Sunday, October 20, 2013

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children

Probably there is no man who would a child on their own experience did not recognize that such a sore throat . Only here many, even as adults to underestimate him and pay him enough attention treatment . Any sore throat can be dangerous to your health. However, purulent tonsillitis usually puts health at greater risk. Without proper and timely treatment of purulent tonsillitis can lead to serious consequences in terms of complications on the kidneys, joints , or even the heart .
As you know , sore throat accompanied by pain in the throat. In order not to provoke its gain, the patient is required to provide a proper diet , which should consist solely of liquid foods. Also, you need to correctly choose the temperature of food , it should be warm but not hot , as too hot food not only bring relief, but also will irritate the already inflamed mucosa.
During the illness can be warmed his throat with a large number of warm drink. This will help not only good to warm the throat, but also contribute to the removal of toxins through increased urination .
It is important to remember that during the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children should keep the throat warm, but not to do with the long-term warmings or poultices to warm up . This is due to the fact that such measures provoke blood flow to areas of the throat, which is inflammation due to infection which enters the bloodstream , and with which spreads throughout the body . Thus , prolonged heating of the throat in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children only worsen the patient's condition.
For the treatment of both conventional and purulent angina children or adults suitable rinsing . To gargle can be used as solutions, purchased at the pharmacy, and home-cooked . For example, highly effective for gargling solution is salt, sodium and iodine . For its preparation should be diluted in a glass of warm water 1 teaspoon salt floor , as much soda and a few drops of iodine. Such a solution to gargle with purulent tonsillitis need 4-5 times a day.
If you do not trust the national media , you can buy over the counter ready solution and rinse them furatsilina sore throat as often as possible . The same solution can be prepared , if necessary , and of tablets, which are found as possible in pharmacy.
Help heal festering sore throat in children and gargle with a solution of propolis tincture . To make it, you need only add a cup of warm water 5-6 drops of tincture finished . Such a solution to gargle 5-6 times a day.
Some doctors in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis rinses , especially in children , it is recommended to alternate throughout the day used solutions . In this case you can feel on all the advantages of each solution and neither of them is particularly time to get bored .
Among the people's money as there is a lot of that will help get rid of the festering sore throats , and they are suitable also for children. For example, there is a way . We need to take spruce branches , chop them up and fall asleep in a saucepan and cover with water , then it should be put in the oven for 1.5-2 hours . Thereafter, the infusion should be diluted with a little water and add a penicillin. Over this infusion should breathe until it has cooled down, preferably at the same shelter with a blanket or rug with a dense head. When the procedure is finished , you need to lie down under a blanket and a good warm up .
In the treatment of festering sore in the home, especially children , need to carefully monitor the condition of the child, as the disease is very dangerous and at the slightest sign of deterioration should immediately go to the doctor or to call it home .

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