Sunday, October 6, 2013

Methods for cleaning the stomach.

Stomach - it's the first thing that suffers after receiving substandard food . We periodically test the strength of our stomach , drinking alcohol and food, " saturated " with toxins and chemicals. In the end, our stomach can not stand the accumulated toxins and it has to be cleaned .There are two main ways to clean the stomach : soft and rigid cleaning .Tough cleaning is carried out by gastric lavage. It is a fast and efficient , but also more dangerous.Gentle way to cleanse the stomach implies acceptance of therapeutic agents . Purification of germinated grains refers to the soft way . Catharsis normalizes digestion and protects against diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcer disease .
Recipe present to cleanse the stomach.
For the preparation we need:50 g of fir twigs ;30 g of the germinated seeds ;20 g celandine herbs ;1 liter of water .Thoroughly wash out all the ingredients . We put water on the fire and bring to a boil. Breaking open fir twigs so that they normally got into a saucepan . Put fir in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the water and celandine sprouts , boil for 5 minutes. Remove the broth from the heat, give it to cool and infuse for a day. A day later we filter the infusion . During the day, you need to drink the whole infusion (1 liter) . Drink water instead it should be no less than half an hour before meals. The course of purification - 10 days.
Well , the stomach is cleared , and now you can go to the wedding . The most beautiful at the wedding is the bride and groom on a wedding dress. In the bridal salon can pick up all kinds , models of wedding dresses, from The breathtaking luxury models to the more modest but no less beautiful and high quality .

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