Sunday, October 6, 2013

Therapeutic exercise hypotension.

The most important feature of the human body is a need to move ( kinezofiliya ) . It is proved that the restriction of movement ( hypokinesia ) worsens the condition of both healthy and sick people , and often contributes to the progression of the disease.
Physical exercise in the treatment of neuro muscular hypotonia directly through the system affects the central nervous and cardiovascular systems .
Therapeutic exercise promotes adaptive reactions of the organism, the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cortex and subcortical areas of the central nervous system, the training of the circulatory , nervous and muscular systems . Therapeutic exercise increases the contractile function of the heart , increases vascular tone , improves metabolism, increases blood circulation through the regulation of breathing and the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles.Therapeutic exercise is useful in all stages and forms of primary hypotension. Low blood pressure (90 /50 mm Hg. Art. And below ), headache , dizziness should not be a contraindication to the use of physical therapy .
Active motor mode for patients with neuro hypotension provides the following forms of physical therapy : morning hygienic gymnastics , gymnastics , self-study , dose walking , health path and close tourism , sports games, sports exercises .They can be used by more ancillary forms of physiotherapy : special classes of relaxation of skeletal muscles, exercise in the water , machine mechanic . Last performed by special machines that simulate riding a bike, walking in a strictly metered rates , boating, climbing the stairs. Given that each of the forms of physical therapy has its own characteristics , the doctor selects a program individually.
If you are arriving home after treatment continue therapeutic exercise indoors , it is necessary to wet cleaning , a good aeration ( open windows, skylights , windows ) and a comfortable temperature. Patients on active mode , in the warmer months to hold classes in the open air.In the morning , for vivacity . Often, patients with hypotonic condition is not refreshing night's sleep and a few hours later, they feel better .
Morning Exercise helps the body move more easily from a night's rest to activity . This is usually 8-10 exercises covering the major muscle groups . Well , if this is organized and rhythmic tempo music, it has an additional psycho-emotional impact . Those who have reached middle-aged and older people and not previously engaged in physical training , morning exercises can be replaced with a morning walk.
therapeutic exercises
1. Body exercise , used in various embodiments, in patients with various disease course . This includes exercises with muscle force - with aggravating projectiles ( dumbbells, medicine balls ) on the equipment ( climbing wall ) , with expanders and shock absorbers in the resistance , etc. All of them are performed at a slow pace.2 . Speed-strength exercises, applied to patients with severe disease in the second half of the course of treatment, and for patients with mild disease - from the first procedures . This group of exercises includes running, jumping, jumps , tempo exercises for the upper extremities ( hands and arms in imitation of the run , with box) , the various embodiments attacks performed at a fast pace.
3 . Static voltage applied in two ways: the maximum intensity - short (2-5 seconds ) and low intensity - a long (10-30 seconds). Static forces of the first type are the different options and visov stops , and the second row - to keep burdening shells limited weight ( 1 - 2 kg).4 . Exercises in the coordination of movements made ​​from different starting points , raise the level of motor fitness . Good exercise coordination is juggling various objects ( gymnastic stick , tennis and beach balls ) .
5 . Vestibular exercises with elements of training are used quite extensively. Various options exercise in balance : on the spot, on the move, with open and closed eyes , a big and a reduced area of ​​support .6. Breathing exercises (static and dynamic ), used for the development of correct and full breathing , as well as to reduce the overall load in procedures.

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