Sunday, June 23, 2013

Insomnia. Causes, treatment, traditional remedies for insomnia

Under insomnia understand a set of symptoms, the main ones are: difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, the feeling of fatigue and weakness in the morning. These manifestations may be a periodic, and then in the quiet periods has the opportunity to regain their strength.But it also happens that the repeated inability to fully relax the night of nights for weeks, months or longer, and then the body is gradually depleted, fatigue accumulates and nervous system starts to become loose under the influence of chronic fatigue.Like many other nervous system disorders, insomnia can be treated, but to achieve a stable result and eliminate the risk of relapse therapy should be under the supervision of a specialist. In some cases, in order to stabilize the patient enough to change sleep mode of the day and avoid caffeinated beverages from the diet, in some - you can not do without medical care, but the final decision on the choice of a particular method of treatment has to take physician.Causes of InsomniaOf course, cause insomnia in each individual case, but they may be grouped into two broad categories:1. Psycho-emotional. At high emotional stress, stress, worry and anxiety nervous system comes to an excited state so that the person loses the ability to relax and fall asleep. Even if the dream comes, he is accompanied by nightmares and worrying muddled dreams, resulting in even a nap in the morning a man does not feel rested.2. Mental exhaustion. These causes of insomnia often cause disturbances in sleep patterns of people engaged in intellectual work. When performing a large volume of the brain is activated so that even after a person goes to bed, he continues to work to solve the problem. And sometimes, just can not sleep under the same morning, and waking up does not bring the desired vigor.In principle, can cause insomnia and more innocuous reasons: uncomfortable bed, uncomfortable temperature in the room, background noise, drunk in the evening coffee or tea, as well as many others. But, no matter what are the causes of insomnia, a condition requires prompt action before the body begins to lack of sleep jaded to falter.Insomnia TreatmentFor modern medicine treatment of insomnia is not a difficult task. Today, the answer to the question of how to deal with insomnia, ready to give as a traditional drug and traditional medicine. Most importantly, do not pick remedies for insomnia on their own and do not put your health at even greater risk.The easiest solution is to get rid of insomnia is to normalize the mode of the day. In particular, it is necessary to establish for themselves a certain rise time and bedtime, to find time for exercise and outdoor exercise, review your diet, the deletion of the stimulating drinks with caffeine.If lifestyle changes do not become the answer to the question of how to treat insomnia, then you can consult with your doctor about receiving sedatives or hypnotics. In this case, it is necessary to remember that no single cure for insomnia is not a completely safe and should be brief and use.Furthermore, insomnia drugs have many side effects, Propafenone addictive body. Also, this category of medicines is not recommended during the day, when a man has to perform actions that require good coordination and mental clarity. You can take a pill only if you really have the ability to devote the necessary time and sleep have nothing to worry.Folk remedies for insomniaAlong with medication, a broad popular folk remedies for insomnia that are more gentle on the body and have no side effects. In particular, help to achieve good results in insomnia herbs - mint, lemon balm, marjoram, motherwort, and others that can be used both in the form of infusions and decoctions, and in the form of dry extract tablets. Full night's sleep can help and pillows filled with dried lavender, mint and hops - plants whose fragrance helps to relieve nervous tension and helps to normalize the process of falling asleep.Also, traditional medicine recommends that before going to bed so simple, but very effective action, like taking a warm bath with lavender or pine extract, drinking warm milk with honey, the imposition of a warm compress on the forehead and eye sockets. Can be used to achieve traditional Eastern medicine such as acupressure, massaging aromatic balms in the acupressure points on the body, etc.But if you notice that the treatment of insomnia folk remedies does not give the desired result, you should not continue fruitless attempts and further deplete the body is not getting enough sleep. It is necessary to seek medical help and take advantage of the tools that will really help bring back a full and healthy sleep.

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