Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blood purification

There are various different from each other cleaning methods blood.
The essence of this method - the replacement of the plasma ( the liquid part of blood without cells) or blood substitutes or blood products . This method makes it possible to replace the plasma, the backlog of hormones , toxins , inflammatory agents , markers of toxicity and other "junk " at a time.Plasmapheresis is used for dermatitis , psoriasis , gout, cholecystitis, severe poisoning , asthma , infectious diseases , hepatitis, pancreatitis , endocrine diseases , chlamydia , colitis.In anemia and blood clotting disorders application of this method is prohibited.
UFO blood
This method involves the irradiation of blood with ultraviolet rays , so that all disease-causing microbes are killed . After this procedure, the immunity , there is cell rejuvenation and increased metabolism.UFO blood is effective in treating vascular disease , pancreatitis , diabetes, chronic heart disease , gastric ulcer .You can not use this method if you are sensitive to sunlight patient and dermatoses , if you have any of the forms Parfirio or pellagra in pregnancy.
This method allows you to selectively remove unwanted substances from the blood.Apply with intoxication , asthma, infectious diseases , atopic dermatitis , psoriasis , eczema, drug and food allergies .Do not use this method of bleeding ( including menstruation ) , traumatic brain injury , acute infectious diseases and the presence of malignant tumors.
When the blood drip ozonated saline solution is neutralized organisms and organic impurities found in the blood .Oxygen saturation is useful for infections , poisoning, toxicity, respiratory diseases , chronic fatigue , pneumonia.In this procedure, there are no contraindications .

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