Chiry we have always been treated with black wax , that is propolis. You do not look that propolis taste so bitter burning , and how to take your hand , sticky gooey yes . In
early spring , when the bees are flying on the pitch, but on the young
shoots of sticky note paper, you do not take it, let them dry up .
Grandma's recipe for the treatment of boils .
the cake of pure propolis , attach it to a boil and do not attach a
record until the softening boil and discharge of pus.And when the day of St. Pud ( April 15) , it's time to take over the hives . As the old saying - a saint Pud take out from under the bushel of bees . How to become a hive for the summer pore cook, clean the box , just the black wax and scrape . Collect spoon propolis and honey , mix with a spoon . Place the leaves on the meadow-sweet , apply to the affected area and tie a scarf . And do the little finger around chiriya drive and three times a conspiracy read .O Lord my God! Bless , O Father ! In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen . Nor from the stone fruit or stone from coal, no grass, no greenery. It would have a servant of God (name) of boils was not pinch or disease , always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen .Having the last word , then drag the little finger three times around the boils and leave the cake overnight. During the night she razopreet and chiry become softer and pain recede . It will take a bit of time and health will improve.
Popular treatment of eczema.
Bad summer, when the sun is not present. In such a time of scabies itch so beware . But how to protect yourself ? It's very simple .
Grandma's recipe for the treatment of eczema.
Pour 2 teaspoons of dried sea buckthorn sprouts and 1 cup of water, boil for 5 minutes , leave for 8 hours.As for the first proklyunulis dubochke leaves , young prutochkov SB's broom and collect them being treated . The broken them smaller and pour a jug of cold water from the well. And as the day stand up , warm up by the fire . Yes prayerfully consult disinterested and martyrs Cyrus and John.After the words of prayer stop soul overcome illness . And how the drug has cooled, assemble twigs with broth so sick place to wash . And , God willing, the next day you feel better .

Juice therapy or treatment juices.Recently,
as an alternative medicine for the treatment and prevention of disease
in the legs, associated with blood circulation , Juice therapy is
applied .Everyone
knows that raw vegetable and fruit juices contain a lot of vitamins and
contribute to the removal from the body of toxins .In
addition to vitamins, juice composition includes enzymes - complex
substances promoting digestion and absorption of food contained therein
nutrients in blood.In the treatment of diseases of the feet is assigned daily consumption of juice (at least 0,5-07 liters a day).
Recipes of national treatment juices.
Treatment of cabbage juice . Popular treatment juices.
Cabbage juice contains a lot of vitamins and enzymes , and is ideal for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. In large doses it is effective for thrombophlebitis and facilitates the patient with atherosclerosis of the lower extremities . In the latter case, it is best mixed with carrot juice.If
reception cabbage juice patient observed flatulence, then it is
recommended to clean the intestines drinking daily ( for 10 days ) in
0.5 liters of carrot juice.For the treatment of varicose veins is recommended to take 0.5 liters of cabbage juice a day for 14 days. Juice drink 100 ml of 5 times a day before meals. After a 7 -day break to resume treatment .Thrombophlebitis
and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities , along with a daily
intake of 0.6-0.7 liters of cabbage juice per day , it is used for
external machining feet 2 times a day rub the affected area swab dipped
in the juice . The course of treatment - 21 days.
Treatment carrot juice . Popular treatment juices.
juice is a source of vitamin A. It also contains large amounts of
vitamins B, C , D, E. For the treatment of circulatory disorders legs ,
the juice used in pure form or in admixture with other juices ( cabbage ,
spinach juice ) .Typically
, carrot juice is used to treat the first and second stages of varicose
veins, taking 200 ml, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal for 14 days.
After a 7 -day break , repeat the treatment .Thrombophlebitis
and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities specialists prescribe
juicing carrot juice mixed with celery juice .
Treatment of beet juice . Popular treatment juices.
Beet juice improves the blood . His appointment is a preventive measure against foot disease associated with blood circulation .If
a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins carry out prophylactic
administration of beet juice ( 0.5 liters a day for 10 days, 2-3 times a
year). For the treatment of varicose veins beet pk drink at 0.7 liters per day ( in 3-4 divided doses ) for 14 days. After 10 -day treatment is repeated interruption .In
atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs take beet juice
mixed with parsley juice in a ratio of 3: 1 (200 ml 3 times per day for
21 days) .
Treatment with a mixture of juices. Popular treatment juices.
An effective drug for the treatment of varicose veins is a mixture of carrot juice and spinach.Spinach juice contains vitamins C and E , as well as oxalic acid, which is essential for normal functioning of the vessels. The juice of celery are a large amount of sodium , which prevents swelling and normalizing blood circulation . Parsley juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels.Typically, in the early stages of the disease take 3 times a day with 150 ml of carrot juice and spinach in a ratio of 5: 2 . The course of treatment - 14 days.Subsequent
stages of the disease successfully treated with a mixture of juices of
carrot , celery , parsley and spinach in the ratio 7:4:2:3 .Thrombophlebitis well to mix juice of carrots, celery , parsley and spinach in the ratio 7: 4 : 2: 3 . No less effectively operates a mixture of carrot juice and cabbage ( in the ratio of 10: 6 ) .In
atherosclerosis of the lower extremities specialists juice therapy is
recommended to take a daily basis ( within 21 days ) in 0.7 liters of
juice of carrots, beets, parsley and celery (in the ratio 7:4:3:2 ) .

Application beet elevated blood pressure, as well as a sedative.Beet juice , mix with honey in half , take half a cup three times a day.
The use of beet rehabilitation after serious illness.Take equal parts of beetroot, carrots and cucumbers. Squeeze
the juice from them , let stand for about an hour in the refrigerator
and take half a cup once a day in the winter , early spring and after an
illness . Juice store in the refrigerator for no more than a day . It
is noted that such treatment improves the condition of the liver and
digestive tract, strengthens the immune system , improves eyesight. This recipe is particularly useful for the elderly.Treatment of beet skin inflammationFresh pulp roots periodically ( as drying ) is applied to ulcers and tumors.See : Alternative MedicineTreatment of anemia beetsA
mixture of beet juice , carrot and radish , taken in equal amounts ,
take every day for half a tablespoon before meals for a few months.Application for anemiaA mixture of juice from beets and cabbage , taken in equal amounts , drink daily. You can also apply and pickled beets .A mixture of beet juice with carrot and redechnym , taken in equal amounts , enter in your daily diet. This mixture is also used to improve metabolism and as a general tonic .The use of beet for hypertensionHalf a glass of beet juice drink 3 times a day before meals. Therapeutic effect will increase if you add a little honey .Treatment of beet colds.To
recuperate from an illness drink 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes
before eating fresh beet juice , starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually
increase the dose to 100 ml. The course of treatment - up to two months.Rhinitis , sinusitis , sinusAt a cold with a frothy bury dropper , 2-3 drops of boiled beetroot juice in each nostril. You can dig and raw beet juice , but he must first stand several hours .when adenoids100 g beetroot juice take 30 grams of honey , dissolve it in the juice and drip into each nostril to 5 drops of the solution. After a few days there will come improvement and relief of nasal breathing . The tool does not fully deliver on the adenoids , but will postpone the operation and use more and other means.
Treatment of angina beetsGrate a full glass of red beets , pour there tablespoon wine vinegar , soak for several hours , press . The resulting juice gargle 5-6 times a day. 1-2 tablespoons take internally . The course of treatment - about two weeks.In a glass of freshly squeezed juice , add a tablespoon of honey. This solution gargle 6 times a day , and then drink it.Treatment of pharyngitis beetsRub 0.5 kg of beetroot, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar , stir , leave for 2 hours, strain and use to gargle .
When phlebitis ( inflammation of the veins)Pour 50 g of leaves of beetroot liter of boiling water . Leave for 10 minutes , strain. Is the inside of 150 grams after eating as an aid for the normalization of the blood vessels.At a headacheApply a fresh beet leaf on his forehead.A piece of cotton wool soaked in beet juice , put in your ear at night - it will remove the headache.In chronic constipationEat on an empty stomach at 100-150 grams of boiled beets. Can you prepare a salad of boiled beets, garlic and a few nucleoli walnuts and fill it with a small amount of mayonnaise . Fiber and organic acids beet increase colonic contractions .Treatment of beet gastric and duodenal ulcers.Mix
in a vessel made of dark glass 1 glass of carrot juice , 1 cup of raw
beet juice , half cup of aloe juice , 1 cup of white wine, vermouth or 2
glasses of Cahors . Insist week. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The first time is possible diarrhea - do not let this scare . The course of treatment - a three-liter bottle of this medicine . After a 20 -day break , repeat the treatment . For a complete cure to perform 3 of the course.For wounds and ulcersPoultice of freshly grated beets attach to the wound and change 3-5 times a day. In this way breastfeeding mothers can quickly and effectively get rid of cracked nipples .
Cleaning the body beetsMix equal amounts of beet juice , black radish and carrots. Drain the mixture in a dark bottle , set for 3 hours in a warm oven. Drink juice and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.General state of the organismPour 2 tablespoons of chopped or grated on a coarse grater beets boiled water . Insist at room temperature for 1 hour , then strain. Take extract 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

Simeon Sith (XI c.) Mentions in his writings, namely carrots these colors. But the orange carrot was introduced in the Netherlands in the XVII century. Today we are accustomed to just such its color. But that was once yellow vegetable acquired orange-red color, it took centuries of breeding . Orange carrots caught yellows more than their girlfriends , because, unlike them, does not stain dishes in other products. Taste it also has changed, become more sweet.Before the XII century in Europe carrots used solely as a horse's feed . At the same table it - with oil, vinegar and salt - were the first to apply the Spaniards . Italians liked the dessert of carrots with honey. And the British decided that the carrot is so beautiful that it can not only eat , but also to decorate her hair. And of course , carrots were used for medicinal purposes. No wonder it was called - medical carrots.
In Russia, carrots are grown for a long time . In
the " Domostroi " - a monument of Russian literature of the XVI century
- carrots referred to as long-known and popular plant . At the time, it consumed raw, pickled , fried and steamed forms. But carrots were not only delicious food. The healing properties of seeds, leaves, carrot juice , known since the time of ancient Greece, are still used today .Nowadays, carrots are grown everywhere, except for the tropical latitudes. It
does not lose its popularity and does not change its high status , once
given to her by Roman writers, - the status of Queen vegetables.
treatment of carrots
Russian doctors have long been using the carrot treated leprosy sores , scrofula , burns, anemia. Treated carrots and kidney stone disease , and administered as protivoglistnogo , diuretic.Today carrots continue to make active use of the drug , but on the basis of numerous scientific studies. Scientists have long work has been done on the selection of carrots. The purpose was: to increase the content in the roots of carotene and carotenoids - a large group of dyes ( pigments) . Medicinal properties of these materials are disclosed to all the new aspects . One
can say that the saturation of the orange color is directly
proportional to the benefits of carrots - the brighter the color , the
more carotene in carrots , which means that vitamin A, which boosts the
immune system and helps protect against infection.In
carrot weight mineral substances, vitamins ( A, B3, C, and E) ,
minerals and enzymes (sodium , calcium , phosphorus , potassium) and
folic acid .Carrots - very useful for the liver , kidneys and digestive tract, it helps a healthy metabolism. Applied carrot for treating diarrhea and other digestive problems . It is able to kill harmful bacteria . Carrots are used to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities . She alkalizes , cleanses and stimulates virtually all organs .Carrot
effect on the body is universal : as a tonic , diuretic , laxative ,
antiseptic , analgesic , anti-inflammatory , hemostatic and
wound-healing agent .
Carrots are very good for the eyes, it improves vision. Especially needed carrots growing child's body. This vegetable is often called the "factory of vitamins " - it is widely used in the vitamin industry . Carrot designate both inwardly and outwardly . Very
often, carrot juice is prescribed in combination with honey or sugar or
boiled grated carrots in the milk - this helps the general loss of
strength, anemia , colds, impotence , disorders of the digestive tract. Fresh juice is recommended to rinse the mouth and throat in various inflammatory processes. For the treatment of carrots burns, frostbite and purulent wounds and ulcers recommended applying grated carrots.
In folk medicine used the whole plant - root vegetable and its juice , seeds and greens . Carrots are consumed not only in raw and cooked forms - its canned, dried , fermented cabbage . Carrot
juice is refreshing complexion , helps to increase the milk of nursing
mothers, it is very useful in the early stages of tuberculosis, with
nephrolithiasis , cardiovascular diseases , disorders of vision.

With gum disease of varying severity experienced more than 80 % of the population of our planet. This
is quite a serious disease that , unfortunately, is not always treated
in time , because many people underestimate its severity . If you feel pain in the gums , they saw the gums bleed or reddened , it is time to think about how to treat gum disease .
In order to treat gum disease, you need to determine at what stage of development is a disease . They have three .
1. Periodontal disease . Many
experts believe it is not a disease , since it does not require
treatment with medication , and can get rid of it at higher loads on the
teeth and gums. For
example, a cure gum disease can often only include in your diet foods,
which then have to be hard to chew, it may be nuts , fruit or fresh
2 . Gingivitis . This
is a more severe stage of the disease, in which there are symptoms such
as bleeding gums and the appearance of lumps on them. In
addition , with this gum disease is very easy to hurt them , to
recognize this stage as it is possible by the presence of halitosis .
3 . Periodontitis . This is the final stage of gum disease . At this stage, the inflammation will not only affect the gingiva , but the tooth cloth , and even bone. If you do not treat the disease , then eventually the tooth may become loose and eventually leave you forever.
In order to understand how to treat gum disease , you need to decide on the question of why it occurs . The
main reason that causes the development of the disease is the presence
and multiplication in the mouth and on the gums of harmful bacteria that
cause inflammation. There are plenty of factors that , even if you comply with all the rules of oral hygiene, you belong to a risk group . These
factors can be referred all diseases during the course of which the
immunity decreases , it's just all the contagious nature of the disease ,
accompanied by the occurrence of inflammatory processes. In
addition , inflammation of the gums may appear or move to the next
stage of pregnancy or other events in the life of a woman when there is a
change in hormonal levels .
you suddenly while brushing found that the gums were bleeding , they
had a strong redness or a burning pain , you should not shelving them ,
pay a visit to the dentist. Only a dentist can properly assign the same treatment to get rid of gum disease . If, however, for some reason you can not go to the doctor to begin treatment of gum disease and can be home.
begin , it is necessary to replace a toothpaste paste with a high
content of fluorine , moreover, no harm will start using desensitizing
gel . Addition
to the first treatment of gingivitis can be the use of special rinse
solutions to help reduce the amount of pathogenic bacteria in the oral
gum disease is accompanied by severe pain , then you can just take some
painkillers and anti-inflammatory agent , for example , analgin or
paracetamol .
If the hand has no means out of the shop , then help treat gum disease at home and are popular recipes , which are many . Especially effective are the means for prevention of gum disease . If you make regular use of such funds , then to treat the inflammation does not have to.

just so happens that we are not alone on this planet and , wherever we
go , everywhere we are faced with the flora and fauna. Many
people are very fond of " attacks " in the country, where you can
admire and enjoy its charms , but there is this and that with which no
one wants to face . Usual
walk in the park or public garden can result in very unpleasant insect
bites , fully secure itself which can not be anywhere , even in a big
city . Unfortunately , few people know how to provide first aid for insect bites and how to treat them.
Very often people are bitten by mosquitoes usual , much less bees, wasps or bumblebees . If
the mosquito is simple , here's other insects can bite as a result of a
lot of trouble , such bites are particularly dangerous in the event
that you or someone next to you have been bitten by several or even a
swarm of insects . The first such victim assistance should be provided immediately .
Insect bites can be dangerous , especially if you have allergies to them. Even
without such a feature of the body after a bite at the victim could
rapidly deteriorate health, will be a feeling of nausea , dizziness ,
swelling or redness of the skin. In some cases, a person bitten by insects could even lose consciousness.
you treat the bite of insects such as bees or wasps , you should give
first aid , which is mandatory that the following steps.
1. It is necessary to remove the stinger . It should not be at the same rush as the stinger to remove it completely and try to move it without breaking . If
there are a pair of tweezers , you can remove the sting of it, if not,
then you can remove it with your fingers , and only in this case will
have to be more careful . It
is important for the treatment of insect bites completely remove tip ,
because in that case it will remain in the wound slice , this can result
in the appearance of inflammation and pus.
2 . Further, if necessary, to bring the victim is unconscious , in a sense . With this quite easily by using cotton wool soaked in liquid ammonia , which just need to give it a sniff . If the victim for a long period of time remains unconscious , it should not delay call an ambulance or take him to the doctor.
3 . After the sting is removed , and the victim came to, the need to address the treatment of insect bites . It must start with the treatment of the wound . This may come up a solution of potassium permanganate , hydrogen peroxide, alcohol , vodka or cologne. If there is nothing suitable , then you can apply a wound dressing cool .
4 . Help the body to neutralize the poison got into the wound and the matter attached with it can be drinking a lot of fluids .
There is some advice of traditional medicine , which will help in the treatment of insect bites. For example, after you have removed the sting , but did not itch , you can do the following. You
just have to squeeze the juice of garlic or make him gruel and moisten a
cotton ball to apply the juice or pulp to the bite site . This will help to remove the swelling and numb .
that case, if you can not pull the sting of an insect in full in
accordance with the advice of traditional medicine , you can make this
place a compress of cotton wool soaked in vodka or alcohol.
of other biting insects such as mosquitoes or mosquitoes , which are
the modern man more often, should be about the same as the stings of
bees , but there are some features.
Once you are bitten by a mosquito on the skin can cause irritation , burning sensation and pain of short duration . It is very important after such a bite to begin to treat it properly .
1. Do not rub the bite and even the skin around it , because after that itch can only intensify. It
is especially important not to convince a child , as children often
comb the wound is strong enough , why then it heals much longer and
requires additional treatment.
2 . It is desirable immediately after you are bitten by a mosquito, clean the skin with an alcohol or any ammonia .
many cases, the treatment of mosquito bites at this end , but in the
event that the malaria mosquito was ( almost the entire territory of the
country is very rare ), you should seek medical assistance .
general , to prevent insect bite in almost all cases it is possible ,
and to do this would be much easier than to treat it and then endure the
discomfort . You
only need to use special means from mosquitoes, which need a special
period of the prevalence of insects applied to the skin before going out
, hang on the windows open special mosquito nets and use other means of
protection against insects premises . Also,
do not forget about the simple precautions , for example, do not go
near the hives without special clothes or special need . Just do not run with them or make sudden movements .

Probably there is no man who would a child on their own experience did not recognize that such a sore throat . Only here many, even as adults to underestimate him and pay him enough attention treatment . Any sore throat can be dangerous to your health. However, purulent tonsillitis usually puts health at greater risk. Without
proper and timely treatment of purulent tonsillitis can lead to serious
consequences in terms of complications on the kidneys, joints , or even
the heart .
As you know , sore throat accompanied by pain in the throat. In
order not to provoke its gain, the patient is required to provide a
proper diet , which should consist solely of liquid foods. Also,
you need to correctly choose the temperature of food , it should be
warm but not hot , as too hot food not only bring relief, but also will
irritate the already inflamed mucosa.
During the illness can be warmed his throat with a large number of warm drink. This will help not only good to warm the throat, but also contribute to the removal of toxins through increased urination .
is important to remember that during the treatment of purulent
tonsillitis in children should keep the throat warm, but not to do with
the long-term warmings or poultices to warm up . This
is due to the fact that such measures provoke blood flow to areas of
the throat, which is inflammation due to infection which enters the
bloodstream , and with which spreads throughout the body . Thus , prolonged heating of the throat in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children only worsen the patient's condition.
For the treatment of both conventional and purulent angina children or adults suitable rinsing . To gargle can be used as solutions, purchased at the pharmacy, and home-cooked . For example, highly effective for gargling solution is salt, sodium and iodine . For its preparation should be diluted in a glass of warm water 1 teaspoon salt floor , as much soda and a few drops of iodine. Such a solution to gargle with purulent tonsillitis need 4-5 times a day.
you do not trust the national media , you can buy over the counter
ready solution and rinse them furatsilina sore throat as often as
possible . The same solution can be prepared , if necessary , and of tablets, which are found as possible in pharmacy.
Help heal festering sore throat in children and gargle with a solution of propolis tincture . To make it, you need only add a cup of warm water 5-6 drops of tincture finished . Such a solution to gargle 5-6 times a day.
doctors in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis rinses , especially in
children , it is recommended to alternate throughout the day used
solutions . In this case you can feel on all the advantages of each solution and neither of them is particularly time to get bored .
the people's money as there is a lot of that will help get rid of the
festering sore throats , and they are suitable also for children. For example, there is a way . We
need to take spruce branches , chop them up and fall asleep in a
saucepan and cover with water , then it should be put in the oven for
1.5-2 hours . Thereafter, the infusion should be diluted with a little water and add a penicillin. Over
this infusion should breathe until it has cooled down, preferably at
the same shelter with a blanket or rug with a dense head. When the procedure is finished , you need to lie down under a blanket and a good warm up .
the treatment of festering sore in the home, especially children , need
to carefully monitor the condition of the child, as the disease is very
dangerous and at the slightest sign of deterioration should immediately
go to the doctor or to call it home .
Cold feet - not an uncommon phenomenon , especially in women , as a rule, does not depend on the time of year .
Reason cold feet - poor circulation in the legs, which may cause problems of various diseases, including viral . We need to pay attention to this fact. Very useful foot baths .
two deep basin in which the legs could dive into the water up to
mid-calf ( for varicose veins water should reach only up to the ankles )
. In a bowl , pour the cold water , and in the other - warm .
your feet in warm water and gently massage them with a brush from the
foot up to the entire amount of immersion , that is no higher than the
water level. The massage - 10 minutes. Then immerse feet in cold water for 30 seconds , after bring to 1 minute. The alternation of warm and cold water , repeat with the same duration . Finish the procedure with cold water.
Then muffle his feet in a blanket and relax for at least 30 minutes.

Russia, nymphs , healers and quack various wizards have been around for
centuries , leaving almost prehistoric in our time , enjoyed many
wonderful qualities of wax , including those of its quality. However,
as a deep secret from generation to generation as they passed , and
ritual incantations that accompany the action charging wax. I
received a certificate of the striking features of the charged wax and
how to direct them right to the benefit of themselves and others .
began a truly evangelical miracles again and again convinced me that a
sick or injured body or the body can help in the first place , a sharp
increase in its domestic energy resources and successfully cope with
malfunctions in the system, with much better faster and more efficiently than it does chemistry knife or doctor. And
in some cases, chemistry and a knife in general can not do anything
about it because it is unknown , or the immense complexity of the causes
Charged wax ( in the form of discs , cast in plastic lids of jars of different diameter or wall outlet ) began his noble work . And she began to grow in divers showgirl those very different cases in which he had a quick and decisive help.
the shortest list : removed within days the pain from a blood clot in
his leg in the mother; restored two days activity , knee joint, which
for many years in an elderly man was sick and badly bent , comforted in
2-3 days "fire" in women's bodies after a miscarriage among
young ladies , defeated the evil day for sciatica in middle-aged women ;
soothe ulcerative pain in two relatively young men, a number of people
of all ages benefited from heart failure in critical situations ,
delivered a day and a half from the wild woman head pain after a
concussion , delivered in
a few hours for angina girl 9 years dramatically weakened painful
effects of chronic bronchitis in my peers , etc. , etc. of course, the
idea is that each individual received his aching wax battery, or even
two .

Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote: " To have any drinking occasions :
funerals , celebrations , meetings, wires, christening, wedding and
divorce , frost , hunting , New Year, recovery , new home , success,
reward , a new rank and simple - drinking for no reason . " Binge
drinking causes and without ( alcohol ) - a serious disease
characterized by psycho-physical dependence on alcohol , which is based
on the inclusion of alcohol metabolism. At
the first stage, the main role played by the mechanisms of action of
alcohol on the central nervous system : better mood, stiffness
disappears , facilitated communication, relaxation comes after stress . In the subsequent stages in the liver begins to produce a large number of alcohol -digesting enzymes. In the liver of a healthy human body itself produces an "internal" alcohol, creating a certain level of mood. When
drinking systematic production of alcohol decreases, the person is
boring, life is not happy , requires a new method of alcohol. The " average" patient alcohol consumption drunken form . When
drinking bout 10-20 days production of enzymes in the liver is depleted
, and develops a general toxic effect of alcohol on the heart ,
pancreas , liver, nervous system , brain. Liver constantly operates in overload , which leads to the atrophy and further to cirrhosis.
great importance in the formation of alcoholism are social and
psychological factors : unfavorable climate in the family, " Alcohol
Traditions " in the workplace and at home , mental immaturity , lack of
confidence in itself.
Alcoholism proceeds in three stages. The transition from one stage to another is smooth and unobtrusive. At the first stage, the individual is interested in alcohol, but does not know how to drink . Lost situational and quantitative control , the need for opohmelenii yet, but there are amnesia. At this stage, do not quit drinking because of health so far lacking. In the second step joins withdrawal . An alcoholic can not endure until the evening , then to dinner, until the morning. Life becomes uncontrollable , alcohol is the main place in the mind. At this stage, make an effort to quit drinking because fatigue sets in and the health is not the same . The third stage of degradation and retribution for connivance . Severe
withdrawal symptoms , heavy drinking , alcoholic liver and other organs
, impotence , alcoholic psychosis , dementia , high mortality .
Treated for alcoholism can and should be . There
are several methods of treatment : medication , laser , massage, water
therapy , psychotherapy , but there are traditional methods .
Traditional medicine believes that a person has a desire to drink because of a lack of potassium in the body. Honey is a source of potassium !
Mix equal parts of the herb thyme and oregano . 4 tbsp. spoon mixture add 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, for 30 minutes. While the patient is in a stage of intoxication , give him a cup of infusion , and at 2 hours - the rest.
Mix herb yarrow and wormwood leaves (2-1). 3 tbsp. spoon mixture pour 3 cups boiling water in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink small sips a glass 3 times a day for an hour before a meal .. Admission infusion repeated after 3 days .
Sober drunk 20 drops of tincture of mint in a glass of cold water to drink in one gulp. Mix equal quantities of hops cones and peppermint herb . 1 tbsp. of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, 1 hour. If early in the morning to drink half a cup of infusion , hops will not take.
In any Travnik can find a variety of herbal and find acceptable for the treatment of alcohol abuse in the home.

Successful treatment of hypertension folk remedies
medicine recommended for the treatment of hypertension folk remedies in
combination with diet , exercise and medications. Major role in the national treatment of hypertension play sedative ( calming ) herb and plant collections . They operate on the patient in 2 ways: with vitamins and have a hypotensive effect , ie, the lower the blood pressure.
What plants are considered useful for hypertensive traditional medicine? In the first place - hawthorn, valerian , and motherwort . As well as daisy, mountain ash, hop cones , peppermint , lemon balm , beet juice , and many others .
Not necessarily to collect medicinal herbs yourself. For
the treatment of hypertension is well suited and ready packaged herbal
teas, as well as pharmaceutical extracts and tinctures .Traditional recipes for the treatment of hypertension
Available and proven health tools : rose, brewed a thermos , and chokeberry 200-300 grams a day . Effective
treatment of hypertension folk recipes using the fruits of mountain ash
and cloves of garlic can be found in this article.
Discard the black tea in favor of green. This
will saturate your body with vitamin C, essential for improving the
tone of the heart, and to some extent lower blood pressure .
Few people know that hypertension has a positive effect of onion juice . You can prepare agent which contains vitamins and essential oils in high concentration.
Of 3 kg of onions need to squeeze the juice and mix it with 500 grams of natural honey. Add 25 g of domestic films walnut. It all with half liter of vodka and leave for 10 days in a cool dark place. Take after a meal and 1 tablespoon twice a day.
patients notice that they successfully manage to keep high blood
pressure under control by eating a lot of red beet juice . We bring to your attention the following recipe folk remedy .
The components of the 4 cups of beet juice , 4 cups of honey, 100 grams of dry grass Cudweed and 0.5 liters of vodka. Then everything is as usual ingredients combine in an enamel or glass container , mix thoroughly . Infuse 10 days in the dark at room temperature or refrigerated at +4-6 °. Ready infusion to drain and squeeze. In hypertensive for stage I-II take it three times a day for 1-2 tablespoons before meals.
It should be recognized that the treatment of hypertension folk remedies in itself is not efficient enough . In
order to achieve a stable blood pressure reduction , this treatment
should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and physical exercise
in the fresh air.
When blood pressure above 160 /100 - seek remedy to the doctor, do not hesitate.

Acupuncture - a technique that includes the prevention and treatment of acupuncture. Medicine calls it a reflex . Such
treatment includes a fairly wide range of diseases such as insomnia,
migraine, cough, runny nose, and even alcohol and nicotine dependence .
Acupuncture as a treatment method known in the East since ancient times. Since East wise , then all that come from there , I think we can trust . The
essence of the original method of treatment is as follows: on the
surface of the human body has a variety of biologically active points ,
influencing which can be influenced by the right authority , enhancing
or reducing its activity.
To us , this method came from China, where it is used several millennia. For
the Chinese - is not just a treatment , but rather a systematic
philosophy, like yoga with the Hindus , and it is based on the nearly
century-old scientific theories. Bio-energy imbalance is corrected by the action of thin needles at specific points . Some experts instead of needles used thermal effects , and sometimes electric. Acupuncture gives good results from smoking.
general , the results from acupuncture are directly dependent on the
skills and specialist knowledge of alternative medicine. Usually
when a relationship of trust between the patient and a specialist in
acupuncture desired effect is achieved more quickly and efficiently. In
the East believe that acupuncture treatment restores the flow of energy
, and thus is an improvement of individual organs and the whole body.
scientific basis , one could argue that, indeed, working on certain
points , you can shoot pain symptoms and improve the performance of many
organs . Superiority on the application of acupuncture given to relieve pain in sciatica and osteoarthritis . There
is scientific evidence that talk about the positive effects of
acupuncture on different types of psychosis and depression. Actively this method is used in Addiction .
It is important for deciding to improve your health through alternative medicine, get a licensed professional , not quack . Used needles without proper treatment can be carriers of infection , hepatitis C and AIDS. Inept healer not only not help, but also runs the risk of damaging the nerves and lymph flow . In this case, reputation suffers techniques and acupuncture treatment looks like quackery .

The most important feature of the human body is a need to move ( kinezofiliya ) . It
is proved that the restriction of movement ( hypokinesia ) worsens the
condition of both healthy and sick people , and often contributes to the
progression of the disease.
exercise in the treatment of neuro muscular hypotonia directly through
the system affects the central nervous and cardiovascular systems .
exercise promotes adaptive reactions of the organism, the normalization
of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cortex and
subcortical areas of the central nervous system, the training of the
circulatory , nervous and muscular systems . Therapeutic
exercise increases the contractile function of the heart , increases
vascular tone , improves metabolism, increases blood circulation through
the regulation of breathing and the rhythmic contraction and relaxation
of muscles.Therapeutic exercise is useful in all stages and forms of primary hypotension. Low
blood pressure (90 /50 mm Hg. Art. And below ), headache , dizziness
should not be a contraindication to the use of physical therapy .
motor mode for patients with neuro hypotension provides the following
forms of physical therapy : morning hygienic gymnastics , gymnastics ,
self-study , dose walking , health path and close tourism , sports
games, sports exercises .They
can be used by more ancillary forms of physiotherapy : special classes
of relaxation of skeletal muscles, exercise in the water , machine
mechanic . Last
performed by special machines that simulate riding a bike, walking in a
strictly metered rates , boating, climbing the stairs. Given that each of the forms of physical therapy has its own characteristics , the doctor selects a program individually.
you are arriving home after treatment continue therapeutic exercise
indoors , it is necessary to wet cleaning , a good aeration ( open
windows, skylights , windows ) and a comfortable temperature. Patients on active mode , in the warmer months to hold classes in the open air.In the morning , for vivacity . Often, patients with hypotonic condition is not refreshing night's sleep and a few hours later, they feel better .
Morning Exercise helps the body move more easily from a night's rest to activity . This is usually 8-10 exercises covering the major muscle groups . Well , if this is organized and rhythmic tempo music, it has an additional psycho-emotional impact . Those
who have reached middle-aged and older people and not previously
engaged in physical training , morning exercises can be replaced with a
morning walk.
therapeutic exercises
1. Body exercise , used in various embodiments, in patients with various disease course . This
includes exercises with muscle force - with aggravating projectiles (
dumbbells, medicine balls ) on the equipment ( climbing wall ) , with
expanders and shock absorbers in the resistance , etc. All of them are
performed at a slow pace.2 . Speed-strength
exercises, applied to patients with severe disease in the second half
of the course of treatment, and for patients with mild disease - from
the first procedures . This
group of exercises includes running, jumping, jumps , tempo exercises
for the upper extremities ( hands and arms in imitation of the run ,
with box) , the various embodiments attacks performed at a fast pace.
3 . Static voltage applied in two ways: the maximum intensity - short (2-5 seconds ) and low intensity - a long (10-30 seconds). Static
forces of the first type are the different options and visov stops ,
and the second row - to keep burdening shells limited weight ( 1 - 2
kg).4 . Exercises in the coordination of movements made from different starting points , raise the level of motor fitness . Good exercise coordination is juggling various objects ( gymnastic stick , tennis and beach balls ) .
5 . Vestibular exercises with elements of training are used quite extensively. Various
options exercise in balance : on the spot, on the move, with open and
closed eyes , a big and a reduced area of support .6. Breathing
exercises (static and dynamic ), used for the development of correct
and full breathing , as well as to reduce the overall load in