Monday, October 28, 2013

Juice cure diseases of the feet.

Juice therapy or treatment juices.Recently, as an alternative medicine for the treatment and prevention of disease in the legs, associated with blood circulation , Juice therapy is applied .Everyone knows that raw vegetable and fruit juices contain a lot of vitamins and contribute to the removal from the body of toxins .In addition to vitamins, juice composition includes enzymes - complex substances promoting digestion and absorption of food contained therein nutrients in blood.In the treatment of diseases of the feet is assigned daily consumption of juice (at least 0,5-07 liters a day).
Recipes of national treatment juices.
Treatment of cabbage juice . Popular treatment juices.
Cabbage juice contains a lot of vitamins and enzymes , and is ideal for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. In large doses it is effective for thrombophlebitis and facilitates the patient with atherosclerosis of the lower extremities . In the latter case, it is best mixed with carrot juice.If reception cabbage juice patient observed flatulence, then it is recommended to clean the intestines drinking daily ( for 10 days ) in 0.5 liters of carrot juice.For the treatment of varicose veins is recommended to take 0.5 liters of cabbage juice a day for 14 days. Juice drink 100 ml of 5 times a day before meals. After a 7 -day break to resume treatment .Thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities , along with a daily intake of 0.6-0.7 liters of cabbage juice per day , it is used for external machining feet 2 times a day rub the affected area swab dipped in the juice . The course of treatment - 21 days.
Treatment carrot juice . Popular treatment juices.
Carrot juice is a source of vitamin A. It also contains large amounts of vitamins B, C , D, E. For the treatment of circulatory disorders legs , the juice used in pure form or in admixture with other juices ( cabbage , spinach juice ) .Typically , carrot juice is used to treat the first and second stages of varicose veins, taking 200 ml, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal for 14 days. After a 7 -day break , repeat the treatment .Thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities specialists prescribe juicing carrot juice mixed with celery juice .
Treatment of beet juice . Popular treatment juices.
Beet juice improves the blood . His appointment is a preventive measure against foot disease associated with blood circulation .If a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins carry out prophylactic administration of beet juice ( 0.5 liters a day for 10 days, 2-3 times a year). For the treatment of varicose veins beet pk drink at 0.7 liters per day ( in 3-4 divided doses ) for 14 days. After 10 -day treatment is repeated interruption .In atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs take beet juice mixed with parsley juice in a ratio of 3: 1 (200 ml 3 times per day for 21 days) .
Treatment with a mixture of juices. Popular treatment juices.
An effective drug for the treatment of varicose veins is a mixture of carrot juice and spinach.Spinach juice contains vitamins C and E , as well as oxalic acid, which is essential for normal functioning of the vessels. The juice of celery are a large amount of sodium , which prevents swelling and normalizing blood circulation . Parsley juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels.Typically, in the early stages of the disease take 3 times a day with 150 ml of carrot juice and spinach in a ratio of 5: 2 . The course of treatment - 14 days.Subsequent stages of the disease successfully treated with a mixture of juices of carrot , celery , parsley and spinach in the ratio 7:4:2:3 .Thrombophlebitis well to mix juice of carrots, celery , parsley and spinach in the ratio 7: 4 : 2: 3 . No less effectively operates a mixture of carrot juice and cabbage ( in the ratio of 10: 6 ) .In atherosclerosis of the lower extremities specialists juice therapy is recommended to take a daily basis ( within 21 days ) in 0.7 liters of juice of carrots, beets, parsley and celery (in the ratio 7:4:3:2 ) .

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