet at least once a day. Why do it? The fact that the washing removes the top layer of dead skin cells together with the secretions that are optimal food for microbes and certain hazardous insects (mites, for example).
Next, you need to start choosing the right footwear. If it is a warm time of year, you can use open sandals or sandals that are made of leather or fabric, and it should be natural and not synthetic. In general, the use of artificial skin is not recommended because it does not allow feet to breathe, can not be said about the natural. In winter, use closed shoes only from genuine leather. If there is fur boots, then it must also be present.
It is also recommended to give your legs a rest, for example, at work, freeing them obuvki. However, to do this turns out not all - it is understandable.
As for the socks, they just have to be created from wool or cotton, because only these materials can instantly absorb excess moisture. But nylon or synthetic socks to wear is not recommended - not only that his feet will smell, so still and rest will not.
If all else fails, you can use special means, which are well represented in our market. So, it can be special deodorants that kill odor in the bud. You can also take advantage of special insoles containing activated carbon. The fact that it is an element remarkably absorb chemicals, thereby absorbing and odor. All these means one thing in common - they are struggling with the investigation, and not a disease itself.
folk remedies
In fact, many of them, we only tell you about some of them, which, according to all accounts, quite effective.
And in the first case of camomile tea. For him, take three tablespoons of colors that must be filled with one liter of boiling water and cover. After one hour in the resulting infusion add a tablespoon of baking soda and then used for grinding. Most of all you need to rub, of course, feet, although some grannies say that this folk remedy can be cleaned and armpits.
If sweating is very strong and it does not protect against any change of shoes or change of socks, and the smell is getting stronger, you can try to wash the feet of a strong welding. Sometimes it helps greatly salt water, more severe cases - vinegar (not essence!): 100 g per liter of water, two times a week for 10 minutes (foot bath).
The following means - a mixture of oils of sage, eucalyptus and pine oil is added to the warm water while taking a bath (not more than 15 drops). It is believed that this will help to get rid of the smell, not only from the legs, but the entire body as a whole.
Has worked well decoction of oak bark. By the way, he has a lot of followers. You will need two tablespoons of chopped oak bark, which need to pour one cup of boiling water. Then the resulting liquid is necessary to put in a water bath and heat for 30 minutes. Thereafter, the resulting mixture cool for 15 minutes, passed through a gauze, and the volume of liquid made up to 200 ml by addition of the usual boiled water. With the broth must be done to stop baths, which lasts 15-20 minutes. In this case, after the procedure is not recommended to rinse feet, only need to wipe them dry with a towel. By the way, there is another option with oak bark - it in powdered form is poured into socks and go to bed in such a form, and in the morning shake her out of socks, while the legs do not need to wash - just shake them.
If you do not help either one of the ways that you can find on the Internet, do not need to despair - sign up for a specialist, so it is something certainly help you cope with the problem