Friday, October 11, 2013

Wonderful properties of wax

In Russia, nymphs , healers and quack various wizards have been around for centuries , leaving almost prehistoric in our time , enjoyed many wonderful qualities of wax , including those of its quality. However, as a deep secret from generation to generation as they passed , and ritual incantations that accompany the action charging wax. I received a certificate of the striking features of the charged wax and how to direct them right to the benefit of themselves and others .
Then began a truly evangelical miracles again and again convinced me that a sick or injured body or the body can help in the first place , a sharp increase in its domestic energy resources and successfully cope with malfunctions in the system, with much better faster and more efficiently than it does chemistry knife or doctor. And in some cases, chemistry and a knife in general can not do anything about it because it is unknown , or the immense complexity of the causes illness.
Charged wax ( in the form of discs , cast in plastic lids of jars of different diameter or wall outlet ) began his noble work . And she began to grow in divers showgirl those very different cases in which he had a quick and decisive help.
That's the shortest list : removed within days the pain from a blood clot in his leg in the mother; restored two days activity , knee joint, which for many years in an elderly man was sick and badly bent , comforted in 2-3 days "fire" in women's bodies after a miscarriage among young ladies , defeated the evil day for sciatica in middle-aged women ; soothe ulcerative pain in two relatively young men, a number of people of all ages benefited from heart failure in critical situations , delivered a day and a half from the wild woman head pain after a concussion , delivered in a few hours for angina girl 9 years dramatically weakened painful effects of chronic bronchitis in my peers , etc. , etc. of course, the idea is that each individual received his aching wax battery, or even two .

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